what's going to happen?
He's going to Commiefornia tomorrow
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He's gonna shit all over Jerry Brown and that other kike Oakland bitch.
the cucks will riot and destroy their own city hopefully
Antifa being fags
what's the chances of a assassination attempt
id be surprised if they even meet
0 %
Where at? I want to go to another Battle of Sacramento and Berkeley.
San Diego area. I think he's checking out the wall
>I want to go to another Battle
larping cancer. i bet you donate to "right wing" camwhores
Double Hitler doubles.
Nah, just spectate. Sacramento was cool since the cops just let them street fight.
Damn. Too far south.
Antifa is bussing thousands from more liberal areas like Oakland to San Diego.
Commiefornia is a Soros hotbed.
Im not surprised.
>Nah, just spectate
Oh, well stream it for us on YouTube or something if you go
Well the bay area is and all the college towns.
Biologic scare, maybe an attack.
perhaps a truck of peace
0% he'll be protected by the border patorl agents who love him
hopefully death awaits him there.
Pot is legal in California now. All the degenerate losers will do is get high and post angrily on social media.
spic illegals were already out protesting today
I donate to right wing youtubers, some of them being female, and neutral guys like Rubin.
I want to go to a conflict event too but Oklahoma is solid red.
He will fuck Jerry Brown in the ass for a couple of hours and then turn Jerry over to sand niggers who will eat him.
Antifa will fuck a herd of goats in the ass to protest the President`s trip.
>what's going to happen?
Arrest Fairy Brown and make Duterte governor
He'll cause a bunch of traffic and all the left-leaning rags will masturbate themselves about how they are "defying" him using colorful language.
He will be shot 4 times and one will hit him in the head. A very important bystander will be killed by a "stray" bullet.
He will check out the wall prototypes as scheduled, probably give a pep talk to the BP and ICE, throw a few jabs at the politicians and/or judges in the state, then leave.
Meanwhile, there are already protests and rallies in the works over his arrival, and chances are good that they will collectively chimp out and start breaking things, especially with the additional news of HIC closing the book on their investigation today.
Could be amusing tomorrow.
leftists already calling to obstruct his caravan in any legal(lol) way possible.
SS is going to have a busy day
Reported faggot
it'll be rife with happenings
I hope he declares martial law/open season on illegals
Shasta County user here.
I wish a nigger would. I wish some leftest fucks unleash actual damage and pose a real threat so Martial Law and Army Reserves storm the fuck in and make things REALLY fun for all assholes south of Colusa county.
All Christians, send your prayers.
that'd be great. he's already suing them
I hope he gets assassinated.
Fund raiser in Beverly Hills tomorrow night.
Jimmy Kimmel will be in the crowd crying. Security will have to throw him out. Sad.
50% it'll either happen or it won't
Honestly, that may be possible, depending on how CA continues to act if the lawsuit rules in DOJ's favor. The political structure there is treading on thin ice and I don't think they understand what may happen. If they continue to be obsessed with throwing their tantrums, they could well be formally declared in a state of Rebellion, and there will be no turning back. Keep your heads down over there man- I know not all the locals there are total fucktards.
Work in Oakland, there’s usually protests around my office. I may illegally CCW tomorrow
My commute will be worse than normal if that’s possible
the governor of the state is actively disobeying federal law and that is not how that shit works
something absolutely has to give here
Gonna get JFK'd by some retard libshit
Grab her by the pussy.
Faggot federalist
>what's going to happen?
he will probably do that thing where he spazzes out and holds two fingers together while babbling incessantly
>muh dik
>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!
great post really convinced me otherwise
I'm not a subscriber to Federalism, but in this case, you are technically correct. CA overstepped its boundaries severely in this case, and I think it will bite them in the ass. I agree with the sentiment though- something has to give way and soon, or there is moderate probability of a much worse problem.
Define attempt, it's lefties we're talking about
you can disagree with the fed and try and change federal law all you want and that is what makes america great but when you start being like UM SORRY DRUMPFY POO BUT YOUR FEDERAL ICE AGENTS CAN'T TAKE THE ILLEGALS IN MY STATE BECAUSE I SAY SO you start to make problems for yourself
Probably nothing except paid shills yelling he's a joke of a President.
Exactly. The federal government was meant to serve and protect the states and defend the national borders, which ICE and BP are doing. For CA to incessantly obstruct the Feds from doing what they are mandated to do crosses a dangerous line and oversteps their authority.
I see it as an abject lesson in just how screwed up liberal thinking and lack of foresight is.
This trip makes for an ideal segue; it's the perfect chance to discuss the political history of Diane fienstien.
Did you anons know she was tightly connected to jim Jones of jonestown fame?
>A man named Dan white shot mayor muscone and Harvey milk
>Harvey milk was so closely associated with Jones that he was practically a member
>After jones's goons shot congressman leo Ryan, he sent his kike lawyer William kunstler with money and instructions to San Fran
>Harvey milk and muscone we're killed by white soon after (Jones was betrayed...The cult leader was a king maker in San Francisco)
>(((Someone))) left a window open at city hall
>Feinstien was there at the time
>Feinstien spoke with white on the phone earlier that day
>Feinstien is later sworn into office as mayor, replacing the one she helped to assassinate
>Dan white barely serves a year for the murder of the mayor and the housing official... Infamous Twinkie defense
Jim Jones was a commie, a miscaginist, a faggot and this country's first prominent SJW. He was also a political Ally of Diane feinstien.
Feinstien would later go on to the Senate where she would line her husband's pockets to the tune of billions in his defense contracting firm.
That's right, anons. The sjw movement had its genesis in The People's Temple and Jim Jones. Feinstien was one of his acolytes. And she coordinated the murder of the elected mayor.
Jews don't win elections...They fix them or kill their way in.
Gov. Brown is also linked to Jim Jones...Who had his church in an old synagogue.
Can't make this shit up, anons.