G-guys... There hasn't been an Islamic terrorist attack in like a year. Were we wrong? Are they integrating and assimilating?
G-guys... There hasn't been an Islamic terrorist attack in like a year. Were we wrong...
cia cut off ISIS's funding
No. The kikes just put their dogs on a leash because the blowback was more than they were expecting.
there was in October in nyc
Terror attacks are Ramadan/Summer based.
If last Eid/Summer didn't see a ton of attacks, you won't see a ton until the next potential window.
Yes there was there was a bombing in a hospital in some middle eastern country not too long ago
No (((their))) media is just on a blackout. What? You think they will report you riots in France?
Nope. Not here. Nothing on the news.
They try to keep the lid on it as long as they can! What else!
War is upon us already.
The Jews are regrouping and planning their next move.
>some middle eastern country
OP is talking about a place that actually matters. Not a place where shit like that happens every day
The real answer is that the governments hosting these migrants got really good at cracking down on them when they're plotting terror attacks. All at the cost of your freedom of speech and privacy, because your rights stand in the way of keeping your replacements in line. If you're ever wondering why Western Europe is so far gone, it's because they need to curb your freedoms to fix the problems they started.
Instead of just deporting all the Muslims causing the problems, they'll just infringe on the rights of hundreds of millions of innocent people. All so that 2 million people can live in your land.
Vegas perpetrators were actually muslims. They were trying to kill the new Saudi crown prince
>refuse to label anything terrorism
>no more terrorism
It doesn't add up. Muslims hate Jews.
Small ones dont get much coverage these days, you gotta run over a whole crowd of people with a truck of peace to make the news now.
Recent attacks in europe:
2017.12.31 Berlin - 1 Person stabbed
2017.10.01 Marseille - 2 Women stabbed to death
2017.09.15 Bourgogne-Franche-Comté - 2 Women attacked with hammer
2017.09.15 London - Bomb set off on train, many injuries.
2017.08.25 London - Man drives car into group of cops, starts attacking them with a sword
2017.08.18 Finland - 2 women stabbed to death in the street
2017.08.17 Barcelona - Van drove through La Rambla and killed 14, injured over 100
Thats a short selection of ones in the last 6 months or so.
>Muslims hate Jews.
Yeah but they don't mind accepting their money and following their orders, like Al-Nusra for example. Obviously ISIS too.
>r*ddit spacing
Post disregarded.
the barcelona one was sponsored by the spanish government, not really an islamist attack
Then digits
You don't say.
>cia cut off ISIS's funding
Cia was isis funding
typical worthless contribution, leaf.
I gotta admit it is a little weird how quiet they've been. Last year it was every month, it was practically every week.
The maxim that came to mind which broke my heart is "We have to live like prisoners for Muslims to get to live freely"
>Obama leaves office
>terrorist attacks that had been occurring weekly suddenly end
Really makes you think
When I sailed the seas, we hit the calmest sea I've ever seen. My captain got nervous, smoked 2 packs to calm down. That night, we hit 14 meter tall waves. It's always calm before the storm.
The glowing nigger brigade realized that instead of banning guns, Trump would do the logical thing and just ban muslims (which he did anyway). That would threaten their planned future multikulti paradise, so they switched to MKULTRA stooges and patsies.
Expect most attacks to be by lone "right wing white male" crazies until 2024.
This .
(((They))) are blacking out the news
Jesus. I know he's a Prince and everything, but does he really go everywhere with a squad of commandos with him like that? Dude in the helmet looks like he's headed for Fallujah.
*Insert meme text*
No just Muslim rape gangs.
Part and Parcel as the Sheik of Londonistan would put it.
>Are they integrating and assimilating?
No, they haven't for the last 5 decades, why do you think that changed?
after brexit ((they)) can't get away with it anymore. we are one happening away from mass awakening