>Hegel couldn't do it
>Schelling couldn't do it
>Fichte couldn't do it
>Reinhold couldn't do it
>Maimon couldn't do it
The day draws ever so close. Trump will complete the system of German Idealism
Hey kids wanna join the alt right for real? Head over to salo forum now and register an account!
This fat Jew cracks me up
It's one of the only videos that never gets old for me.
Hey, that's me. Bump.
I want to believe
>implying trump will do anything other than funnel a bunch of tax payer money into his businesses and then laugh all the way to the bank
You guys are retarded
Drumpf won't be able to do it
He's 100% right.
That's the craziest part about this whole thing. This guy's real life shitpost turned out to come to fruition.
Welund is a faggot
Salo isn't "alt right", it's a bocadillo supremacy forum. Not one single white person on the forum, I can assure you.
Nazbol faggots get the bullet too
>elevated roads
Because it makes it easier to manage traffic in urban areas with high population density?
The music and editing make this amazing
That sounds like the Alt Right.
What if Putin does it?