Youve been lied to

>in 1932 over 30% of the german workforce was unemployed...when Hitler was elected in 1933, it took him less than a year to create over 9 million jobs and reduce the unemployment rate to 2.1% (the lowest in the entire world at the time). Historians call this an "economic miracle". Its no miracle, its national socialism.
>In National Socialist Germany,loans were given to families in need who met these requirements:
>The loan was RM 600 (that is ReichsMarks), which equalled the income of over four months for the average person. A quarter of the loan was cancelled for every child a couple had – so four children resulted in no payments being made. Another condition of the loan was that the wife had to give up work if she was employed at the time of marriage.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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>Pic related is german GDP

>Reichsparteitag (Reichs Party Day) was an annual gathering held in Nürnberg. Its purpose was to essentially advertise the National Socialist ideal in the form of music, parades, art, dance, games among other things…

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Der Stürmer(The Stormer) was a weekly Germantabloid-formatnewspaperpublished byJulius Streicher, theGauleiterofFranconia, from 1923 to the end ofWorld War II, with brief suspensions in publication due to legal difficulties.The paper was not an official publication of the Nazi party, but was published privately by Streicher. For this reason, the paper did not display the Nazi party swastika in its logo.The paper was a very lucrative business for Streicher.

Unlike theVölkischer Beobachter(TheVölkischObserver), the official party paper, which was a serious paper; Der Stürmer was more for entertaining and displaying propaganda.

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Winter Relief Program. The programs slogan, tret gutes allen (do good all).

National Socialist Germany had one of the largest public welfare programs in history, based on the philosophy that all Germans should share a standard of living. One of the most famous of these was the Winter Relief program, where high ranking National Socialists and common citizens both took to the streets to collect charity for the unfortunate. This was not only an extremely intelligent economic move, but also a ritual to generate general good public feeling toward those in need. Posters urged people to donate rather than give directly to beggars. Joseph Goebbels, himself a high ranking Nazi in control of Radio, Television and Propaganda, often participated in these events. But how was the cost of this met? Well donation wasnt mandatory, but to not donate during this time was frowned upon. Your name would be written on a list, you might be called unpatriotic and even fired from your job depending on your employer if you didnt donate. Donation however was still a choice. The personal money of every donator is what funded this national event.

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Nazis were the first to ban vivisection and establish animal rights. Wildlife preservation laws began in nazi Germany in 1933. This was mostly in an attempt to discourage practices among jews that involved ritual killings of animals that the Germans deemed brutal. In kosher meat production it is customary to bleed animals to death slowly by cutting their throats. Sometimes to speed up the process they clubbed the animals head with mallets. The Nazis made propaganda films regarding this Jewish custom.

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BDM (Bund Deustcher Mädel) was the female segment of the HitlerJugend (Hitler Youth). What was the purpose? Well BDM taught its members horseback riding, housing construction, fencing, physical exercise and fitness, geographic surveillance, survival, how to not get lost in the wilderness, mathematics, geography, how to sew, wood carving, how to make fire and collect firewood, tent pitching, shoe making, home Ed (motherhood, how to cook, give infants baths etc…), biology among other things…

This is perhaps why Nazi Germany had the lowest obesity rate in the entire western world. The entirety of the German youth was enrolled in mandatory fitness programs. Church was also heavily socially pressured and was mandatory itself in a sense.

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In 1938 Nazi Germany passed laws that seriously loosened gun regulations. You no longer needed a permit to buy long guns and ammunition and anyone with a hunting license could buy a handgun. You could carry a handgun anywhere, even if you were not hunting. The 1938 law also gave local authorities discretion in gun ownership for those under 18.

Anyone who could legally buy a handgun could carry anywhere. There were no laws regarding where you could carry a gun, only regarding who could buy a handgun. If you had a carry permit (Waffenschein), a hunting license, or if you were a government employee or a member of the Nazis Party, you could legally buy a handgun and thus carry it anywhere.

National Socialist Germany had the best gun laws on the entire world.
The United states today has less freedom than a National Socialist German citizen.

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HitlerJugend had its origins in the 1920s with the rise of national socialism in Germany. Communists like Leon Trotsky had taken root in Germany, the battles fought between German nationalists and communists were many. Every communist was an atheist essentially, whilst every nationalist was a Christian (mostly protestant). The conflict is not just a struggle between communist and national socialist, but also between atheist and christian and the moral compass (or lack thereof) which that entails. The National socialist fot example banned swing music because it was “degenerate”, they banned “ degenerate” modern art (which involved art of obese people, sexual theme, homosexuality, pedophilia etc…).The communists however promoted things like bestiality and homosexuality in their plays, art, and lifestyles. The contrast in morals, religion, culture and standards as well as policy (communists are anti-property, but national socialists are not, for example) is the nature of the conflict. Following the growth of the NSDAP, battles broke out in the streets for control over the weak weimar government. Communists from Russia and Poland and Eastern Europe began to flood into Germany to bring it to heel before it could crush their takeover. They failed, after multiple bombing attempts and assassinations.
Following the abortiveBeer Hall Putsch(in November 1923), the Nazi youth groups ostensibly disbanded, but many elements simply went underground, operating clandestinely in small units under assumed names. In April 1924, theJugendbund der NSDAPwas renamedGrossdeutsche Jugendbewegung(Greater German Youth Movement).On 4 July 1926, theGrossdeutsche Jugendbewegungwas officially renamedHitler Jugend Bund der deutschen Arbeiterjugend(Hitler Youth League of German Worker Youth). This event took place a year after the Nazi Party itself had been reorganised. The architect of the re-organisation wasKurt Gruber, a law student fromPlauenin Saxony.

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Adolf Hitler - “I am quite free of all racial hatred”

Adolf Hitler - “I am sure that the Japanese, the Chinese and the peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France, in spite of the fact that we are related by blood…”

Hitlers personal physician was a Jew. One of Hitlers best friends (Rudolf Hess) was a half-jew. The wehrmacht had 150,000 Jews, many of whom served among the highest ranks openly.

Hitlers issue was not with Jews just because they are Jews, how illogical is that? Hitlers issue was with a certain sect of Jews. These are called zionists, ashkenazi, among whom communism, atheism, nihilism, equality, and what the nazis call “degeneracy” was almost exclusively practiced.

He blamed marxist Jews for Germany losing WWI. Hitler had fought in World War One, he was shot and gassed (which caused him to go blind for a few months) and was a patriot. He noticed his patriotism was not shared by a particular group of marxists who voted to cut off munitions. Not one enemy soldier had set foot on German soil, Germany was winning on all fronts, until the marxists on the homefront issued munitions bans. This was known as the “Great stab in the back” and is what is blamed for Germany losing WWI. This is when Hitler first became suspicious of this jewish marxist sect.

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German Citizens could own firearms legally beginning at age 12. Children were trained in firearm safety extensively in BDM (League of German Girls) and HitlerJugend (Hitler youth). As a citizen you could own pistols, rifles, and shotguns.

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is this true?

No shit sherlock.

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2.5 hour run down on the NatSoc economy and how they managed such a big turn around. It wasn't just economic, it was cultural. Before the war kicked off everyone was singing Hitler's praises. Mainstream economists and historians claimed the German recovery was unprecedented.

And if victorious in WW2 German economy would have been broke by 1960's due to the massive increasing debts from the time Adolf came to power, military expenditure and the need to finance colonization of the East and possibly Cold War with the US.

Not to mention the inevitable fight for power after Adolf would have died
SS vs Wermacht vs party elite

They would have collapsed faster than the Soviet Union did.

its keynesian economics and if he didn't got to war to reduce debt to dgp ratio by financially repressing conquered territory the economic situation would've been even worse

the usa has also been using keynesian economics sinces 1913 with the establishment of the fed and is the reason the west was not overun by eastern communism following wwII.

keynesian economics has made individuals incredibly poor in exchange for the productive capacity the US economy currently wields. in 1925 the average salary was $3320usd and the price of gold was $20 per ounce this made the average salary 166 ounces of gold which in todays money is over $218000usd

financial repression is the cause of all suffering but has been necessary for western civilization in the form of the united states constitution to remain the top power. We are coming to the end of that dominance with the rise of china the only options are WWIII or a truly decentralised world currency with the us in control of middle eastern oil supply

Its impossible to speculate on something so abstract. You have no idea what Hitler's cabinet would have implemented if they had won the war, you have no idea what kind of reparations they'd demand, what kind of rebuilding they'd embark on.
Its possible they would have continued to experience an immense economic boom as they took control of more oil profits in world trade.

Decentralization isn't going to work. In terms of dollars exchanged, currency is used more for speculation than it is in actual exchange. Money is a tool that the wealthy use for leverage and personal gain. If you create a system that can't similarly be exploited then it won't have the same value. A truly decentralized medium of exchange has none of the power of the state backing it either.

Work backed currency makes sense in absence of the gold standard. Sovereign state banks with currency backed by the primary product of the people is the only logical solution to our current paradigm.

First, the peak unemployment was reached in 1932 before Hitler was in power. It already was lower in 1933 when the Nazis took over. Then it took 5 years to lower unemployment to pre-crisis levels. And it bankrupted Germany so that Hitler had to use Czech and Austrian and Polish abd Jewish gold to keep the German state alive.

Not sustainable, all military driven. Bullshit socialism, that is what I call it.

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gold is money, currency is trust created by a third party to facilitate exchange.

Decentralization will work because there is only ever one country that wants a centralized currency (the country that has the licence to print it) every other country would rather a decentralized currency over centralized if they cannot have their own centralized currency because then they are not victim to financial repression

The us has had the reserve currency for the past century, the have debased it to the point that is backed by nothing other than extortion. If the usd as reserve is done the us would prefer a decentralized currency over a chinese petro yuan and would go to war to ensure it. War would not be necessary as every other country (maybe excluding russia) would also prefer a decentralized currency over a chinese petro yuan

>you can fix broken economy in less than a year
Brainlets really believe that all you need to fix an entire state's economy is a few pen strokes and that the market has no inertia whatsoever. Weimar republic was on the cusp of making it out of the Great Depression in 1932, Hitler just reaped the benefits.

Cultured thug, nice

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(checked and heiled)
These destroy their narrative

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LOL They had NOTHING as DESTRUCTIVE as the AR-15! Rifles from 100 years ago are NOT NEARLY as dangerous as the KILLING machines we have today!

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Brainlets really believe that all you need to fix an entire state's economy is a few pen strokes and that the market has no inertia whatsoever. American republic was on the cusp of making it out of the ressesion in 2016, Trump just reaped the benefits. Thanks Obama.

bumpin these hate facts

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Literally desert city pseudo society anarchist Amerikkkans talking about anything that remotely resembles European authoritarianism.

Stick to shooting your neighbours and sealing off dindus.

I can fix the economy very easily.

Nationalize banks, keep the bankers on their registered salaries, have state banks and loans, have a public labor organization to build buildings, residential areas, new towns, farms, cities etc... Build lots of residential apartments, have a set amount of loaned fir the apartment paid off from taxes, rent will be a fraction of your pay leaving you with more money in your pocket fir exchange booming the demand for all productive sectors, have free education and healthcare, have tge state be visible in every single province bringing stability, safety and order.

Please help me understand, why would I wish for victorious Reich if Im a 65% celt/anglo red head.
The absolute loyalty required and criminalized books and speech isnt something I can support even if Hitlers motivation is agreeable.

Speech criminalized by Nazis:
Transexual, Communist, Democratic, Liberal and Anti-German propaganda
Books banned by Nazis:
Transexual, Communist, Democratic, Liberal and Anti-German propaganda

Wow so bad.

The US has banned books and free speech is a meme

I was always interested in the exact titles of the burned books on the famouse nazi book burn pyres.

Nobody ever tell the exact titles that were burned.

Two examples: (((Magnus Hirschfeld))) the founder of the institute of sexualscience, this is the guy that coined the term transsexualism, invented trannysurgery and had thousands of books on faggotry.
(((Karl Marx))), rat king.

Top tier thread OP. Thank you. Have a bump.

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Tons of countries still ban books yeah