If white people are superior why did the Chinese build bigger ships?
Zheng He's ship vs Colombus' ship
>Chink ship requires crew of 10k insect-men just to row one meter
>Spaniard's ship requires 50 men to go across the ocean
Gee I wonder
a smaller ship is usually faster, more maneuverable and needs less crew, which means less supplies which is less weight and cost. with less weight it can travel a bit faster. truely smaller ships are better
And Christopher brought fucking three of them.
>Columbus decedents run the world banks
>He's decedents make models of ships in the worlds sweatshop for Columbus decedents.
If chinks are superior why did a few birds dying cause those noodleniggers to die by the tens of millions?
Both ships are really cool little model that I wish I could see in person too. Stay mad, "Sup Forums". Nice politics thread by the way, you CIA nigger.
chinese could only make flat bottomed boats. they never developed anything past that.
huh i wonder why nobody in the 19th 18th and 17th century ever made them that big
>spaniard travels almost 9 thousand kilometers with a rag tag crew of peasants and about 20 oranges as their only source of food on the wildest untamed waters at the time
>50 thousand man ship filled to the brim with noodles and duck meat couldnt row 100 meters to the east to find america
jews brought communism and opium to china, destroying their civilization
Bigger doesn't mean better. I mean, it depends what the purpose of both ships are. Was that Chinese ship meant to unexplored oceans, or was it an impractical ship used as a dick measuring contest?
As a white Ive never argued for my own supremacy once, rather I am accused of being supreme by the jewish media daily
>bigger = better
That's not how this works, trust me, my country tends to make the same mistake.
And the kicker is the captain of Chink ship was an actual dickless eunech and his fleet never even left sight of land. Just hugged India to Arabia and back
If im not wrong the chinks went into civil war and burned all those chips and went into isolation before actually using them.
White people wanted to actually go somewhere, not just hang out at sea.
And so they did. They went and discovered multiple continents full of riches while the Chinese lost territory.
Nice boat though, I imagine that was a pretty comfy cruise for the period.
Why didn't the chinks discover the americas if that ship is so great?
and this show how the character impetuous and adventurous of european is that have moved history not 5 iq more points
>giant version of an ancient riverboat, can't even travel the coasts
>ocean travelling vessel that is far more technologically advanced
Really chings my chong
The latter. These ships were utterly useless for anything except being a floating palace.
>How did a country with vastly more reserves of resources and manpower manage to build something bigger than a country that lacked that?
Imagine my shock.
>literally did nothing with it
>wildest untamed waters at the time
the atlantic is soft as fuck compared to the pacific what are you on about?
Overcompensating, i take
That chink ship seems to get bigger every time they tell that story. Pretty soon, it's gonna get to the point where the mechanical properties of wood can't even explain how a ship that big even exists
>inb4 ship now has a steel-reinforced frame because new studies reveal that China discovered advanced steel forging techniques thousands of years earlier
and the history repeats again youst looking to elon musk or other businesman that the bravery and risk is what make a civilization progress maybe being a little dumber is not that bad after all
this picture makes me feel verx uncomfortable
I assumed as much. Just because you can build something impractical doesn't mean that you're better for building something impractical.
>shoots lead ball into your mushy hulled box
heh.. nothing personal gooks
Yes, it's interesting and nobody should deny the Chinese had a great civilization going back thousands of years. I still wish every point of education in history didn't have to be "so take that, white people". It's so petty.
If the Chinese were so superior why didn't they colonize the west coast of America first?
Show me the Chinese colonies, faggot.
I agree with you, but please, please learn English.
The reason Zheng He built those massive ships was for the emperor to travel on. Literal "showboating" around
You do understand, building a behemoth boat like that is incredibly inefficient? It would need a retarded size mast to go as fast as a reasonably built ship
They didn't, the anglos had a ship that big, it went on one voyage and then was struck by lightning and burned. Wasn't worth it i guess
>me in the middle, blue shirt
>circa 2014
One sailed rivers the other discovered the Americas. China will take credit for inventing the english language if we wait long enough.
Sure, let's not forget everyone used to exaggerate in the past.
Yea all those Pacific Ocean hurricanes and what not. Dumbass noddle nigger.
Only savage barbarians always think about colonisation, Chinks at the time had everything they want, they don't need to rob others, only inferior white (((people))) do those things. White shit must go back to Europe.
>Bigger is better
LOL he fell for the meme
Zheng He's ship had lots of cargo space with treasures and other shit to trade for exotic shit from foreign lands and bring it back to china.
>Chinese explorer sails around world, discovers the america, goes back to china, nothing happens, nothing changes, nothing is learned, nothing advances
>European shit ship with small band of conquistadors conquer all of south america and makes Spain the richest country on earth establishing the first of the European superpowers.
This is why I'm not worried about China.
This remembers me the roman Nemi Barges. Constructed to sail a lake
That monstrosity of He's is great for chilling on the coast and flipping off Indians.
If you want to be a fucking alpha and sail into the unknown and possibly off the edge of the fucking earth, than Columbus was your man.
chinese have very small penis, obviously
That's not how boats work.
I could have invented the cell phone, but if I don't do anything with it, it doesn't fucking matter.
Ship building is the worst thing you can try and use against whites. Martime tech is completely dominated by white inventions and innovations.
columbus sailed with 4 ships not 1. Also the ships were privately owned and backed by private investment, while the Chinese ship was government owned built and staffed
>Have everything they want.
>Have small penis.
>want bigger penis.
>Travel to distant land.
>See bigger penises.
>Know I can never get little China penis to grow like that.
>Go back to China and eat Tiger penis so maybe mine grow.
>No grow so I no go outside of China again.
Columbus was Italian, not a Jew. Or is there something I'm not aware of?
I read a thing where the treasure ship sizes are only legends to go by and so were likely not nearly as large as depicted, but even then some of the Hanseatic league sail ships were comparable in size.
>Chinese colonies
As China's influence raises, the Chinese government has been trying to control and monitor the ethnic Chinese living and studying in Australia, and to influence Australian politicians via political donors, which causes serious concern to Australia’s security agency, Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
Santa Maria wasn't even the biggest European ship of the period, also the size of the chink ones is disputed.
Both oceans are fucking dangerous, faggots.
>comparing pimped out Emperor's ship
>ship of guy who didn't even own it
gr8 b8
Zheng He's ship looks like it wouldn't survive on open sea for long
if big was best the nazis would of won the war
Why would exploreres use a massive ship like that.
OP is retarded. Sage and move on.
Not to me faggot. Do you even scrimshaw, brah?
Why did the Chinese fucking suck at rigging? That has to be by far the worst set up for sails I've ever seen. Look how little surface area you actually have on that ship's sails, VS how much drag a hull that broad must be generating.
This is a full rigged frigate. Notice how there's a fuck ton of sail, and how the hull is narrow? That's so it can actually move faster than a crawl, and can turn effectively. Don't get be wrong, that ship is impressive, but as far as over all technological advancements go, Europe was way ahead of the Chinese.
The Chinese ship was fit only for floating down Chinese rivers to impress the peasants there.
The Western ship was actually sea-worthy and went places.
It's a perfect fucking metaphor for what is wrong with China.
Because we managed to conquer the world with those little boats, faggot.
Thats just stupid huge for a boat back then. Imagine trying to organise your crew of god knows how many.
It's a river boat, it wasn't capable of traversing open water.
500 slaves, needed to travel 5 miles up the river to get to the parade
wow this is literally ever worse than the pol meetup pictures. holy shit
Caligula had a floating palace 1500 years before that little wooden wreck
Should have gone for bigger numbers, hans.
Europeans explored the world. Even the highest mountains and polar regions.
Meanwhile Chink insects were hooked on opium starving to death in a backwater shit hole.
Don't they claim those things reached Africa?
Zheng He was a eunuch, so....
Christopher Colombus was black, you white cracka.
las creaturas ...
>Europe was way ahead of the Chinese
That's not the case. The Chinese were miles ahead of Europe at that point in history. Their only problem was that they couldn't maintain any interest in the outside world since they believed themselves to be a divine kingdom surrounded by barbarians. As a result, things like exploration suffered severely.
Please come back and talk when you have sailed both oceans. The Atlantic around the Artic circle and into the North Sea, is as extreme as it gets. The Southern Atlantic approaching the Southern Ocean also worse than the Pacific.
hahahhaahah poor muhammad doesn't know jews invented sailing, nautical charts, astrolabe, telephone, Roman villas, Greek science, automóviles, gramaphone, banking, built the pyramids, the Greek aleph beth ( goys say alphabet), devised the Apollo program that took goys to the moon, while von Brown stole the credit... etc.
Amazing how many people are sports fans and deal with players who win and lose based on their skill and ability every day but fail to comprehend the notion that some socio-political and economic value systems beat others because they’re better.
Wasn't it 3 ships?
4 ships?
on what voyage?
How many decades were the Chinese isolationists?
if he was italian why are his letters to his brother diego written in Spanish?
Actually portuguese and spainiards called it "Mar Pafifico", "peaceful sea". People in my country often call it that
Somebody might claim that, but it is physically impossible. Maritime engineering is a science, not guesswork. That thing could not sail open water.
user, I...
we only know the names of two of the ships: The Galician and the Santa Clara
Nigger what do you think the word Pacific means?
in b4 faggots are surprised their elementary school teachers lied to them about the nina pinta and santa maria, names that were totally made up
Well, I'm not that familiar with Chinese history during that period, but this was late 1400s. Early 1500s Europe started to move into Asia, and when they did, most accounts peg Asia as being way behind in tech. (1543 first in Japan)
The Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria were the ones I learned in school. But since libs are in control of the schools atm and anything close to white is taboo, I wonder is kids still learn this?