Was he innocent, Sup Forums?
Marathon bomber
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Fuck no /thread
He was probably a patsy desu.
He's not dead faggot
he's still alive. the absolute state of pol
"was" as in for the event that happening in the PAST you fucking retard.
this is similar to how they did it. although the webm explosion is much better
That's not how it works but nice damage control
Rubber Dinghy Rapids, bro.
Fast track.
>inb4 all the mudslimes come in claiming he was a good boy who dindu nuffin
>do Muslims kill innocent people
I've never understood why you dummies thought this was a false flag. Probably mudslime posters I guess.
Boston bombings were the fakest false flag yet.
Guys throwing bags of dust, women spraying fake blood. The tattered pants with no blood. Prosthetics, windows blown out and not in.
The bomb itself looked like a bag of flour and bad hollywood pyrotechnics.
He was a Jew Patsy. It wasnt russians.
Black eyes, black hair, dark skin.
Deport! Deport! Deport!
It was the libertardians who wanted to scream "No martial law ever!" when they saw the tanks rolling down the suburban streets that said all that nonsense, lad.
And the old guy who was close enough to the bomb to get knocked down then finished the race without aid.
cia niggers you guys may not want to all wear the same pants, shoes and jackets, the next time you want to blend in
For what reason? Banning bombs? Banning Muslims? Nothing happened, only 3 dead. CIA niggers are stupid but they can do better than that.
>mexican education
Nobody lost any legs. The German couples video caught the whole thing.
It was fake. It was a false flag to blame muh Russians and get some martial Law implemented.
Fuck they even had a smoke machine on the sidewalk.
False Flag confirmed.
>no martial law, ever!
No, to remove the non-whites, martial law indeed does would need to be declared. Otherwise you have self-hating whites jumping in the way trying to obstruct the door-to-door operation.
Do you think that Muslims don't kill innocent people? They do. The entire Middle East needs to be eradicated, starting with Israel. They are all the same.
probably a jew too
It was a litmus test to declare martial Law and see if any citizens resisted when they were looking for the " Russian".
No one resisted. Their plan worked. Then they get emboldened to try more like LV, Hawaii, or parkland.
3 dead? watch the video, nobody died or even got hurt.
dude how old are you?
i grew up watching journalists on the news BRAG about the FBI supplying people with fake bomb materials and helping them setup a whole plan to try and detonate it in a public area, only to then arrest them on scene
it was extremely alarming and bizarre to me because it seems extremely dangerous and reckless for them to do something like this, like what if the person brought a gun and started shooting people just because he realizes the bomb materials are fake or because they dont go off?
but this shit actually happened, so it isnt far fetched for me to assume they would give them actual useful supplies and allow them to carry out the attack if they felt like it was in their best interest
one person actually had a fucking brother who needed a kidney transplant or something, and they offered to pay him the money he needed to save his brothers life, in return for him committing an act of terrorism, of course it was all a setup to arrest him
i cant even fucking believe they openly admitted to this shit thinking back on it, in fact, the fact that they arent still doing it or arent telling us they're doing it anymore implies to me that they're doing worse, IE actual falseflags
jesus fuck whyd you have to remind me of this shit
He is probably some kid that got caught doing some shit so they let him walk free if he played the game of patsy for some cia nigger shit.
I'm not a libertardian, so I wouldn't say that it didn't happen.
No, but he was a fall guy all the same.
just watched seasons 2 and 3 of Mr. Robot, I am now sure everything is a semi-false flag, allowed to happen by the (((elite))) to further their goals
"Martial law" is the term that puts the proverbial bee in the bonnet of these libertardians. "Muh freedoms" at all cost, the same conveniently forgets about any of his duties.
>muslims are our friends
I would love to see a piece of shiny glass in your home country, dungbrain. Allah is a cunt and Mohammed was a faggot.
i want all muslims to hang and all arabs to fuck off back to the middle east but i believe nearly half of every major shooting and terrorist event since 9/11 was a false flag
how the fuck else would they just happen to coincide a drill simulating the same thing happening at the same place at the same time
bullshit, CIAniggers think we're fucking retards
ffs when did this board get filled to the brim with muslims and muslim sympathysers?
>go back to your faggot site eddit
Mudslime internet defense force is up and running! You are all doomed. Jews and Muslims alike.
Idk, I just remember it happened when I was a junior in high school, I remember when the suspects names were being tossed around, I found Dzhokhar’s twitter through cnn or some shit and I remember going through his profile and the dude just seemed like a normie
all he posted about was weed and fast food and basketball and shit
I know that doesn’t constitute an excuse for radicalization, but the kid didn’t really seem sociopathic at all either
I've not heard of this conspiracy yet, someone explain inb4 lurk moar
If you call where he is "living".
looks part italian to me
Shills everywhere man. It's bad but not insurmountable.
Wasn't the CIA. It was the craft funded by Mossad.
They all have the same Craft patches, 5.11 BDU, and same boots.
>>go back to your faggot site eddit
>using greentext improperly to tell me to go to another website when you dont even know how to use this one yourself
also are you being intentionally stupid, or are you just stupid?
because believing terrorist events were facilitated by our own government doesnt mean muslims arent shitty people for taking any opportunity they get to fucking kill us
seriously wtf?
honestly now im starting to think you're some leftist or jewish shill who doesnt want us to question anything
He's on a Kibbutz outside Haifa.
Innocent until proven guilty.
He was never proved guilty.
unironically, he looks really attractive. He could've gotten all the American pussy he wants, so why would he do this?!
*did he
Probably. the boston bombing was a manufactured event. nobody got injured or died.
>Was he innocent, Sup Forums?
He's cute so of course he's innocent
no way, was such a fun night on Sup Forums
it doesn't matter if he did I think he is guilty
what does matter is people were ok with this shit happening after it
one of the few gold movies in this century.
no muzzie is innocent
Brown hair, brown eyes. Mediterranean complexion. Blank, soulless stare. Jew? Or MKUltra?
He didn't place the duffel, some old white guy did.
Fuck off kike
so are you moron
Noone is innocent. There are just varying levels of guilt.
If the "german couple" video mentioned earlier exists I want to see it.
Good goy, remember to always trust Hollywood!
It exists. but its hard to find anymore. They filmed it from the 3rd floor right behind the blast and never turned the film to LEO.
You can see a smoke machine, that gets taken inside a doorway, women spraying fake blood on the sidewalk, guys throwing dust on each other, a guy in a hoodie putting a prosthetic leg injury on some chick, and all kinds of hinky shit.
Youtube scrubbed most of it, But I assure you it is out there somewhere still, and once you see it, you will know it was a false flag.
The bomb never hurt anyone, just some chick falls down in the street.
The Martial law was very real that day/night in Boston though.
You've got a point.
I recall them reeling the truth in and reporting it only to say they wouldn't be doing it anymore. Then when you actively look for it you find that they do it daily and what they meant was they aren't talking about it anymore and you should believe they aren't doing it anymore (so that when they do it they get away with it).
I don't know anything about this particular case.
prove it
Frankly I don't believe you. If such a video existed it would be impossible to hide it. The photographic record does prove that boston was faked, however, none of these things you describe are in the photos.
Is that skin considered dark?
You retarded mutt? His skin is whiter then yours lol
Kafir, we are leaving, we are here to stay, but you are based about your degenerate goverment, so we might let you live when the day of the rope comes desu
You are years late for this story.
I dont have to prove shit to you. Anons studied it right after it happened, there were plenty of vids uploaded and then a movie with marky Mark was made to feed trolls like you.
It was fake, we saw the actual video from the German couple. I know it was fake, you can do your own homework.
But you wont find it on youtube, it all got scrubbed.
Boston Bombing was a false flag and fake as hell.
Only sheep believe Russians made a pressure cooker bomb.
>Chechens are whi-
no, but he should do it again
>/threading yourself
the absolute face-blindness of the hiki incels on this board
He has been pumped with so many psych meds he will never be fit to stand trial. I'm surprised they didn't X him after he got all those groupies. Also would have made Muslims look ridiculous.
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