Trump will succeed at economic growth, he will succeed at bringing jobs back, and he will make our military stronger than ever. The man simply understands economics and he does great there; however, Trump has a weak spot. Trump denies science. In the entire history of mankind no person has ever gone against science and won. Science is the ultimate authority, and ignoring it will have harsh repercussions. Trump has ignored and continues to ignore the warning of climate scientists all around the globe, and although climate changes effects are not strongly felt yet in the future they will become an increasing problem. Trump is willfully ignorant to and lacks belief in science, and that will be his down fall.
Exactly Where Trump will Fail
>Science is the ultimate authority, and ignoring it will have harsh repercussions.
Be wary of false idols.
Science is not a false idol, and it has a track record to prove it.
God is the ultimate authority. Science attempts to understand the creation.
The old style God is dead. Science is the new God now.
>Science is the ultimate authority, and ignoring it will have harsh repercussions.
Since the beginning of time there has always been the "learned men" who claim to understand the workings of the nature better than the "common man". SOME things are easy to prove, like smoking CAN give you cancer, or alcohol makes retard babies. But with large complicated things like global climate, or psychology "scientists" are really just techno-priests pretending that their bullshit is the "holy science".
>>The old style God is dead
IF true...Egypt is the religion of the world.
Science is the explanation for energy, frequency, and vibrations without spilling the "beans".
Even this concept is debated...who was "god"... Osiris, Set or Osiris replacement.... in the Trinity of ultimate "gods"
You are literally typing on a machines that was created with the theories and laws of science. You trust 10 day weather reports that science gives you. Your microwave is an invention of science. Everything around you in society is so because of the laws of science, yet you continue to deny them and that will cost you.
What the fuck does that even mean? "It has the track record to prove it", you've gotta understands how ridiculous that sounds right? If you were an actual scientist then you'd realize just how clueless we are or how often we get shit wrong or even perhaps how pointless so much of this shit is. Who said going against science will definitely be his downfall? Do you know how many great leaders didnt understand scientific thought and still succeeded? It's irrelevant what Trump thinks about global warming (which is his most unscientific belief) because the free market is already taking care of it, he can exculsively focus on other issues such as military and economics without causing the world to end or his legacy to diminish.
Meant for
except he isn't doing anything against science
he may personally deny climate change but the only thing he did was get us out of the Paris accords which were BS European liberal regulations to make us give money to countries like India and China and screw Over our coal production
all the American mandated environmental regulations are still in effect
trump did not and does not plan to bring us back to 50's level environmental awareness
it's just idiot liberals crying about not getting their way and making big hissy fits out of nothing
as usual
eggs are good for you.
eggs are bad for you.
eggs are good for you again.
eggs are bad again.
Science has become a politicized religion. They jumped the shark with "global warming".
t. al cucke.
Nope, the scientists are correct, and as time rolls forward the effects of climate change that the scientists claimed will become more obvious. There is no argument here. 98% of scientists are in consensus. If you disagree, then you are simply wrong and that is the end of it. There is no point in arguing against consensus of that magnitude
Trump would do more for mainstream science simply by wearing a lab coat for a day than has been done in decades.
"climate science" has nothing to do with science
>If you disagree, then you are simply wrong and that is the end of it
So science is just a bandwagon religion, you prove my point.
Global warming doesn't exist, climate change does. You can't even tell me if it's a natural cycle or not.
>There is no point in arguing against consensus
there was once a consensus, that earth is flat, or that the earth is the center of the universe
I dont deny climate change exists. But i dont think humans are responsible for it. Thats where our opinions are different. You want to make it political by saying youre either one way or another and if youre this other way youre a bad person.
Someone has taken too many Infowars nutraceuticals with extra lead content
No, science rests on concrete laws and theorems that have proven themselves time and time again. Religion rests on nothing but faith and magic.
>computers and microwaves exists
>therefore science is infallible and you are stupid
Damn you're completely retarded.
Scientists have already said that humans are responsible for the recent warming trend. Science does care what you want to believe.
>Religion rests on nothing but faith
An infallible deity known as science?
If science rested on concrete laws, they wouldn't have been swindled by a marketing campaign. Confirmation bias is fucking overwhelming in science right now.
Okay. And what the fuck is your solution?
To vote democrat.
>science rests on concrete laws
Science once said occular lobotomy was a good treatment for the mentally insane.
Imagine that
Your god kings failure is not listening to science.
Wheres jesus? I dont see him.
Science's failure is listening to libtarded academia
>global warming is all drumpfs fault
The absolute state of lefty fags.
Trump should have CERN investigated.
Not every company does a dance of death, and they are getting ready to go online again soon.
theres been alot of climate changes through history.
meteorite strike like the one in yucatan that is even more scary.
Must be quite a thing slamming particles into the recovered scull of Nimrod .Creation of Strangelets etc.
Go right ahead. Shutting off the worlds biggest science experiment will only give him negative press. Science is above even Trump. Science has elements of truth in it, and truth is the ultimate authority. It is god.
of course you dont
and you wont, one way or another, until after your death
either at his right hand, or at his left
You wont see him at all because he doesn't exist.
Trump doesn't go against science you stupid fuck. Are you talking about him going against the globalist agenda to perpetuate the acid rain/new ice age/global warming/climate change whatever other demonstrably obvious lies you've been fed and never challenged?
Mankind survived the last ice-age, and we will survive this one as well.
the irony.................
Renociating the Paris Accord is not denying science. Not drinking alcohol excessively and not smoking is his way of believing in science
He is not renegotiating it. He withdrew the US from the agreement, because he is owned by carbohydrate energy interests.
The left in a nutshell, cant make an arguement but has conviction? Why if you don't know anything about a subject? It's incredible arrogance really given the complete lack of knowledge.
It is a fact that he is not renegotiating. He also does not think climate change in man-made, he thinks it is a 'Chinese hoax' so naturally he will do nothing to address the problem.
Science has amazing predictive power yet people deny it but simultaneously buy into some kooky south african seer? People are so stupid.
You are confusing me with someone else you dumb danish fuck.
it's no hoax, China is definitely polluting the planet
It used to have a track record to prove it before it sold out to politicians for grants and employment to dumb losers who would never get a job in the private sector.
I'm skeptical wrt this climate stuff, it's a young topic with big influence on politics and therefore you can be sure it's stuffed with moles from various interest groups pushing their agendas.
And then you have even worse shit which masquerades as science, such as (((modern humanities))) which are basically a joke and should be disbanded asap.
the only real way to address the problem is to get rid of humans. it's already far too late to "fix" it.
Science with actual facts? Yeah that's fine. But people idolise science as the be all end all of any discussion to the point that they believe everything that claims to be science, regardless of facts. Science should be falsifiable, but the average retarded follower treats it as infallible. They've practically made a religion out of it; science is their God, and scientists are their priests that speak the word of God.
Great, so the problem will solve itself.
Now we can party hard and burn all the fossils because we are on a way out anyway.
How much do you want to bet that OP is 15 years old?
Replace every instance of this idiots ramblings of science and scientists with god and priests and you'll see that the retarded new age atheists are just this generation's version of the retarded blind faith religious groups. It's popular, so they must defend it with every ounce of their pitiful brains otherwise others in their group might not think they're actually part of the group, and if that happens then Shanika Ledasha might never let them lick hir crusty cuntdick.
So arrogant to think you puny humans can hurt the Earth. Setting off all your nukes at once, would barely make a dent in her.
Pollution=/=Climate change.
Your pregnant mom's alcoholism didn't pollute your environment?
>this thread: test group #3481 for 2020
if only you believed me
Nonsense, it was due to my engineering course that I picked up the bible in the first place. I wanted to cemprehend the beauty in gods paint strokes.