Fuh fuh fuh FASHWAVE

Did Abowave kill fashwave?

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Quality thread OP, good job.

Hello /leftypol/. Still can't meme, huh?

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So this is what taking the short bus to school is like

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the first vpn
no actual user says "keeeeK" like its some kind of autistic screeching.
a second vpn
you might actually just be retarded

OP this thread is real gay

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Jew thread.



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Do we even have Janitors?

What are they doing?

this shit is an obvious shill thread

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this is now a macron appreciation thread

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oh yea

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This is an anything-but-shill thread now.

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This is the first thread to make me laugh on Sup Forums in months, thanks rabbi

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>someone took time to make this retarded shit to insult other about autistic shit

Yeah the only thing more autistic that fashwave is the meme edits the same guy posts in order, btw this is a cute picture im taking it.

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I'm so confused by what you mean

also don't forget to sage this thread desu

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Oh shit, I take it back! this meme wave edit vrigin is posting some "woke" shit. I can't wait to read a good moosie X uncle H hentia.

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Not to mention the handful of people on discord trying to stop me

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and it isn't even the first thread he made


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le shig pig

this thread is now an anti moderator thread

talk shit about mods/janitors not doing their fucking jobs

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pol has gone to shit thanks to retarded shills like these.

Shill removal when?

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I was claiming the fashwave posts were so old in terms of cool kidz aesthetics that no one though they were ever cool. It was just a lazy late as fuck band wagon hop. so the meme edits like the ones above are sorts a waste and almost just as bad as the "fashwave" posts.

Are you the same guy posting the counter smuggies?This ones are better.

I see

Idk I like them, but I guess I'm to young to have seen the original retrowave stuff, so its all aesthetic for me.

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Sage and ignore,leftypol shills still can't meme

this is a loli futa for the (((OP)))

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portugal isn't a european country, prove me wrong

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thanks I can never watch girls und panzer again jesus christ

lolis are for hugs not fugs

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Some of these are actually pretty funny. Left can meme sometimes.

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Shit thread but can we get some actual abowave posted that was hilarious.

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abowave sounds dope, can someone post it?

Holy shit! The Discord PO-LICE! Damn son I underestimated how many autisits on discord there are god speed I need more post ironic fashy maymays!

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did someone say A B O W A V E

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It's satire on a satire board. The idiots that think Sup Forums is srs bsns are here to be contained

>no actual user says "keeeeK" like its some kind of autistic screeching

kek I wondered Wtf these threads were about.

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Aryan man's temper tantrum.

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Granted I wasn't around for the original 80~90s VCR aesthetic, but it's already been played out since like right after Hotline Miami years ago.
Granted this is based on what I see with a group of guys that went full "soyboy" their useful to understand when fads are dead and they were all over this shit like 4 years ago.
I will say I do like some of the classic art work revival without the VCR artifacts that I seen before though.

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>a satire board

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>not a dumping grounds for Sup Forums

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I'm pretty sure that its the same person who posts this gay thread every day

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No doubt this flashwave stuff is straight fedroacore, but you could have done a lot better then this. Farts and poop? Really.

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This band only knows two chords

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Well I hope you are having fun, seems like a lot of work.