Andrew Michael Leach, 12, committed suicide last Tuesday in Mississippi
His mother said bullying runs rampant at the middle school he attended
A group of kids would call him 'fat, ugly and worthless', she said
12 year old hangs himself and leaves suicide note saying he'd enduring years of bullying at school
Other urls found in this thread:
I was bullied for my first 8 years of school, literally until I moved to another state. It toughened me up and made me never give up on my goals, which has led to financial and social success that I probably never would've had if I'd grown up to be a little millennial pussy.
It's unfortunate, but clearly this kid couldn't cut it. If nature had its way, he would probably have been eaten or died from something else.
That kid honestly looks like he'd thin out and be pretty fine looks wise. Poor kid.
Good riddance.
>be fat
>be called fat
>don't lose weight
Maybe he should have lost weight then
Puberty + workout and he'd be a chad, has good genes
Good thing netflux showed kids how to weaponize their own suicides. Otherwise this fat little autist might have tried (and failed) to become something more than a statistic.
>Be at school
>"he'd enduring"
>he had enduring
Literally why go to school anymore if you aren't going to learn and everyone hates you?
Edgy now follow his lead and kys also
What a fucking pussy
should habe picked up the steel an elementary school shooting would be ebin
Or at least I hope that was directly quoted from him, and not the outlet being autistic.
Fatty detected
Natural selection
another tuba boy
Pussyfied generation has brought up kids to stop standing on their ground and fight bullies, rather they drill it into your kids head that no matter what violence is unacceptable.
That's rough, buddy.
you niggers forget that the kid's generation has been brought up on nothing but zog propaganda, even if the kid was redpilled he probably understood his future looks bleak at best
Natural selection. Only the strongest survive. Nothing shocking nor new
I like you.
What is the point of this who gives a fuck just the uk shit country now so who gives a singular fucky fuck
Not shooting up your school before denying yourself
It's like he wasn't a real american
Social success but still on Sup Forums. Lordy....
Fat american fuck off mutt
Good, one less fat retard
>lose weight as a kid
Do you think he was making his own meals or something?
who wants to bet it was niggers bullying him?
Class of 1998, I have always been a small guy. Got bullied by this kid who was borderline retarded but over 6 feet tall. Finally snapped during PE freshman year and broke his nose. I was suspended for 3 days. He nor anyone else ever bothered me again. Kids today are fucking pussies.
Which is why I'm glad I barely made the cut for the "not a pussy" generation. Mid to Late millennials and beyond are hopeless.,
very likely, they are extremely uppity these days
I mean it's 12:30am where I am, I'm just winding down and enjoying some mindless shit.
It's the lesbian dykes and women running the schools user, they punish children who stand up for themselves, so they have it pushed into their young minds that its not an option.
As usual women ruin everything, and we all have to suffer for it.
Say Stop!
Tell an adult!
Off yourself
Post on Sup Forums
thats the acronym they taught us when we were little leafs
I don't understand suicide. The people that bullied him won't give a shit. They might even be happy he's gone.
He should have stabbed his bullies in the neck.
>.t obese normalnigger being tough guy for the first time
Ever heard of a growth spurt? When I was about 13 and a half, I grew 3 inches, and lost 6 inches off my waistline. Pissed my parents right the fuck off, because it happened 1 month into the new school year, and they had just finished buying me a bunch of new clothes.
>12 year old hangs himself
>at 12 you played vidya while others commit suicide
i don't think the idea of suicide even occured to me at that age
and he probably never found the wonders of masturbation, poor fucking lad
Oi moite shudn't ya be fokin' a kangaroo o' somethin?
I'm starting to think this british news site "dailymail" does nothing but shit on Americans.
This is why school shootings happen.
Poor kid. I hope is family will be fine. Burying your own child most be the worst feeling on the planet
You're right. Dropout if you hate school.
The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church. One way or another, they'll learn.
He could've went on a stabbing spree in the least
A lot of British news and entertainment does but I've noticed in my trips there that it seems to come from liberal slanting news and entertainment sources. Funny since they are the ones who preach acceptance, tolerance and aversion to hate speech so loudly.
Nice looking kid. Pretty sad.
Probably getting beaten on by niggers
>If I kill myself there will be unending supply of Haagen-Dasz and cookie dough in heaven
>living is too hard
fat people....
>implying anyone cares cause its a fucking white male.
Goonies is the only movie pic related ever made.
Yeah, honestly those types of thoughts didn't really creep into my head until AFTER I left school, and even then, I was never gonna do it. I wasn't super popular or anything, but I had a decently large group of friends and I can't say I was ever "bullied." Teased, sure. But most kids are.
It's on the parents for not dealing with it
There are so many ways to stop bullying from a parents perspective holy shit it's not hard
I want to fuck a 12 year old girl.
Maybe they're meant to kill, like this one said.
Why not dropout and become a NEET?
This is what happens when you take guns out of kids' hands. Tragic.
Single parent household I reckon. Mom probably kept telling him he was perfect the way he was.
If dad was around he'd probably straighten that marshmallow out.
He should have killed the bullies that attacked him to this point. The only way i ever kill myself outside of some terminal agonizing sickness is only when i also kill the person or people that brought me to this point, everything else is kinda a waste.
No, school shootings happen because there are useless people who feel like they should make an impact on the world by causing troubles. It's just an ego thing.
I assume that is why you are in Vietnam.
>mocking someone for their innate American qualities
>Probably getting beaten on by niggers
I'm pretty sure of it as well. That part will never be mentioned, of course.
Only the strong survive
>Was fatty during school
>Didn't kill myself
>Now not fat
Am i in the fucking minority now? Seems like cunts off themselves a lot more these days
You keep saying that butt cant have spoons while rapefugees are on holiday in uk.
This is you huh?
I saw people fucking kids and the kids enjoyed it so now I want to do it. I'm proof that CP could have a bad influence on some people.
i wonder what the demographics of that school is.
kids are weak these days, single motherhood is ruining my nation
at least we're fucking the animals and not the other way around
Was anyone else strangely jealous of the kids who would get picked on?
Seems like most days I was just completely ignored. Guess I should have played along more and acted offended the few times when people would talk shit to me
>the bullys are the real victim!
if you have leftard boomer parents that tell you not to fight back all hope is lost. a 12 year old is not mature enough to make these decisions on his own and will copy whatever attitude his parents have, especially if they overprotect. the parents are most likely the reason he's fat as well.
nobody these days knows anymore how to bring up children correctly, and god have mercy on the souls that take matters in their own hand which is just a result of year long abuse
I wonder what his father had to say.
God speed 12yo.
>Not being the alpha chad that does the bullying
I took care of my bullying problem a long time ago:
>be 12
>bet autistic/normie halfbread
>girls start making fun of me
>so do the boys
>target the most popular girl
>start complaining of a smelly garbage odor around her, she doesn't care at first
>start to gag and sniffle violently around her
>she starts to wear more perfume each day
>complain more loudly of a horrible odor, now to the teacher
>girl starts to cry and is sent home
>next day I approach her with a trashbag
>No words I just open the bag and point
>She steps inside the bag and lays down in fetal position in front of the class
>whisper in her ear, "you are non-recyclable"
Says the person who wants to fuck 12yr olds.
not every kid is like older brothers all tough as steel im a wimp. same up bringing everything but they never ever backed down..
I like kid girls and want to make them feel good. I'm also an attention whore.
Did they all clap?
I can't tell if this is just a bullshit story or a bizarre attempt at humor.
Lets find out where you sleep and arrange a beating.
To late
sounds like a weak minded faggot. he did not even try to shoot up his own school. what a fucking losser.
This was grabbed from his kikebook before they SHUT IT DOWN
this that kid who made some vid talking about warframe? the one who was talking about his favorite frame was titania and he didnt care if people called him a faggot for it and then followed it up with if playing as titania makes him a faggot then hes a faggot
i mean that was blood in the water. he brought it on himself. im not supporting that behavior im just saying every one knew he was going to have to kill himself
I'm not saying it's ideal. It was hell for me. I used to cry every day before and after school. I even begged my parents to move me to a different school. I didn't turn into badass, I just learned very early on that life beats you down, and you can either get back up or curl up and let it kick you.
Poor kid. Anyone being edgy about this should follow suit and hang themselves
Well, maybe he was fat, ugly and worthless. Maybe that's why he killed himself.
Better than shooting up the school imo
you faggots would not care if he was none White.
If you died, then how are you posting?
Jesus is the bullying really that bad now? Kid is a little chubby but that’s it.
He could have broken into the principals office, shot him/her for not intervening, put pumped up kicks on the PA system and been a meme legend.
Ah, but that would further the gun grabbers agenda, so no, im glad he didn't do that.
What a pussy
When I was in 6th grade I think I was in a wheel chair with a body cast from my hips to my ankles with a yard bar in between my legs
Then , went on to high school to be 5'4" and 180 pounds, while having severe acne , can you say fat uggo?
Then junior year hit and now I look like pic related
Wew lad
>there people who think inflicting harm on someone physically and socially methods in the education setting.
It only holds back the potential of the one that is bullied and the ones doing it are showing they a;ready down a path of wasted potential.
my resolve:
>be 12
>class's annoying bitch being an usual bitch
>makes fun of my looks
>punch her in the face
>no more making fun of my looks
Who bullied him? this is the big question...
Oh and fuck all you autists saying he deserved it, you ought to be ashamed.
>Another thread full of faggots crying over a suicide ""victim""
Fuck off newfags
Why are Americans always so fat and ugly lmao
I was bullied like mad from grade 4 to grade 11, endured 7 years of hell. The entire time my feminist mother had indoctrinated me into weakness and passiveness. All that propaganda "Tell and adult and it goes away." Was bullshit. Mid grade 10 I finally lost my mind and whenever someone would start shit with me I'D knock them the fuck out. Sure, I got suspended, but a week off of school was a small price to pay for ending that torment. Bullies are moronic subhuman goblinos who only understand force. Trying to reason with an orc is pointless, you bash their face till they leave you alone.