It's happening! UK' PM just accused (highly likely) Russia of conducting a nerve agent attack in Salisbury against Skripal. T. May said:
>If Moscow doesn’t comply, the UK will consider the poisoning to be “an unlawful use of force by the Russian state against the United Kingdom
let that sink in for a moment!
Agent used was "confirmed" as Novichok, which is BAD news anyway you look at it. It was a top secret nerve agent more potent than anything before developed by Soviets before the end of ze Union. West got to know about it after Lev Fedorov and Vil Mirzayanov published about it.
Whether West has it's formula is unknown.
Thread's scenario here we come!
was it crazy Ivan who did this or was it West's false flag? After the globe is cleansed of every living thing by Nukes, Chem and Bio weapons will it even "matter anymore"?
It's happening! WW3 is on like a Donkey Kong
Other urls found in this thread:
Obvious false flag
UK is Jews
>implying the caliphate of britbongistan would do anything to the ruskies.
Achmed isn't gonna do shit
Just like Crimea. Take candy from a western baby and watch it cry. Sadly we pissed away all our leverage to carve out greater israel (2 million dead)
UK false flagging itself in the hopes of rallying its broken population under one banner. Absolutely haram I hope Russia just glasses you desu
They've been pumping the same news on the local NPR.
not so. saying obvious does not make it so, sorry desu
tru dat
you don't know the power of the dark side (in this case - Jewdi power)
>muh greater Israhell! why oh why we wasted that oportunity! oy vey
possible, even probable, but -100 for mudslime speako
it's all over the freakin world. the latest of "wars ands rumors of wars"
bump to page one
>major pedo scandal is beginning to break in UK
>oy vey the evil russians gassed 6 gorillian anglos US plz invade :^)
meme flag posting fake happenings. nothing new here, m8
Maybe it's time we did have WW3. The planet is dying anyway but the nuclear winter and reduction in life will probably save it. The survivors won't have to deal with inbred degenerate russians.
Why Kill an expat with your own Nerve agent
Lets sit this one out. Fuck em all.
Skripal just happens to live 8 miles away from the largest stock of nerve agents in the West.
Of course, it's just a crazy (((Cohencidence)))
>most potent nerve agent ever made
>nobody died
our countries suck at falseflagging
it's not the thing that you would play with just to divert from mudslimes pedoing around... well, not if you're at least partially sane
meme flag is not an argument, and it has been ground with shit far to often to even mention
good point, but then again, Russians sometimes do things that are not very logical (remember that story from Cold war, when Rus was so arrogant with their newly acquired west double agent in Moscow that they actually gave him glow in the dark radioactive water that was allegedly from river Moskva?)
gladly would... but prevailing winds disagree with me.
You, m8, on the other hand? well "On the Beach" was a great movie, but not much in common with reality. Mesah jealous of your venomous spider infested country right about now!
link? proof? UNIRONICALLY!
But how can an Islamic outpost like United Kuckistan capable of causing a war
Russia poisoned someone with fucking ricin back when I was a kid. You literally cannot survive ricin poisoning it takes you apart on the genetic level. Now those were real russian spy's.
No benefit to kill the ruskie for Russia I may be wrong but didn't they trade him to the U.K.
looks more like the U.K. or EU had him killed for political leverage over Russia
by claiming NATO article 5, unless uncle Moishe/Sam says to UK - "calm down senpai"
that is true. and it is somewhat mindboggling. however it is still possible.
Russians don't like traitors of ze Union
>In 1978, the Bulgarian dissident Georgi Markov was assassinated by Bulgarian secret police who surreptitiously shot him on a London street with a modified umbrella using compressed gas to fire a tiny pellet contaminated with ricin into his leg.[31][53] He died in a hospital a few days later and his body was passed to a special poison branch of the British Ministry of Defence (MOD) that discovered the pellet during an autopsy. The prime suspects were the Bulgarian secret police: Georgi Markov had defected from Bulgaria some years previously and had subsequently written books and made radio broadcasts that were highly critical of the Bulgarian communist regime. However, it was believed at the time that Bulgaria would not have been able to produce the pellet, and it was also believed that the KGB had supplied it. The KGB denied any involvement, although high-profile KGB defectors Oleg Kalugin and Oleg Gordievsky have since confirmed the KGB's involvement. Earlier, Soviet dissident Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn also suffered (but survived) ricin-like symptoms after an encounter in 1971 with KGB agents.
Now this was a Russian assassination, not this falseflag bullshit moshie keeps trying to pull in the UK
Why is May so shit?
Stop posting you utter bore
agreed! using nerve agent? it's so lame, collateral damage is enough to get WW3 rolling, and Russians seem to just want to wait long enough without the war for the fiat petrodollar to implode
My country is occupied by treasonous collaborators and powerful Jews.
yes, senpai, would you like some tea?
this is to deflect from lauren southern
tfw that the next revolution in GB will be fought with deadly butter knives
False flag attack draw attention away from the rape stories
Also May is weak and won't do anything
Ruskies like assassinating traitors and defectors.
Haha ... this!
Im NOT fighting for angloes, id rather fight for the side to corrupt an dysfunctional to create a surveilance state, burgers better holler at ya boy united cuckdom is about to bite off way more than any euro is willing to chew.
putin wants to be in the news. with china removing term limits and nork signing a peace treaty, putin was getting desperate for attention.
>Russia responsible for Polish Tu-154 crash
>Russia responsible for Alexander Litvinenko asasination
>Russia seperatists shoot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17
>There are no Russian forces in Ukraine
>Russia uses nerve-agent to bump off an spy
This, ww3 today
Digits confirm false flag.
So.... Nothing happening? I'm not gonna die in some shitty war in the middle of nowhere after draft?
What a shame.
source nigga
>It was a top secret nerve agent
not exactly top secret if they figured it out like 5 hours laters innit
Americans did it using Ukrainians to frame Russia. YES!
These bastards need war BAD!
Their whole fucking narrative is totally crumbling before them. People are awakening en masse they can't stop the awakening, and are now going to take us into war just like they have every other time in history. Are you willing to die for them.
Are you willing to send your children off to die for them?
100% falseflag. They couldn't get war trying to impeach Trump so now they are doing other trash elsewhere.
If the U.S can't have its hand directly forced they will try and drag us in through other means.
We are being rules by monsters, the unholy.
Oh, grow up. Is that what happened when Russia spread Polonium all over an airplane and a London hotel to kill of one of their expats? No.
Instead they'll order Russia's embassador to Downing Street to give him a stern lecture, and then they'll round up three or four residential Russian agents and deport them.
Oh yay I can't wait for my country to get raped by china
>be UK/Russia double agent
>get poisoned
We're supposed to believe the UK will do shit to Russia when they won't even do anything about Muslim pedophile gangs?
who reads shit like that and then goes "everything is fucking fake and Dugin'd"? fucking "Jewgin'd" more like
>fucking kgb pedo man is investigated helping the us pedo a lago president and pee tapes and adultery and stuff
what a time to be alive. commies and pedos surround jewnald. what other way to get one world govt? by nationalist globalism by chance? by haavara?
You're assuming they really don't want muslim pedophile gangs.
>starting WW3 over a double crossing spy
also this
and btw I find "nigga" offensive
why are you all panicking and jumping on nothing. if it's nothing then
Going after Muslims is racist though
muslims dont suck on baby dicks though
They are acting as if we haven't gone to war for less.
I hope Russia turns the UK into glass. Did You know Russia has nukes?
Bible doesnt say peace is coming. swampy chaos frogs gon swampy chaos frog
sad but true.
nukes arent real
Ahmed are just small pawns in the grand (((scheme))) of things
have a good one mutt
:in friendly tone:
So what are you guys writing on your helmets once ww3 hits off?
nice epstein trial eh
no, they rape babies
fag quoting Bible? now I've seen everything
>It's happening!
Oi, implying. Most of the Brits I know hate May with a passion, if she thinks she can start WW3 she can wage it herself.
>Year of our Lord 2018
>Some ancient bitch telling you to go and die in a war because she felt like it
>. Did You know Russia has nukes?
and tigers
yeah. suck the blood out too. from their genitals. maybe some adrenochrome from anywhere else too. wholly islamic practice and not jewish at all. blood libel is islamic
born to die
I figured it was the deep state dealing with loose ends.
you saw frog and grabbems and frog whores and your shitty flag
Wait until a ruskie sub enters their waters, sink it, say nothing.
Keep your other pats loyal.
BIBLE say that Jesus Christ will kill all the LGBT sub-human waste, that includes you you useless shit pounding faggot.
good argument apparently
I believe the bastards are scared. Willing to do anything it takes to silence the people and cull the herds. We are just left wondering if the end is going to be n b or c.
Quick everybody, put your head under your desk or whatever instills fear and anxiety. Then go to work and pay your taxes.
The US wasn't allied with Russia back then.
and homos suck shit from gays asses.
pedos and homos are the same sub-humans that need to die ASAP
Neither is it now. And England will always be your little pet dog that you'll look after no matter what.
when he shuts up, I'll know that bombs have been dropped
More capable than your irrelevant shithole, mate
You gotta get mad , you gotta get angry
You gotta scream at the top of your lungs!
I'm not gonna take this shit anymore!!!!
If I was Putin, I'd reply by laughing at the camera for a good 5 minutes.
At least his niggers are at bay and know their place. I don't see any abos rising to mayors office over there in ausland
Sometimes you gotta go out. With your best mates , and challenge the fuzz to a paint bucket fight m8
And when you put the coppers in their place , you head onto the muzzie neighborhood and set that bitch on fire , just burn em out m8
Like rats
nuke it from the orbit, it's the only way to be sure.
wait... that's on the way, except the "orbit" part
First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me.
Rare collector here, getting comfy for the habbening.
Russia will fuck something up before it get's taken out, and Iran could seriously btfo Israel.
Tell me, why do you wear the wooden shoes!!!
You had a Muslim nigger in the White House for 8 years. Don't lecture me.