Washington Post going after Evangelicals. Probably because Israel is about to be BTFO


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Glass houses.

+ Stones.

>this man is a god emperor
>is surprised when people call him a cultist heretic

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The author of this article is a Jew

WP is even more CIA than CNN

They aren't CIA. Both of them are Mossad/Israeli run operations. Not government.

>be wapo writter
>be leftist faggot and atheist
>curse christians at every opportunity
Srsly, though, you guys should listen to this wapo writter. He probably has a good, well-researched point about the spiritual implications of not supporting Hillary and the left.

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> Pro-life arguments are discredited by an association with misogyny
>it's okay to kill unborn children because sexism

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>neocon biblethumpers mad that Trump supporters generally don't like brainwashed goyim who believe they exist to serve Israel so Jeebus will come save their souls

I doubt Trump is a particularly moral man, but manipulative holy rollers are far less moral. Conservatives warned the country about courting the preachers 60 years ago.

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>Israel about to be btfo
Source, or are you just parroting something you read on Sup Forums six years ago?


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Typical Jew behavior of trying to pin conservatives on small points of their values, in order to make them look bad, so that you'll just put your own people in power and erode their values anyway.

Sup Forums sold its soul when it became a supporter of an elite skunk.

The reality of becoming a third world shithole: you always think it could be a little worse.

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>says Brazil

hear hear

The moment of truth soon. Wew that article made me giddy.

>boomers will use clickbait headlines to imply you need to be dumb to not be part of a jewish cult

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>Israel is about to be BTFO

They're God's Chosen, ain't shit gonna touch them.

The virgin israeli vs The Chad American

Israel will fall

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>meme flag
I don't know who you are, I don't know where you are from...but your words mean nothing if you hide like a coward behind a fake flag.

I was more interested in the decreased threat response and immigrant attitude change