Daily reminder that hate speech is not free speech
Daily reminder that hate speech is not free speech
Sage. but really
daily reminder the left cant meme
fuck off nigger your threats mean shit.
we cannot tolerate intolerance in a free society
Then free speech is not hate speech. Therefore, if I say whatever I truly want, what I say is not hate speech via logical converse, q.e.d..
Suck it, flaggot
nice watermark faggot
then kill yourself.
KYS commie fag!
also sage because op can't even use the right memeflag for his crypto-stalinist shitshow of a statement
digits confirm it
go away aussie ugly
go away, bruce
>we cannot tolerate intolerance in a free society
and that in a nutshell is your tread-of-the-mill commie fag
I rest my case, couldn't have destroyed you better myself!
>the concept of free speech only applies to socially acceptable opinions and beliefs
think about this for 5 seconds...
Three more in a row. Good job, anons. Also your bait is shit, OP. Get fucked.
>we cannot tolerate intolerance in a free society
then it aint free, saged nigger. also us supreme court has firmly established there are no cuck or "hete speech" exeptions on free speech. good luck changing that with your commie high school debate skills
I said INTOLERANCE aka racism sexism homophobia etc
But good bait though.
Read the post again. This time slowly.
i know this is bait but some people actually believe this
and i dont know who is worse the troll or people responding to him
We NEED those for a good society. Racism to make the niggers want to isolate themselves and cause the least damage for fear of punishment, sexism to ensure women remain homemakers, homophobia to ensure that people are afraid of faggots so that an example is made of them and people know from a good age that faggotry is bad, etc.
Easy: It's people who don't sage this garbage.
we are just opening our mouths and expressing opinions. Your "class struggle" has no real victims/targets, so you settle for this useless and pointless offensive against free speech.
If you can't tolerate intolerance, you yourself are intolerant and thus, you should do us all a favor and just fucking kill yourself.
Which is why you need to go.
Sure, and who gets to decide what hate speech is?
Nice example in UK just recently: Imams get to openly advocate islam and shariah law and shit in speaker's corner in London, but the Austrian leader of the european identitarian movement was not allowed to enter the UK and speak his mind in a similar fashion because that would count as hatespeech
also, saged
when we win this will happen to you and we will say our line so get it on...
try to clamp down on free speech and violate your own rules
RIP down that veil !
Thats the best thing you can do.
It will radicalize people.
It will be a remake of Weimar.