I own what would be considered a small business with only 15 total employees in a densely populated city. After talking to my white lawyer he advised me that it is possible to hire only white males and leave out the degeneracy that comes with normal companies. Recently I have found a need for another employee (accountant) however all I keep receiving is applications from hispanic/black applicants. I have previously been accused of hiring on white/male employees but managed to keep this out of the limelight by showing applicants from all previous hiring rounds to a judge and proving that they were more qualified. I have two underqualified white males that have applied but I can't afford the liabilities that come with hiring them with such shit resumes. How can I attract more white applicants?
I own what would be considered a small business with only 15 total employees in a densely populated city...
Can you hire me please :)?
Stay out, Pablo.
>15 total employees
Is that the cutoff?
Employee count in relation to business size is based on industry, essentially. I only count it as a small business because it constantly reminds me to not flaunt my wealth in my lower-middle income area.
Where could I find a listing of these laws?
I've tried looking online but I don't know how to phrase "How to get around being forced to hire blacks" in legal terms.
Bump for solidarity.
Go to a college with a gun, walk into the accounting class and demand applications from all the white students.
Always hire the best one for the job regardless of their ethnicity. You owe it to your business. Look up Thomas Sowell to learn why.
Under 50 employees is considered to be a "small business " and as such is NOT subject to osha, Obama care or affirmative action quotas.
Local laws could be different.
Consider upskilling some of your employees.
Maybe better time management is what is required. Plenty of courses out there. Your employees would also appreciate that you value them enough to spend money on their education, forging loyalty to you.
Just make sure that if you send them on courses, they sign a contract (Return of service obligation in Australia), saying that if they do the course, and quite within a designated period, say two years, you can recoup the cost of the course from them.
Hire a nigger:
1.if they steal you can fire them
2. Shows you sent racist
3. Solitary niggers are less likely to chimp out when surrounded by whites.
i wonder if that would work in the US. lawful agreements like IBAs seem to be easily flouted, much liek Section 7 of most modern awards gets flogged by employers
Accountant here. Several years experience and on my way to a CMA. I'm half italian though so I may not be white enough. What city are you in? I'll work for you.
Also if you're in a big city just call up Robert half and get a temp until you can find a qualified huwite candidate.
found the moroccan
Pay more for better people, they will earn themselves back by not ruining your company.
Outsource to a CPA service. Problem solved
Freedom of association
Haha but not sharing a cultural history and language is an immediate disqualification by your standard, so you are saying do not hire non-whites
I'm 100% culturally white, 113 IQ. I aim to provide the highest quality service to clients and top work performance for my employer. I'm competitive, organized, self-motivated, and a quick learner. What job specific qualifications are you looking for?
good advice if you want to go bankrupt