So tell me one honest issue with fascism

So tell me one honest issue with fascism.

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Succession. Who takes power after a leader dies?

Corporatism kinda sucks.

The leaders clone, eugenics has moved on. We dont need to gas people anymore - they just wont be born.

The leaders clone, eugenics has moved on. We dont need to gas people anymore - they just wont be born.

the lack of debate. fascist cannot accept a outside opinion. modern liberals in some cases are fascist. some would argue hitler had some liberal tendencies and this all lines up

Like Communism, every time somebody tries it it goes pretty badly. I think we're up to almost a dozen attempts with fascism, and no country has done very well under it, so it's in the waste paper bin of novel ideas at this point.

We're rapidly approaching the ceiling with representative democracy, but nobody has any good ideas beside it (except rebooting failed experiments that generally resulted in civil wars and secret police going door to door).

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Is there a way to evolve Fascism into something else and fix these flaws?

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That's why we need an AI leader.

No? There are clearly inherent problems. It's essentially a waste of time now, like communism - just another defunct political theory.

>So tell me one honest issue with fascism.
nice sentence fragment, retard.

>Nice* sentence fragment, retard.

you gotta put 100% faith on someone presuming he's enlightened
same shit as oligarchy

Every day there are 100 threads about things wrong with Sup Forums-tier views made by memeflaggots.

Really makes you think.

Technological ((( "progress" )) is actually the most degenerate thing there is.

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Similar overhead issues as communism

Way too much energy put into making sure no one does anything degenerate or spreads unwanted ideas.

Also, fascism leads to intellectual and cultural stagnation because everyone is encouraged to just be a brick in the wall and fulfill the status-quo. Hence the fascist state is doomed to be overthrown by societies where free-thinkers get to express and explore their ideas and discover new and greater things while questioning or disregarding misguided or antiquated social convention.

Try naming any society where boxing yourself in and regulating what people were allowed to think and do did not lead to being outcompeted by more liberal nations.

What incentive would AI have to care about humans it was ruling over?

The lack of freedom. The only reason anyone likes it is because they imagine they're going to be the ones in charge. Imagine that there is a fascist government with the people you disagree with the most in charge. You'd be lined up and shot for speaking your opinions.

Case in point: I presume you come here so you get to say and hear things which are discouraged or even taboo in regular society and are happy that there is a place these things can be discussed and shared just in case society has been entirely wrong on them.
In a fascist system we would all be prime enemies of the state, with Sup Forums being the first website the government would take down, or more likely, keep out as a honeypot to bait and identify wrong-thinkers.

No those countries did well under fascism they got destroyed by other countries though.

What incentive would an AI have to do anything? Your question is a retarded question by a retard who is retarded when it comes to AI. You retard.