this triggers Sup Forums
This triggers Sup Forums
Why the fuck is this little herb so fucking dangerous to the establishment?
I donĀ“t smoke anymore, but I have had my house raided middle of night because I had some little pieces of fucking leaf in some minigrip-plastic bags, probably 0.5gram at best
Throw into fucking cell "where did you get it? Where did you get it?" fucking so small amounts
I only hope that in 40 years they were legalize it here, when I am retired, my friends and relatives dead I can at least walk to some shop and buy some weed and smoke it from a pipe in local park with other old people. Finland will be the last place where they will legalize THE HERB DANGEROUS!
thank you finbro!
This triggers my encocannabinoid system.
Sorry, fun should come from physical labour not from easy money
It functionally makes niggers out of white people. It only pisses me off that we can't grow hemp because of it. Hemp is actually really useful unlike weed and the people who smoke it.
>not useful
I also believe that people with seizure disorders should not be allowed to breed.
It triggers my sense of pity. The weed jew at it's most benign robs you of your time and money. At worst, for the impulsive or weak willed, it can be a gateway to nastier habits and association with degenerates.
Better to leave the devils lettuce to the spics and spooks, lad.
Doesn't trigger me; I don't care if people use it, but it isn't my thing. However, I have absolutely no use for the potheads who smoke it and flaunt the fact that they smoke it like it's some sort of fucking status symbol. Those idiots can get necked.
>what is alcohol
yeah cause its bammer
Looks dank
Let's smoke it
Alcohol is bad for you?
>this triggers the junkie
>have had my house raided middle of night because I had some little pieces of fucking leaf in some minigrip-plastic bags, probably 0.5gram at best
sounds not true to me I live in texas and even it is illegal but less strict than this
Lol trust me man , we been asking that question for a long time now and we barely have 9 states that are recreationally legal, but the Federal government and DEA/ATF asshats still have it labeled as schedule 1 narcotic , same as heroin/cocaine
Which , basically is mental retardation on the government's parts since Trump left it to our state's to decide
So 9 did legalize.
Headed to colorado in 3 days myself actually , gonna go buy my first legal weed purchase in my life after 10 years smoking/buying weed on the black market
Who cares, just don't be in the deep south and don't carry a duffel bag of the shit in your car and nobody will infringe on your precious right to get high. I guarantee you smoke a fraction of what I do too.
Only thing this herb triggers is your rape flashbacks,schizophrenia and psychosis.
The delusion weedfags have, they think smoking this degenerate drug somehow "" scares"" the jewish overlords lmao
>then regulate and tax the shit out of
I'd be for it if you niggers actually were for totally 100% legalization but you're government cucks even when bitching about the government
>lol look at all the tax money we can generate for mah skools
>Weed triggering anyone in 2018
OP you have to be 18 to post here. Come back in 6 years (if we're still running).
smoke the poo
feel like loo
We're not all so stupid, user.
I've been smoking since I was born. It's pretty swell stuff. Never turn it down.
Everything is bad in excess. Perhaps I was being a bit overdramatic. Most stoners are degenerate nigger tier people. If used selectively for good or very sparingly it's not that bad.
Our country really is an EMBARRASSMENT when it comes to weed. Nothing more humiliating when friends from aboard are visiting you and you can't find any. We're like a nation of children.
weed is for high school kids, grow up fags
Only less intelligent people is afraid of weed
>The weed jew at it's most benign robs you of your time and money. At worst, for the impulsive or weak willed, it can be a gateway to nastier habits and association with degenerates.
This is true. This is why it must be decriminalized so I can just grow my own without paying a ridiculous sum or waiting forever for my dealer.
Why wait 40 years, just come here dude weed lmao
It makes goyim lazy.
It makes goyim think.
Been infamous for cultivating both. Was ****** from the MMF back in the day. Ask anything you want to know.
MODS will shut it down but both can be beneficial and neither are rocket science to grow.
Could literally fund a revolution with these and upon completion I'd legalise and encourage the use of both. Strength through joy.
Spiritual power.
>Why the fuck is this little herb so fucking dangerous to the establishment?
cures stuff and you can't fund black ops with clean money
what's the highest thc indica