Swedish EU-politcans will sue US in WTO, just as we did in 2003 and we won. Because of his threat with trade tariff war. So btfo TRUMP.

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back to the cuckshed with you sven

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You pussies can't keep Tyrone & Muhammad out of your women and you think you are just going to sue us and get your way?

Go suck Muhammad's cock while you wait for the Russians to come kill you.


So we'll sue WTO in US court and win. :^)

>calling anyone irrelevant

Back to the cuckshed Sven

>sue America
>plz do as court rules
>America says fuck off and keeps on keeping on

Whiter than you Mohammed

Good luck Svencuck. America has reclaimed her sovereignty.

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If you euro*peans even try too, you'll ruin relations with Australia & the USA. Us Aussies have and will continue to back our greatest ally

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>(((Shell companies))) import cheap steel
>Under price the commodity below what it costs to manufacture in locally
>Steel producers go out of business and jobs are lost
>Even if the shell companies profit only a few cents off each sale they effectively create a monopoly and sell high bulk making millions of dollars in profit
>Manufacturing base is at the mercy of banks and other speculators bringing the resource in.

Sweden should get itself straight domestically before trying to fuck up other peoples countries.

Hey 56% mutt dont project your 40million jamals and tyrones fuck you in the ass on a daily basis.

>I can't literally stop sucking Tyrone's dick
t. Sven

>the WTO
who cares?

It will be annuddder defeat

lol you think Trump gives a shit what the WTO says?

they got guns as a form of nigger population control
what have you got, sven?

Much less niggers then you and usa.

Time to pull funding from these international institutions

Your govement sold your and your childrens future to islam and africa.
Maybe just maybe you should start doing something lololol or do you just hope you will die before everthing turns even more to shit and then its the next generations problems?
Sorry sven if you are not already close to 70 you will see everything until the bitter end.

When will people finally realize that Trump is impervious to any form of btfo?

we should cut all trade with Sweden
a few cheap pieces of furniture isn't worth feeling like I'm partially sponsoring the extinction of a society

not for long