

Attached: 1496104856196.png (640x612, 353K)

>Wow I guess I'll vote Democrat now thanks OP!
Dumb fucking nigger kill yourself.


Time to fix this thread

Attached: Quintessentially british man chooses his wife.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

how can anyone pretend this is feminist?

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fake quote. kys

Because the women get a turn at objectifying the men

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meanwhile in america

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>10 years from current year
who cares fag

What the fuck??? Is this a real TV show?

ITT: faggots defending neocon cucknity

cucks gonna cuck

Really makes me think.

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Media bias innit

No source in either quote

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If I were you, I would get really tired of my job.

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How about show the full quote with "preconditions", faggot.

To be fair both his statements will be proven correct if Trump accomplishes something big, whereas Obama did squat.

Guy looks like a pure anglo saxon-jutlander type too. What a shame.

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I see you took our advice and found a pic of sean that doesnt predate the obama administration for the top quote.

I want to murder every single person involved in the making of this. Every single one.

Jesus,you people suck at this.
>This exact thread failed miserably last night with a diff. Macro
You're a dipshit,op
Ps. Tell your boss R.I.CO. case is pending

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nothing of value would be lost

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I see you changed the pic since the last time you posted this slide thread, kek

oi mate put down that frown

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also, what the fuck is this shit?!

will i go to jail for posting here?

Hannity's cock gobbler. He's a classic boomercuck. Sure, he's behind the big guy now, but that's just is NY Irish school yard mentality kicking in. The guy has no actual beliefs. And if you like Hannity, you are an undersexed grandmother.

Quite possible, James

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Well yeah Hannity is a ass kisser and a neo-con shill. How do you think he got his career?

Hannitys tolerable as long as he supports Trump and gives us the tick tocks but he'll never be forgiven for being a neocon cheerleader. Same with Coulter.

wtf? certainly this can't be real.

Obama would've gone and sucked his dick, like Iran.

Trump will actually do something beneficial.

hannity is a pussy compared to coulter

Did any of the tick tocks become anything substantial???

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Anyone who LOVED Bush and now LOVES Trump is a hollow shell of a person. Even the rate Obama/Trump voter is a million times more trust worthy.

>before Obama let them get nukes

>after Obama let them get nukes

Why is this so hard?

Its hard to stay mad at Coulter.

Attached: (((globalists))).jpg (737x839, 105K)

wtf is she rambling about?

Gee, coz geo-political situations simply never change and always remain static. 2008 - North Korea = not a credible nuclear threat.

Obama was weak. He would have gone and apologized for how evil America is. Then give the NK regime whatever they wanted. Trump, on the other hand, has shown tough foreign policy. There is a reason why Obama's presidency was called an apology tour.

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the bottom tweet

still going to vote for Trump

Attached: Trump Bickle.jpg (1920x1080, 1.42M)

>There's an old Vulcan proverb... "Only Nixon could go to China"

Attached: star trek 6.png (1280x720, 298K)

Good posts brit, you've won a set of toofs. Take better care of these as they are white American toofs

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Is this literally slavery auction?

what country should I move to?

South Africa/Sweden/Canada: your choice

Hannity is a chearleader. It doesn't matter what is happening or what a position is. He will always push the Republican side. Whatever the Republican party does is good, whatever the Democrat party does is bad. And this is just another example of it.

If you want someone to confirm your narrative and are a Republican, then watch him. But for the rest of us he is just a version of MSN.

>Wow I guess I'll completely ignore the hypocrisy now
Dumb fucking nigger kill yourself.

So I guess one guy going and saying please stop is the same as another guy beating him into submission and accepting his surrender.

>write letter to Kim Jung Il asking him nicely to stop threatening us
>nothing happens, Obama looks like Jimmy Carter as Hannity pointed out

>threaten to nuke the mother fucker over twitter
>turn their only ally against them
>fuck them over with so many sanctions they beg us for an audience and say they'll get rid of their nukes themselves
>they start begging South Korea for help out of fear of us

See the difference here?


is god emperor drumpf going to do that? no.

This one is shopped
IIRC, the chink one was about eating smelly shit and the other was about playing music out loud or putting your feet on seats