The death game genre meets isekai


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>death game genre

Well are you gonna dump something? Very anemic thread, if I am to be honest.

give me a minute.





>death game genre





Hope this goes somewhere.

Danganronpa, Battle Royale.

The merger of two horrible genres into a single unbearable abomination. Based on a light novel with 387 volumes, one and a quarter of which is translated, here is the shitty manga adaptation that gets one chapter every 4 months.



>387 volumes
I refuse to believe this.

You're not serious right?





So literally SAO?

I don't know shit about it, but that you would take me seriously says a lot about this trend as a whole.

>protagonist's name's kanji is literally April 1st
Are we being rused?


I think he means chapters rather than volums else it'd be like chinese novel long.
That said, if it's chapters then its just as long as shieldbro main story

we have 8man so there's that








I usually enjoy death game/play or die scenarios but for some reason that being combined with a medieval isekai setting is so exhaustingly boring to me. Does anything fucking happen in this first chapter? The art's not really good enough to interest me either.






Time to see if this manga has the nerve to kill the two sacrificial examples off





>tatoe hai ni naru
>ousama game
>real account

Have you been asleep for the past five years?




You distracted me you ass.



I think the idea has potential but it should be executed with characters who are not familiar with the world and it's mechanics beforehand.
>MC dies and is summoned into a new world
>is sent to have a battle royale with a bunch of other people who also died at around the same time
>no one knows who the other contestants are
>the world is large and differs greatly from the real world culturally and in terms of how things work
>the game takes place over multiple years with the contestants trying to improve their chances by learning magic or looting ancient crypts for good gear or making money to hire mercenaries
There would probably have to be some kind of system for the contestants to detect one another or something like a timer to drive them into confrontations. Either that or they'd have to try and develop ways around it, like detection magic by trying to make themselves into invincible warriors with OP gear. Would also be interesting if one of the contestants managed to become an advisor to a foreign emperor or something and used his armies to try and kill all of his opponents at once by genociding the entire nation. The main idea would be to give them time to develop their own strategies for the situation by slowly familiarizing themselves with the new environment and using it to their advantage.

Wait a second, I remember playing this as a little game dealie on pixiv a few months back.

Yeah this is pretty shit.

It has a game?



Dungeon Seeker already did this shit.

Truly Sakamoto666 is a visionary ahead of his own time.

Almost every death game might as well be isekai considering it's almost always in some isolated place with their own set of rules and shit.

Oh wow, for a moment, I actually got excited. I immediately thought that these assholes would be dumped in a fantasy world, forced to find their own stuff, then kill each other with it.

But no, it's more generic than that.

How the fuck did this get popular? It feels like I'm reading satire.

This shit like a copy pasta of that one shitty series with the alien teacher thats going to blow up the earth.