Ah muy nino, you ask me how la creatura came to be? Legends say that it all began with the mixing of the races combined with artificial and chemical-spiked food and complete disintegration of culture. Then the mutts started breeding with the mongrels, and people started losing sanity even further. Ay caramba, horrible and dark times indeed. Eventually, the even more mixed abominations started being fed meat of deceased by the corporations to cut expenses. When the time was right, Jews opened up the portal to a nether dimension by using the vigin blood sacrifices of few extremely rare blancos that they kept alive for this specific purpose. Unimaginable dark energies descended upon this realm, turning abominations into something, something not of this world ... They were finally ready, the perfected goyim ...
But then there was, the wall. It's still protecting us, even to this day. No one knows for what purpose was it built, but some say that it was used to keep our corrupted cousins that ventured north from returning. However, it is very old, and sometimes la creatura sneaks through the cracks, kidnapping children
Why do americans get so butthurt about the mutt meme?
Jacob Ramirez
Probably because they know it's true. Just think how it must be for an american to post his 23andme results on here.
Logan James
because it's true, worse yet: the whites we have aren't even full blooded. people here say shit like "im like half irish and half italian, so im white"
The first known report of Amerimutts comes from the Spanish missionary Hernando de Luna y Arellano, member of the jesuit mission of Ajacan, in the current Florida. A kind and religious man, he suffered a crisis of faith during his mission in the Americas, before returning to Spain and dying in his birthplace Toledo. The forensic report written by his personal doctor states that he died while screaming the words "el monstruo" incoherently. After his death, a piece of paper that seems to describe his encounter with an Amerimutt was found among his belongings, the contents of which are reproduced in its original Spanish in the following post:
"¡Oh, Santa Maria Auxiliadora, a ti me encomiendo, pues mi espíritu se halla sumido en el más profundo de los pesares! Quiso el fatal de los destinos que mis pasos se encontraran con una de las mas abyectas criaturas del diablo, cuya forma detallaré a continuación como aviso para futuros viajeros de aquestos lugares. Sirvan, pues, mis palabras como guía para rehuir a estas bestias.
Paseaba por la bahía de Santa María, contemplando dichoso el bello paisaje del lugar, cuando de un arbusto cercano surgió el feo ser que nos ocupa. Su piel era de un sucio color cobrizo, más oscuro que el de los indios que habitan estás tierras. Extrañas marcas y símbolos adornaban su piel, la más distinguida de ellas una especie de letra eme de color amarillo que lucia en su ancha frente. Medía unos siete pies de altura, siendo su envergadura considerable, como de jabalí o cerdo en matanza. Anchas narices y unos ojos diminutos y separados adornaban su grotesca faz, que parecía retorcerse y deformarse con extraños caprichos. Vestía ropaje harapientos adornados con varias rayas blancas y rojas y estrellas blancas en fondo azul. A primeras pensé que esta criatura era no más que una extraña especie de macaco que los nativos habían disfrazado a modo de chanza, mas mis pareceres cambiaron cuando la criatura habló.
Brody Watson
idk, I think the whole "americans get mad at the amerimutt meme" is a meme itself. Ive never seen soneone get made over it. I actually find it hilarious.
Jason Morales
En el momento en el que la bestia abrió su enorme boca, todo sonido alrededor cesó. El graznido de las gaviotas, el bramido de las olas golpeando la costa, e incluso el sonido de mi propio aliento fueron ensordecidos al instante. El bello cielo azulado tornose negro y la luz del sol se extinguió. Una ponzoña se extendió por los alrededores, pudriendo y matando rápidamente la frondosa vegetación del lugar. Tras una eternidad, el monstruo pronunció las siguientes palabras:
"whiter then u mohammed"
James Thomas
>Why fight for the white race goy, you aren't even white because it's a meme for people like sargoy of akkad. It perpetuates the "what is white" meme.
Adam Sanders
Somebody get a sweet old Mexican granny to read this out loud.
Ethan Cooper
My fucking sides.
Jesus Christ you guys, these are getting fucking cruel
No, they do only they are getting used to it lately. It's the American civnat "people of color" who love to come to pol to laugh at niggers and pajeets who get buttflustered by this meme. You can just look for the HWNDU pol/tard meetup photos to see what they look like. Fuck them and anyone else here just for lulz. pol is doing God's work
There's a minority that gets really butthurt. I even had one guy post that these memes were a blackpill which made him see mutts everywhere and another guy who pleaded to our sense of decency due to how far below the belt he thought they were.
Also, there is yet another thread right now asking for the meme to be retired with 13 points on why it's not funny to begin with, how can you resist shitposting seeing such levels of butthurt?
Would be a good idea, I Bret you can give one 10 bucks to read tis
Robert Howard
Jayden Brooks
Because it's a product of the postmodern deconstruction of "whiteness." It implies white people don't exist, like when Ta-Nehisi Coates refers to whites as "people who think they are white." If we don't really exist, then we don't have group interests or an identity and we can't object to nonwhite demands such as mass nonwhite immigration and affirmative action. It's pure distilled cultural Marxism.
Seriously, the bullying against American members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Americans are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board. Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only American man who finds it hard to take pride in his own country after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my heritage from insecure losers here. Why not bully Swedes or Germans? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful country? Potato niggers get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest whites in North America.
Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful ! Would you call an American man a "Amerimutt"(disgusting word) to his face? Would you say to a kind,peaceful and hard working salt of the earth American man that they are a "Mixed mutt"? Would you say those words to your fellow white brother? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate? Your destroying national pride, your dividing whites against each other, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behavior. So I encourage you to stop now.