Sup Forums btfo

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>by denying interaction
Yeah that'll go great. It always does.

>put a nigger in charge


>Engage the Brits with shitposting tier bants
>Btits can't handle the bants out of fear that heir Islamist pals might start exploding with anger

Honestly this is a great position to have the cucked Brits. Talk shit to them and they turn their backs on free speech to protect the unstable nature of Muslims. This can and will be exploited. We can make the UK censor its own people. We can force the UK to accelerate their self-destructive agenda purely by calling them and their Islamist pals out on their terrible policies.

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Right, ban islam tho

it'd be nice if this fucker said something against child grooming rape gangs instead of mean words on the internet for once

>part and parcel

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Watch how they define hate speech

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it feels like I'm looking at the sun when I'm reading this

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Some leftists may seem to oppose technology, but they will oppose it only so long as they are outsiders and the technological system is controlled by non-leftists. If leftism ever becomes dominant in society, so that the technological system becomes a tool in the hands of leftists, they will enthusiastically use it and promote its growth. In doing this they will be repeating a pattern that leftism has shown again and again in the past. When the Bolsheviks in Russia were outsiders, they vigorously opposed censorship and the secret police, they advocated self-determination for ethnic minorities, and so forth; but as soon as they came into power themselves, they imposed a tighter censorship and created a more ruthless secret police than any that had existed under the tsars, and they oppressed ethnic minorities at least as much as the tsars had done. In the United States, a couple of decades ago when leftists were a minority in our universities, leftist professors were vigorous proponents of academic freedom, but today, in those of our universities where leftists have become dominant, they have shown themselves ready to take away from everyone else’s academic freedom. (This is “political correctness.”) The same will happen with leftists and technology: They will use it to oppress everyone else if they ever get it under their own control.

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>random arab gains a bit of political power in 1st world country
>this happens

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they are insulting the still White majority.
Hitler-style revanchism came from the feeling of national humiliation and need for dignity.
People underestimate dignity politics.

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>their reasons for doing it are


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>charged with an offense for wrongthink
Fuck me. They're serious.

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>the week long nigger party in the middle of liberal Austin that keeps whole shifts of police busy on overtime
>and still niggers fighting in the street or shooting each other
yup, sounds like something progressives would support

>too many white men
Fucking excuse me?

Soviet State 101.

>they are insulting the still White majority.
That can and will be leveraged against them. It would be great if all of this wee not necessary but they insist on continuing with self-destructive policies.

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I believe you have bad motives, therefore I'm going to put you in prison -Londonstan

Watch this:
Yes it's Lauren the thot but just hear what the immigrants say about being British.

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Not England, London.
He's right about that. London is

>In order to maintain our increasingly tinder-box tier society, we are going to need to become hilariously Orwellian.

I think the working theory at this point is you need to throw a lot of man-power at issues that might flame racial tension, because the UK is utterly convinced that it is a hair's breath from Yugoslavia-style pogroms that'll kick off with a minor incident in a car park (or a mean tweet).

That the end-point of multiculturalism is a constant state of dread at the possibility that minor squabbles will evolve quickly into serious strife between groups is particularly funny to me.

Every new police effort to combat hate speech et al is a confirmation that the ideology has pushed society to a breaking point, and it can only be held together at this stage through threats and intimidation.

South Africa is more north than it seems.

Part & parcel of living in London

This is actually a very good signal.

If you're an accelerationist, I guess. Hard for the government to put out spotfires when the population elects people dedicated to banging the drum.

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Uk is so fucking weak its disgusting. I hate them and their weakness.


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>someone never been to London
There are a lot of white people in London especially in pubs,

I thought 1984 was supposed to be fiction.

What the fuck.

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You're gonna have to go from a different angle if you want the results you're looking for. More humor, less shame.

Pro-tip: laughter is the great normalizer.

It's funny how this works with tax evading ;).

>put a Paki in charge and watch how he censors speech
what a civilised country!

We can go from all angles. Humor and shame both work to demoralize.

We are going to force the UK government and a Europe at large to enforce greater censorship on its people and thankfully the cucked governments have imported literally millions of unstable, fresh off the battlefield Islamist for this to happen. Their self-destructive "Diversity" policy has become our greatest weapon. We know they will not reverse course nor would we allow that to happen. We know they will double down. We know how to exploit them and force them to take action to suppress free speech.

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>It’s time to act on hate speech

He really means it’s time to act on free speech. Incredible how far the west has fallen and how much farther we will go.


Hate speech is not free speech.

They deserve this. They all had it coming ... they and their paralytic fat fuck made the fucking wrong choice 75 years ago.

Luckily for us Americans it is. We will use that fact to bind you and demoralize your people. We will drive you to war over your regressive leftist agenda.

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Yes, if only everyone just let Germany invade them, the world would be a paradise.

na man, those muslim rape gangs and drug dealers aren't the problem, it's those evil twitter trolls.

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It's going to kick off when a man gets on Twitter to try to get support for someone in his family that is raped or dead and told he is a violent extremist and can't say such things.

Nothing new.

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Well, they both are, but one is more easily controlled than the other (threats of incarceration are more effective against a more intelligent group).

Both create incidents that drive inter-ethnic tension. When you've created a landscape conducive to pogroms, you start spending an inordinate amount of time and energy putting out little fires out of fear that everyone will start killing each other.

Well obviously. Something that doesn't exist can't be anything, after all.

Surely not.

Hard not to see it as a big game. 2% of the population imports a ton of anybody who isn't the host population and then when they near 50% they turn on the "tear down white supremacy" which sounds good at first but really turns out to mean "seize and redistribute white wealth in a socialist revolution"

Huge demoralization campaigns, propaganda constantly and everywhere. Very sad to see egalitarianism perverted and used in this way. Believed in it all my life until I saw what was going to happen.

Nazi Germany and the commies were dukeing it out and all Churchill had to do was sit there. The thing was tho if the commies were defeated the nazis would have been powerful enough to fuck everyone else and vice versa for the other side. So there were two horses to back. Out of a 50% A FACKEN COIN FLIP MIND YOU, UK backed the wrong horse.

Nope, otherwise it would have happened 10 times over by now.

I figure what you'll get is increasing political mobilisation around tribal figures that will use state power to punish other ethnic groups, eventually leading to something like Pakistan.

Your Sadiq Khans, basically. Using coercive state power to exclusively punish rival ethnic groups, which will release people from a feeling that they should abide the state, unless their group is in charge of it.

Do these people really not see a problem with this.
"Hate speech" is not even possible to define. It's subjective as fuck.
Why are seemingly intelligent people do fucking dumb about this?
Also, free speech protection is specifically in place for "problematic" speech.
I seriously think that the only way forward will be if these people are gone.


You do know that hes a mutt
Arabs genocided almost a billion people in India and took their women and bred with them.
The entire reason for Britian establishing a Pakistan was too stop those inbred subhumans from suicide bombing and raping

What a fucking nigger

>UK backed the wrong horse.

Yeah, sure. The Germans were the good guys. Have you not noticed that this is a tough sell even with bigots? I'm racist as fuck and you lose me on that one. Next you'll sell me on Japan working its way down to Australia as a good thing, and that if we just didn't interfere all would've been grand.

You can't bomb the shit out of people's cities and then bitch when they bomb you back.

What a goatfucking nigger

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What is this brown faggot up to now?

Imagine being mayor of the business capital of the planet and spending your time criminalising words to protect sensitive people's feelings.

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It must be absolutely galling to have to protect those people, why be a cop in that shithole?

Hopefully his resignation and suicide.

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I for one welcome this censorship, because all it does is cause people to bottle up their discontent until they've finally hit their breaking point.

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This was staged.

>mrw londonistan mayor is austin package bomber

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I find the speech in that Tweet to be hateful. Can someone please arrest this guy?

Meh this is pretty fucking insane but hey, it won't get more tyrannical than this surely, everything will be fine. When these young, increasingly communist, "diversity" obsessed people begin taking positions of power, they surely won't use things like this for malevolent purposes

And if they do, you can just overthrow them with an army of spoons

Amazing how accurately he saw it all. Unfortunate he chose the method he did to spread his message.

>Sadiq Khan looks like a sparrow

Holy FUCK someone throw that person of indeterminate gender in prison IMMEDIATELY

You thick cunt, uk bombed german ports first and the provoked with berlin attacks around 8 times before hitler retaliated and still went on to say he had no interest in the british or the empire in fact saying he wished to see it unharmed. His desires lay entirely in the east. Go and look up churchills involvement in dragging us into the first world war with a complete railroading of parliament. The only reason uk couldnt back germany is because a german dominated europe and empire expanding east would engulf the uk economically and challenge u.s to super power status. This is why efforts have always been to keep russia and germany divided.

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>its time to do something
You mean they are going to take this insanity even further?

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Free speech is objective. I'm objectively free to call you a nigger. This right is, here, inalienable. No one can take the right away. The right to free speech is a manifestation of God. You don't have it, because you gave up your Gods in exchange for Israeli occupation.
I hope to visit a free Germany one day.


1984 was a fiction novel not a manual.

My descendents got sent to a prison island for the terms of their natural lives, i think they got the better deal to be honest.

Man the UK just keeps becoming more and more of a police state dystopia every day.

Is he assuming that calling someone a fucking species of bird is now hate speech?
Honestly if we end up killing all the Muslims soon I hope lying patsies like him go first in line for the firing squad

they arent police anymore, theyre orderlies at an insane asylum.

>take your pills
>be nice or no tv time
>go to time out

Guess they were dumb.

Jesus Christ, is Britain really accelerating this badly or is Sup Forums just amplifying it?

i do not know how they could make it worse without major technological advancements to be honest with you.

False, it's 65% white and under 50% white BRITISH. Not that that's much better.


>person doesn’t do a crime but because the other person believes he’s been offended it’s now suddenly a crime
What the actual fuck UK? Is couping our governments the only way out of this?

ah fuck.
>My ancestors got sent to a prison island for the term of their natural lives, i think they got the better deal to be honest.

Anything is hatespeech now, if some nog doesn't like what you said it's hatespeech now.

British people aren't white though. ;^)

we are fucked beyond belief, the Tories are happy to censor because puritan bullshit and the lefties want the same because muh hate speech.

we are done in lmao cannot even belief the absolute state of the country.

my only hope is that my backwater home country gets overlooked by this bullshit.

you fucking KEK
hitler wanted to preserve the british empire
look at youre fucking retard empire now!

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