I guess Sup Forums doesn’t understand race as much you’d like to proclaim.
*sips tea*
I guess Sup Forums doesn’t understand race as much you’d like to proclaim.
*sips tea*
>mom on fertility drugs fucked a nigger and a white man on the same night
wow it refidnes everything I know about race
>Mother gives birth to two mulattoes, one of which happens to be afflicted with albinism.
>editor of The National Geographic
>Susan Goldberg
Every. Fucking. Time!
>sips tea
imagine being so much of a fag you LARP on Sup Forums
>makes us think
Go on...
Wow, mind blown. I guess niggers was just my imagination...
>driving while black
That sounds so interesting.
You sure? I see dissimilar features.
usually involves a lot of weed smoking, 12's on max volume and hollering at thots on the street while driving slow with the door open
You're right, the nigger looks whiter than the "white" girl.
One black sister and one sister who is also black. Look closely at the "white" one. Looks like a bleached nigger to me
>jew goes to great lengths to publish lies
>one example
>WTF I love niggers now
*turns on oven*
nah. one or both of the parents were mulatto.
Imagine being raped so hard by Russia, that even now, as a (((current year))) Romanian you can't understand simple sarcasm.
This kind of twin where one is light and the other is dark skinned has happened before
Two mulattos, F & M both with 50% black and 50% white genes, reproduce:
-two non-identical twins
-one twin gets by chance 35% white and 15% black genes from F, and 35% white and 15% black genes from M --> 70% white genes and 30% black genes (the girl on left)
-one twin gets by chance 15% white and 35% black genes from F, and 15% white and 35% black genes from M --> 30% white genes and 70% black genes (the girl on right)
Normal distribution.
I note that they use a highly mixed multatto for the cover.
>one is light and the other is dark skinned has happened before
Not like this! They are the chosen ones as foretold in ancient kike lore. One will rob a liquor store and the other will bail her out, thus returning balance to the ghetto
This. The "white" girl is clearly part African Negro.
take two Girls from different families
tell everyone theire sisters
Simple as that, theres been more complicated lies
how can anyone still believe this shit after the cheddar man ?
Also, look at the lightning in the picture. It is made so that the girl on left is illuminated, and the one on the right is in the shadow. If you look at the fingers of the right girl, you see that in the light her fingers are exactly the same darkness as the girl's skin on the left. Both girls are the same mulatto-skinned in reality. Both have nigger-curling dirty hair. The list goes on.
why are niggers so utterly disgusting? when i see gypsies i feel like dishing out violence, something about their faces makes me go berserk. nigs are 10 times worse. i also would like to hurt indians. i mostly want to annihilate muslims however
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sage motherfucker