Anyone read pic related? Does it contain any juicy redpills?
Also, Mosley thread
Anyone read pic related? Does it contain any juicy redpills?
Other urls found in this thread:
Nah. Usually by the time I have one hand on my crotch I don't really remember what I'm reading and I have to get the job done before I can think straight again.
wtf man
It is what it is. I usually don't think with my crotch but by the time a hand sneaks up on it that's a pretty good sign my mind is already thinking about something else even if I hadn't noticed.
The cure is easy and obvious.
dont be a slave to your urges and save your precious semen
>The cure is easy and obvious.
What? Chop your dick off and become a unic?
Save it for what? A nice wank? Done and done. Doesn't take more than a minute or two out of my day.
Fuck no. The Jews already tried chopping my dick apart. That didn't work at all.
Semen retention enhance your perception of reality. Every major religion recognised this.
The urge isn't helped when literal sheep shaggers from across the Tasman post bait like this. Also saved the pic, op.
In fact there are monks that neglect the prostate chakra who get good results in terms of power, but it's ultimately destructive. It's insect stuff for robot Asians.
>The Jews already tried chopping my dick apart
Kek so you're circumcised? The absolute state of mutts
What if I post bait like this Bruce?
You know it mate. They sold it on some idea that it would stop boys from spanking it. What were they thinking?
Of course boys are going to spank it anyway.
You realise that you've been marked as a literal Jewish slave, right?
I know all about it m8. I would go so far as to propose that it installed an entrance for demons to try to control me.
Is this the Anglo hate thread?
>Not photoshopping Culture of Critique
wasted meme potential
Find me another QT with a book and I'll do it.
>it installed an entrance for demons to try to control me.
That sucks man, I'm guessing it was your parents decision? Oh well I guess that's what you get for being born in Jewmerica
I've never asked them about it. For a time I thought what I'd do is show up unexpected and make them watch me blow the back of my head off on to the wall so nobody would ever be able to psychologically be able to live in the house again; destroying the home, if you will.
It's one of those fucked up things that happens here without anybody giving it any thought. A lot of things are like that, and not even limited to the medical industry.
>I've never asked them about it. For a time I thought what I'd do is show up unexpected and make them watch me blow the back of my head off on to the wall so nobody would ever be able to psychologically be able to live in the house again; destroying the home, if you will.
Ah well, life goes on mate.
Hnnnnnnnnng. Well time to get off of pol and go do something completely unrelated.
The internet bypasses satanic ritual abuse. What grabs you about Mosley?
I red-pilled 10K people yesterday
>Tomorrow we live
Tomorrow we die
I'm British, so the fact that he was one of the only men in Britain to try and stop the war with Germany (our blood brothers) made him seem like the only good Briton of the last 100 years. I also liked how he had a quite a substantial following before the war. I can only imagine the world we would be living in if he was successful. The state of my homeland today disgusts me.
There's something the US military calls "force multiplication."
So on the one hand, think about talking to your parents or your brother or your friend, all of which are low-value targets. Now think about shitposting on Sup Forums. How many people read what you shatpostest into the interbutt?
Those cutting scars
Nice. I made this infograph a while back
>pic related
I've started seeing it pop up all over the place which is nice. Hopefully this small contribution helps to wake people up to (((their))) influence in the media
I've only read a few books on the Great Wars, but none of them have mentioned Mosley. Are you familiar with the concept of the "elevator speech?" In other words, what would you say to somebody who might be interested if you only had a few passing moments alone in an elevator and you didn't know how long it might last -- much like a Sup Forums thread?
I think they're hairs m8
that's blond hairs you nigger
success breeds jealousy
Mosley was the greatest prime minister Britain never had, Enoch Powell a close second.
He was a morally driven, economic genius with a strong nationalist core. Literally everything we could want.
Out of all the leaders of the 20th century I'm willing to bet the views of most of the actually politically literate people on Sup Forums would be most in line with Mosley.
>elevator speech
Haven't heard of the name but get the concept. The fact that you haven't heard much about him sums up him up quite well. He has been described as Britain's lost peace leader, a man with stature and imagination to have reinvigorated an ailing society. Like most third position leaders he was inspired by the love for his nation and his people. He recognised that the previous war which he fought in had brought misery and poverty on a once great country and he aimed to reverse that destitution. He was one of Britain's greatest orators, and he held the largest indoor political rally to ever happen in England. He was a true hero and he desperately wanted peace for Europe. Unfortunately he was snuffed out by his own country men who had succumbed to the Jewish lie that Fascism is evil and backwards. He was a great man, and is still a source of inspiration to me
>Mosley was the greatest prime minister Britain never had
Well summed up brother. How is the situation over there really? I'm meant to be going back there in 5 months time. The last time I was there was in 2014.. is it really as bad as Sup Forums makes it out to be?
checked if he was an orator then perhaps the thing to do would be to promulgate his orations for the general reception.
I'm not Anglo myself, much as I appreciate the political philosophy that inspired the country I live in, but I think it's important to be able to get the main points out.
Here's a short clip of one of his speeches
I've always quite liked Mosley. Just finished his autobiography interesting man.
legs need waxing
But Jordan Peterson says that if I clean my room. the West will be saved!
I haven't read it yet. I'm trying to find a decent pdf version.
Seems like kind of a B-list actor and a drunk, taking advantage of glib slogans of the day an rabble roused.
This country is turning into a hedonistic nightmare with no moral compass where the police are ignoring actual physical crimes which is rising drastically and focusing instead on policing thought and speech, specifically that which is oriented towards nationalistic and right wing beliefs.
It's not great.
"But situations are never hopeless."
>Yes, good goys, clean your room, become orderly and sort yourself out
>Young generaion starts turning towards Fascism/National Socialism
>No!! No! bad goys don't be too orderly that will lead to annudah shoa
Kek goodnight
The next Shoah is going to be the cleanest genocide ever. Gen Zyklon is going to keep those camps /clean/
Ahh, it's a crying shame. The reason my parents emigrated here in the first place was because New Zealand reminded them of the England they lived in when they were young and wanted us to experience a similar upbringing. Unfortunately you cannot escape the clutches of this global poison anywhere on the planet. Huxley and Orwell were right. This capitalist/communistic dystopia we're living in is eerily close to those fiction novels they wrote. Remember: "Big Brother is watching you."
>Mosley posting
This faggot was flakier than a nerds hair, pro eu too
nite m8.
No matter what you can't let gerry get you down. We're better then that aren't we? What has a man but to shave himself in his own helmet in the morning? We do not shit in the streets -- verily we bring it to the loo! We are the ones who dig the latrines. We pack the bag lunches our boys need! We will see to the needs of our country, come Jews or hellfire!
He had nothing to do with the EU.
This appears to be Julia Roca. I can't find what set or video it's from, however.
What? Do you think we CHOOSE to get part of our dick cut off? They do it usually minutes to hours after we are born, and sometimes they do it without even asking the parents. Hell, in some states they have taken kids AWAY from parents until they get it done. They FORCE it on some people.
But god forbid you make a joke about female circumcision. Holy shit the ass pain is palpable....
Are you a woman? We were talking man to man.
He was behind the idea of Europe a Nation. But that idea was basically just Europe cooperating as a group of ethnically/culturally/historically similar nationalistic states. He did not want the corporate commie clusterfuck that is the current EU. Don't listen to this jew
>aftr the war, Mosley was contacted by his former supporters and persuaded to return to participation in politics. He formed the Union Movement, which called for a single nation-state to cover the continent of Europe (known as Europe a Nation) and later attempted to launch a National Party of Europe to this end
He was also pro Israel
Nothing wrong with any of that though.
How do you think the kingdom of Spain, Norway, Denmark, Sweden and uk is going to work as a single state?
What does that even mean? No, im a guy who was circumcised minutes after he was born. The aussie up there was making sound like he thinks we CHOOSE to get circed. I was agreeing that its fucking barbaric and that theres a double stereotype that men are expected to get circed, jokes are made about it at our expense, and its generally seen as a positive thing by the plebs out there, but if you even JOKE about a woman having it done, you may as well have started the next shoah.
But that's very wrong. You can talk all you want about hacking apart vaginas and pour acid on them, labial face lifts, whatever else, they don't care. They don't even care about BBC.
Women are useless decrepit slaves who exist only for rape and baby farms. They're not even human. Don't ever entrust them to raise a male.
it's honestly a good idea, the Oswald context i mean. before it's time even. because whether people like it or not, it's going to become numerically necessary for survival in an increasingly globalized world with free movement of shitskins.
Because it wasn't going to be a single state in the way that you are thinking. European nations are closely enough tied and their peoples cooperative enough that they could form a union and weather any storm thrown at it by the rest of the world. Power at a national level would look the same, sovereignty of each member nation is unchanged.
He did not want a non-democratic union to erode national sovereignty. He was opposed to the EU. You are being extremely obtuse here and I don't understand why.
Because idiots support Mosley here without seeing the bigger picture. The man had no back bone on his positions flirting with one side then the other to keep him in a seat.
>it's honestly a good idea
It is. If you are ever arguing with a big brain nibba globalist who rightly raises the point that a small nation could be at risk of domination by globalised nations, then you can respond that nationalistic nations can also globalise. They would just do it in a way that retains proud national/ethnic identity and doesn't devolve all real power to financial institutions.
Now, in the US, there's something called criminal negligence. That's a felony crime. And it's just the start of what we call "force esclation."
Why britbongs didnt elect based Mosley as prime minister?
>Mussolini in Italy
>Hitler in Germany
>Franco in Spain
>Antonescu in Romania
>Mosley in UK
Literal invincible European union of fascists.
>The man had no back bone on his positions flirting with one side then the other to keep him in a seat.
Which positions? Which sides? Feel free to start arguing anytime my dude.
>Why britbongs didnt elect based Mosley as prime minister?
Our bullshit establishment and political system. The fact Britain and Italy weren't allies back then is a tragedy.
My grandparents actually knew 2 Jewish fascists who were hardcore Mosley supporters.
That's pretty interesting mate. Why were they Mosley supporters?
[citation needed]
They didn't have split loyalties because they were abused by the Jewish community for having Christian fathers even by their own family so they wanted whats best for Britain not the Jews. They raised their family the same way I know their grandson and he's a fascist too who taught me about their control over the media.
was Mosley "antisemitic"? even if he was, there were Jewish supporters of Hitler too. remember at that time there was a decent number of Jews who were anti-emancipation and didn't want to be absorbed or governed by the same laws as non-Jews.
Mah man
>was Mosley "antisemitic"?
He was perceived as anti-semitic hence why Jewish Mosley supporters are surprising.
Pic related. They sound alright by me.
He explains his point of view on antisemitism about 30 seconds in.
We can only dream...
No he wasn't but the problems he was fighting against had many Jews involved so they used it against him when he was just trying to save us from traitors.