> One giant final push
> Create fake accounts asking their law makers for Sharia Law
> Sweden's going to be majority Muslim anyway we'll just speed it up
> The reactions will be great
> One giant final push
> Create fake accounts asking their law makers for Sharia Law
> Sweden's going to be majority Muslim anyway we'll just speed it up
> The reactions will be great
Other urls found in this thread:
Finland should speak Finnish. Swedish shouldn't have anything to do with it. YES I KNOW YOU LIVED IN FINLAND FOR A LONG TIME just fucking integrate, ya know?
>implying they need a push
let's just history do its course, no need to rush
No, no. Sweden is great international experiment how getting multiculturalised works. Don't interrupt it
Go ahead guys ... You have no idea how deep the deep sleep goes in Sweden.
Literally nothing is going to happen.
I have the perfect solution to all your problems, Swedes: emigrate to Romania!
>gypsies move to Sweden
>sane Swedes move to Romania
I dare you to come up with a more feasible solution.
>Dear Swedish government
>Many Muslims living in your country, including myself, feel that Sharia law would improve the daily lives of all swedish citizens. Please consider implementing, or we’ll say you’re all islamaphobic and we’ll leave >:(
>Swedish government
>Yes master whatever you want masters *swallows sand nigger shit* Please more
After hearing may's UK speech bitching about Russia and blaming them for what is most likely either a false flag or another of many domestic terror events I strongly suspect Sweden is in a better state. The UK is just better at pretending that everything is ok.
"Keep calm and carry on".
We allready have sharia law...
But we don't.
Some days the blackpill is hard to resist.
Trying to get these zombies to see the truth that is right before their eyes is almost impossible, the brainwashing goes deeper than anything I've ever seen.
Trying to talk sense into them is like trying to save someone by carrying them out of a burning building, all while they fight you, tooth and claw, screams, spits and stab you with a dagger.
If these people so furiously want to die... is it even possible to stop them?
I ask myself this every day and the answer I came up with is - No focus on self-improvement and adapt to changing conditions. Dont waste your time worrying about the future, now of course you plan what your next immediate step is but basically... Live in the present and spend your time wisely.
I've actually been wondering about that. What's the deal with people there being so blue pilled? A significant portion of our population are shitskins who actively want that kind of thing, and our schools are horrible when it comes to brainwashing. I'm not really understanding where the roads have diverged. At face value, you'd think that by this point we'd be much much worse off.
The only thing I can really think of, is that we have always naturally segregated. That's the only difference that comes to mind. Sorry if I'm treading into hurtful territory.
What you're missing is that political orientation is inborn. People without the potential for it cannot "wake up" from the "indoctrination".
Swedes are hopeless. Finns have known this for many hundreds of years. They are a nation not worth saving. Only responsibility everyone has is to threaten or straight out knife any swedes they come across, to discourage their migration and spreading to other countries. Let them wallow in the filth of their own making.
sent a screen shot of this to aftonbladet,dn and expressen. thanks :)
5d chess complete.
They will now push for Sharia law.
Way to take the bait lefty.
I lived and worked in Stockholm for 2 years (from 2014-2016), the most shocking thing was seeing how little my coworkers cared about politics. They didn't bother, and most of them didn't want to discuss the refugees. They just said that it was our (Swedish) duty to help them because of Sweden's past, seriously wtf?
Look up Sweden's eugenics program. They had it running until the 1970s. The longest of any country.
What is that in the sky? Is that a dildo? Is that a giant rainbow flag? Is that a transgender? No, it's Captain Sweden!
Continue doing your work, Captain Sweden!
its a dont ask dont tell thing. we are usually not comfortable discussing politics, especially what party we vote for.
Just a reminder to you guys to acomplish your duty by downvoting this shitty propaganda:
Nice try FBI
You mean back when Finland was a shithole and our bitch?