Was Zeus really black, as the BBC portrays?
Was Zeus really black, as the BBC portrays?
First of all, the cast can be any color because Troy is mythological
listen this stuff is just stories, theres no reason why the cast cant represent the population of britain
>Troy is mythological
>show is getting 25% of the views that timeslot usually gets
critics SHUT DOWN
It absolutely isn't you dumb nigger. en.wikipedia.org
And even if it was fictional, the characters in the story are ancient Greeks and Turks. Not black.
This isn't just dude it's mythology. They are trying to edit the past to paint it as diverse. The BBC has been inserting nogs into actual historical events recently
Did you not know they have found Troy.
To answer OP, Zeus can shapeshift though one would wonder why he wpuld shapeshift into an ape to converse with humans.
kill yourself kike/nigger/sandnigger
syrupnigger education everyone
I mean historically black persons have been excluded from history that they were certainly party to, so im willing to give this one a pass
besides, ancient greece was a pretty diverse place to begin with, theres no reason to assume that black men and women werent living there
If it doesn't matter what the characters look like, they would cast 90 year old Chinese women to attack Troy.
They know it most certainly does matter what the characters look like, which is why they always chose black men to replace white men in roles.
fucking leaf oh my god fucking why, why do you even breathe. I bet you arent white.
>why shouldn't we cast outsiders in adaptations of the foundational myths of a culture
Because it is impossible to do so without the race of that casting decision standing out, so it either has to be doing something meaningful with it, like using the visual cue of a character now standing out to offer a different interpretation of the story, or its just there so that someone can puff out their chest on twitter and make a big deal out of how not racist they are.
Yes. He was Odin's house nigger. Greeks still deny this.
Dont even hate watch this fucking garbage.
Go outside, hug your dog, see your girlfriend, visit the gym. Live.
>historically black persons have been excluded from history that they were certainly party
Like what, faggot?
Sir Lancelot.
God the SPAS-12 is aesthetic as fuck
Low effort.
Kill yourself, mutt.
this fucking bait
American history X
Its always the leaf
Ancient Greece was not diverse in the slightest up until the Hellenistic Era, about 1000 years after the events of the Troyan War
By the war Iliad actually has a black character, Memnon, who is pretty badass, but the fucking Anglo degenerates dont even bother reading. I dont see Anglos putting Africans to play their ''historic'' series, always raping other cultures like the kikes you are
There is NOTHING worse than Anglos, i hope Pakis keep raping your children till you all go extinct
When you make an absolutely abhorrent post
He shapeshifter into things like a bull or swan to fuck kinky Greek chicks so you shouldn't be surprised.
I remember I thought of Memnon when I first heard about this, really shows their agenda. They can’t just give Memnon more screen time for muh diversity, they’ve got to nig up the whole series.
Ever notice how it’s always white to black, never say an Asian or an Indian? Always white to black.
>Gas all Anglos Race War now
Just something i have noticed, Anglos do these diverse shit when the series/movies are about other cultures, never when its about their own Victorian or Arthurian shit.
They are the true kikes, i wouldnt be surprised if they started the whole Jew hate
By the way Memnon is a really important character of the story, Iliad only describes the last year of the war and ends with the death of Hector, a really small part of the mythos. Saddly ''Aethiopis'', the work that was about him didnt make it to our age but most of his story is known from various sources, they wouldnt even have to create shit, but as i said Anglos, the true cancer of humanity
>the population of London
A leaf post, that is not abhorrent, is mythological too.
Pretty sure Troy isn't set in 2010
to be fair though london is the heart of england, and if london is a diverse and multicultural city then by extension the rest of england is as well
see this post literally denying the history of black greeks for proof
>In other news, Mel Gibson tapped to play Malcom X in biopic
show your flag, mutt
Actor SHUT DOWN critics (And that's a good thing!)
Goto 41:00
thank me later
London is like a parasitic twin of England
There were no black greeks you nigger
No, they made Sir Lancelot a big Greek user, the BBC loves to black up British history. You’ll see contemporary racial demographics in a Victorian or Medieval setting, it’s tragic. I think it’s Jews mocking European culture.
Show flag kike. No niggers in Ancient Greece so no propaganda to tell in this part of Europe.
Oh I get it now
> 41:00
welp... and this timeless classic
>to be fair though ghettos are the heart of african-american civilisation, and if the ghettos are crime ridden and dangerous then by extension the rest of african-american civilisation is as well.
Shit b8 m8.
(And it's beautiful)
Fucking brits, they're worse than the swedes at this point
Ancient Greeks would have been aghast that future generations would portray Zeus as a Nubian.
way worse,swedes were semi organically fucked.britain is embracing islamic law like its the new kool aid.cops are so fuckin onboard enslaving whites its extraordinary.
> see your gf
At least Nubians looked somewhat Caucasian due to being raped by Arabs and Egyptians, this fucking guy is just straight up a pure West-African nig-nog.
>Want include blacks because some bollocks reason
>Instead making movies about african things they shoehorn them into european literature and stories and myths
Fuck off
I cant wait to see a sangnigger playing Karl der Große or Bismarck.
>Hey lets get Ahmed el Ahmed to play Bismarck
Meanwhile in Finland
>paid for with tax money
Well, in the myths he always fucks some random women and then leaves them with kids. Literally every myth starts with Zeus leaving Olympus and his wife to screw around. So I'd wager he's at least kinda blackish.
I would actually enjoy like a Historical Drama set in Sub-Saharan Africa just as I enjoy Chinese, Korean and Japanese historical movies and series. Niggers are however to lazy and uncreative to ever create anything on their own, instead of making a series or movie with Mansa Musa or Shaka Zulu or whatever they insert themselves as whites and too often you have cucks and kikes such as those at the BBC helping them
>implying a nigger would ever even get married
Fuck Britain.
Shotgun weddings were invented for a reason
I keep getting replies but I honestly dont even want to respond to them, if you cant get over the fact that some FICTIONAL characters could be black then thats on you, im going to be over here with the rest of the world NOT BEING A RETARD
>see your gf
The fact that this shit can happen in finland too is really enlightening about the mass medias in white countries. There are like six niggers in Finland.
We wuz kangz
>fictional characters don't have a defined skin color that's a part of their character
A shotgun wedding would imply there's a father around to point the shotgun at the potential son-in-law.
Poster under the nato flag and ue flags should be systematically banned
>Just the action scenes
The whole thing is kino and should be watched in its entirety.
It's such an insult too
>take biggest national hero
>decide to make movie about him
>make him black
>record movie in africa instead of finland
>paid for with tax dollars
It's BBC, government funded, so they don't give a shit about ratings. They are untouchable.
Just keep paying your taxes like a good goy. We decide what you watch.
Are you saying wimmenz can't use shotguns? That's a problematic statement
Because the medias belong to (((them))), in almost every country, that why we should nationalise TV channels.
Make sure you have a tv license too goy
At least they're trying and it's actually pretty fucking funny.
>record movie in africa instead of finland
Kek it's more funny than anything at this point.
turkic peoples didn't come to anatolia until much later my friend
Black women just want to ride dozens of dicks and get child support and all they have to do is vote Democrat
>Anglos do these diverse shit when the series/movies are about other cultures
>never when its about their own Victorian or Arthurian shit
anyone want to bet that this poster is German?
they want us to feel guilty over a slaver / colonizer past
why would they make a movie like it never happened and the world has been multicultural all along it's history?
I don't get it
I'm betting on him being a leaf-poster myself
When you really think about it Zeus did act like a nigger... fucking everything and not taking responsibility.
I swear everytime I see this flag I go "oh this is my dear comrade", but then a second later "on no it's not".
No it can not myth is a cultural foundation. So kys you nigger lover.
As far as I know the whole thing was some kind of statement and they made the movie for peanuts since Africa. It wasn't anything more than artists' publicity stunt.
>that level of projection
Thats the Joke.
Achilles is made up.
The man who plays julius ceasar isnt julius ceasar (probably not even a distant relative) etcetera etcetera
But there is something innate about a mans race and looks. Something primal. A defining characteristic in humans innate taxological categorizations and nomenclature.
Its a human ship of thesius problem.
nah every single pro-EU brainwashed retard post is from one of you krauts
how is being greek culturally a part of the character of zeus or achilles? Their skin color shouldnt matter
dass right we wuz godz