>“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”
Bug men and soyboy hate thread.
>“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”
Bug men and soyboy hate thread.
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It's pronounced "First Corinthians" not "One Corinthians" you absolute fucking brainlet
What do you want us to say? That verse sums it up - when you grow up to be a physical adult, you ought to be mentally developed as an adult as well.
anything less means you aren't a full adult and thus unworthy of having your opinions heard or propagate.
22Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
23For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
24Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
The Bible demands submission of women to men and men to God. Do you see this happening? well?
Are videogames childish? I was thinking about getting rid of them.
>Are videogames childish?
Not always
Playing them too much, yes. Everything should be taken in moderation.
I didn't learn this quote from the bible I learned it here:
It stuck over the past 20 years though!
my childhood right here
Sell your consoles and game on PC like a real man . Console gaming is for bugmen who always buy the next trendy gadget. Why would you need consoles when you have a perfectly good PC? Its' a waste of money and all console exclusives cater to cucks who would waste their money on such (((shit)))
>Console gaming is for bugmen who always buy the next trendy gadget
>Everything should be taken in moderation.
They can be if you dedicate your life to them or if you play soy games like overwatch
It depends on how much of your time you spend on them. Also if it's shit like Nintendo or Sega games.
How to identify a Soy Boy:
has beard and/or glasses
20-30 years old
commonly prematurely balding
white knight with white guilt
trendy, very active on Twitter
favorite method of activism is complaining
uses words like “problematic”
donates to at least one Patreon female
jumps to any woman’s defense on the internet despite not
ever receiving any rewards or personal benefits
submissive, passive, boring but outspoken
attempted tobe an indie dev at some point (evidenced by
pix el art avatars)
more functional in society than average beta males
one step above fedora lords
think they are all unique individua ls despite looking exactly
the same
Twitter bio and Tinder bio are identical
Videogames is his only hobby
will take his wife’s last name
One of the rules of medicine is that anything can poison you if you take too much of it.
If you drink 6 liters of water in a day you'll die for water poisoning. If you eat a whole glass of table salt you are gonna die. But explaining this shit to people from a spoiled and excess inclined culture like yours seems impossible.
fuck you my mccree accuracy is 56% bitch, do you think a soy-tittied mouth gaper could pull that off? That's Chadaccuracy
I did, I put away Mario Kart and picked up Batman Arkham
go back to your onahole kenji, 1 Corinthians is how it is written in American bibles.
good thread. tbhwyfamily i loved legend of zelda as a kid and would like to dip back into it, maybe pick up some of the recent titles i missed. not buying a switch though, or posting on social media about it. i just want to capture that childhood nostalgia again. no need to be a queer about it.
>but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
Like religion?
Because if someone groom and dress is gay and can't shoot armless animals with a rifle. You Anglos,Aussies and shit like that come here dressed like mongoloids to go sightseeing and have the audacity to criticize the ones who put just a little effort in improving themselves.
can anyone explain why the switch is associated with this soy shit
>Faces you want to punch thread
Maybe his wife is black
fuck scooby
>still alive
Ayy lmao.
You should get rid of everything you like to fit in, champ.
Burn all your stuff and post photos, faggot.
I'm nearly out of .jpg
>being good at soywatch is an achivement
>britcuck flag
Way to contribute to the dystopia, Citizen.
She wasn't
I forget what the exact story was behind the photo but I think his wife decided to have black kids because she was christian or some shit.
dafuq that has to do with Christianity
Childishness is the urge to play
From the urge to play came competition and fair play as concepts in society
The man who tosses out their childish side tosses out their will to play and their chance of becomming productive
That’s right
One of my favorite verses. Also the one about the men being effeminate being a sin
Soyboys better repent
>If you drink 6 liters of water in a day you'll die for water poisoning
"I've never felt more like a real man." Says local Sup Forums user, mere minutes after throwing away over $5000 dollars worth of electronic gaming equipment.
"Fuck Soy Boys!" The local man says, despite not seeing the irony of throwing away things you enjoy in an attempt to not seem weak to others.
He was later seen chowing down on raw onions and a glass of milk.
"user has trouble making friends." The young man's mother says. "So I'm glad he's finally found somewhere he feels like he fits in at"
>in an attempt to not seem weak
Video games will make you weaker
t. numale
They were extreme peo life christian missionaries and decided to use black embryos because they beleived no one else would use them.
Caring about how others view you is a sign of weakness.
Be a leader, not a follower.
Appropriating the dress and grooming habits of people who helped build western society while simultaneously contributing to the fall of it is not improving yourself.
>others view you
Why do you keep talking about this? It objectively makes you weaker, not subjectively
I can see the estrogen leaking through my screen from that post
God bless
RFID chips are satanic
The metaphor was supposed to be that he turned away from sin. Hate and silly talk are sins. You are no friend of Christ.
>playing games means you can't be /fit/
Do you retards only have singular hobbies?
Let's post things that will repel soyboyism.
What's a bug man? A bug chaser?
I went to church as a child, I believed in God as a child: but then I became a man, I put away childish things.
Are soyboys exclusively white? If you've yet to have seen a black or hispanic soyboy. and most asians are already bugmen
99% of burgers don`t know that tho.
How exactly is that me?
Back in the day RATM wasn't a soyboy band...
>absolute fucking brainlet
only intellectually superior atheists here friend *tips fedora*
I'll tell you what if you ditch your video games based on advice from here you should throw them off a bridge and then jump in after them
No. It's like saying books are for adults or that music is for women.
it isnt, soyboys listen to bads nobody has heard of.
John 9:11 ''Gas the kikes race war now''
I'm not some mentally deficient atheist, "friend".
I am, however, someone who will point out the obvious errors in idiotic statements made by someone regardless of whether or not I agree with them in principle.
>When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child,
Its not even about that you fuckers are retarded
>8Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. 9For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. 10But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. 11When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. 13And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.
Nothing wrong with acting childish as long as you aren't a dumb cunt m8.
Plenty of people act grown up and srs but also are completely retarded.
He is lying it gives you mental powers because it flushes the toxins like fluorine and bromine