Current sentiment of Blacks in SA

have a look at this twitter account calling out black people for racist remarks.

You may think this is only a South African problem.
But let me put this in perspective for Americans. You have more blacks in the USA then we have in South Africa. More and more blacks are thinking this way. You also are going to have a very rocky future if you do not do something.
I bet you if their where not repercussions for black people you would have a lot more of this stuff on African American twitter.

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Worry about your own life first dude

>“as I have nothing to do at the moment”

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I am worried. I came accross this fact though while looking at potential places to immigrate to. Americans do not understand the nature of the animal they have in Africna Americans. They will be in a lot of trouble when these blacks are allowed to do whatever they want. And that time is coming soon as Liberals are giving them more and more leeway to act with impunity

>I bet you if their where not repercussions for black people you would have a lot more of this stuff on African American twitter.

There is loads already. American blacks are already like this.

What the fuck is this font?

Don't worry about US. Most conservative whites and Asians know how to use guns well. And the military is not retarded like in SA.

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No idea, some people are retarded with this.

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Change "whites" to "Jews" and "blacks" to "whites" and you'd describe Sup Forums

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What are you and your family going to do?

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I have no idea. I was thinking of trying to continue my business in Mauritius, at least I will be close to South Africa while I try get the rest of my friends and family out.

Immigrating is very expensive and very hard when you are white with a South African passport. No one will accept you.

Trust me, whites have lost in Africa. But once Chinese get a hold of the continent, trust me they won't be as merciful.

Dude get yourself and your family out of there as soon as possible, the rope is ticking for all of you! I'm serious. Look up immigration laws everywhere, make connections, try everything as possible to get the fuck out of there. Also connect with other whites and form an ally-association in case shit goes rogue.

If you are stuck in South Africa, there is one book that you and every adult in your family should read. But I hope that you don't need to read that book.

Come here with us. Plenty of saffas in Australia. I moved 3 years ago

How did you successfully immigrate? Get some good knowledge out there for our saffa bros

Someone needs to save all of these tweets in case (((they))) take it down

You are correct, anti white racism is being encouraged in white countries, race mixing (of whites of course) is being promoted, even by so called places of learning
It's clear the elites want white people gone

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yes this would help a lot!

100 million heavily armed white americans can stop it.
Blacks have been pushing a race war since Obama. Nogs buy Air Jordans. Whites buy 1993 or m85 green tips.

>why they raicys?

No shit. They need to be wiped out.

>tfw this screed is the best-written pasta I've ever seen, except for the last sentence
Tesh Mbongo copied from a competent writer but couldn't resist adding his own little snipe; unfortunately, that little ungrammatical, poorly spelled snipe gave the game away.
Poor Mbongo.

All the whites should leave and let SA collapse under the weight of its niggerdom.

The trick is to keep them occupied. Our psychiatrists help by deeming all blacks "mentally ill" and prescribing way too many MAOI inhibitors. Our cheap foods keep them fat and unhealthy. And of course the CIA introduced crack to keep them down. So we don't worry about such things here. But thank you for your concern.

There is nothing we can do in the U.S. about the changing racial demographics. White people will eventually be a minority here as well and we'll have to flee someplace else for refuge.

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Bro that's why we have guns

Don't forget abortion... they kill half their unborn children. Without abortion, the black population would be closer to 25% instead of 13%.

I know
It's like one big leaf shitpost

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> where we going to flee too?
we will stay and fight

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Everything you say is true but you can not tell me that the blacks in America have not become more unruly recently? You have BLM, you have huge anti-white sentiment. Your liberals hate western family ideals and white excellence more than ever. This can't be healthy in the long term for the country.
Just like we have had warning signs for decades you guys should start to worry about too.

1000% true
we got to build all white citys cutt off from the system
> then crash the plane

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No, it's always been like that. You just haven't seen it because you've been cut off from the rest of modern civilization until the dawn of social media.

Since the 1960's, the blacks have been ungrateful and anti-white. Thousands of articles every year about a negro destroying a white family because he wanted a bucket of kfc or a pack of newport cigarettes. Nothing has changed but the frequency of reporting. On top of that, you're in this right-wing echo chamber, and no matter what you think it really happening in the real world, this is where you are getting your news.

I do feel for you because we all see what is happening in SA, and we saw what happened when apartheid ended; the blacks in SA just took over without a word. Lives were destroyed in the name of equality. Civilization as you knew it before then was dashed and reconstructed into what you get today.

I don't know why they are suddenly empowered, but here in America, we are lucky enough to have the right to defend ourselves with deadly force if necessary. So if anyone came on my land - black, white or otherwise - they would be responded to in an equal manner.

So you think the future is bright for America? Do you see things getting better or worse for your country and your people in the next few decades?

better. because we have guns and can defend ourselves. the PC bubble will burst by 2020. Most inland folks are already sick of it, and to keep up the practice of being constantly PC is tiresome. The PC bubble was predicted (in 2010 mind you) to start in 2014 and last six years (based on population size during key political eras), and I think that's a healthy prediction. So i'm placing my bet that when the PC culture dies, there will be less interracial hatred.
But again, if not, i have plenty of ways to defend my family and my land.

No. I'm fully blackpilled. Electing Trump bought us some time (five ro ten years) to form an exit strategy but he can't stop the inevitable.

I like this. Glad to see the optimism, I wish you guys luck. Maybe one day I will end up in the US with my family.

hope to see an influx of south africans. US and australia is where you'll be most widely accepted.

good luck with the genocide.

>hope to see an influx of south africans.
This could end up backfiring if a bunch of SA niggers claim refugee status for a free ride to America,

Niggers here don't rob places so willy nilly because they know we could have a semi auto shotgun behind the door plus they are only 14% of the population while whites are still 56% or rather 40 million blacks and 200 million whites.

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let them in. if we accept 100,000 negroes, they'll come to america, get fat and medicated, and either end up on regular black person welfare or in prison (aka black male welfare).

In America, you can follow the rules AND be successful. Those who choose to do just one or the other are often not white.

Lower standards of living = more violence.

The blacks here compared to yours are like kings, your country is a shithole, ours is prosperous. It's the same reason why we don't have shariah law zones and police officers who don't own guns.

And this is the racewar we always wanted, let's see how things go out in South Africa first, we'll learns from your mistakes and failures.

>All white cities
Why not raid the prisons? Go to each one with 3 dudes with AR-15s, kill all the blacks, and then just sit there. What are they going to do? Send you to prison? With all your friends?

The prisons will be the all white cities of the future, one way or another. Might as well make it /comfy/.

>claims white race are bloodthirsty animals yet are acting out the part of a bloodthirsty animal
Really makes you think.

Then when the bloodthirsty animal is put down, we're... yep you guessed it, bloodthirsty baby killing racists