Post the political meme that changed your life

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Damned if thats not the truth.

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Last one.

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is it wrong that i kind of like listening to the music in isis videos?.
oh and the video actually occurred in Niger, not Mali

>didn't regard the Japanese as inferior
>hardly collaborated with them as allies

I once liked the USA. How stupid i was...

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Well seeing as how they were halfway across the world constant communication without interception would be pretty hard don't ya think?
This was actually a really big "hmm really makes ya think" moment one for me about 4 years ago

Please sit down like he told you

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thats a pretty common way to measure how much sand you have.

That doesn't make it any less suitable to describe how fucking retarded keynesian economics is

>but dude in the long run we're all dead man, like who cares lol like how is poverty even real just borrow the money lmao

Still active today.

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this. I knew nothing about Rhodesia before. now I'm convinced it's going to happen to Europe

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Damn :(


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What is wrong with racism or sexism? Don't you find it funny?

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Yeah, I once liked Germany until I realized the last German died in 1945.

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>most direct democracy anywhere
>people can veto laws and force a binding referendum
>less degenerate than euro average
>didn't fall for the EU jew
anyone who says democracy can't work has just been proven wrong
if democracy doesn't work in a country it's because the people are too retarded to make it work, not because it's not a valid system
case in point: Spain.

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The Deutsche didn't die it was murdered and it was murdered by you

those faces
>goyim knows, shatterdown

I once liked having German heritage


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I'm from the 13th century BC. As soon as Ramses II said he defeated the Hittites single-handed I called fake news. I've been on Sup Forums ever since.

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Its was murdered by the heeb and we're all next on his list.

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>literal fascist

false quote

real one:

A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite; and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories as tend to render them independent of others for essential, particularly military, supplies.

as I recall, he killed himself

i guess we wrote the books though. The winners tend to do that

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Most of the countries on the right don't effectively enforce their gun laws.

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Cuz they're dumb

>taking satire seriously

>stoopid niggers XDDD

>expecting me to read all that
dumb fucking leaf

Lazy faggot

They’re full of Jews and cucks.
They’re not homogenous at all and they’re letting migrants in.
I would rather live in neighboring Liechtenstein, one of the richest countries in Europe, not in the EU, and the only Monarchy left.
The people love the king so much that they gave up more of their voting power because he’s a much better ruler than their parliament.

>Christianity bad
>Judaism bad
>Buddhism bad
>Hinduism bad
Islam, is a religion of peace and if you say anything bad about it, your a racist. That shit lead me down a long long rabbit hole.

Atheism, focused to become anti-Islam after I got over having gone to a catholic school. Atheism also turned me against Feminism, as they were using many of the same arguments and tactics in defense of their position of Christian apologists. Then GG happened.

I still consider myself of the left, and love to rub this course of events in the lefts face, as they caused me to be.

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Well okay then.