Porn Actors Leigh Raven and Riley Nixon Allege Abuse, Violence, and Boundary Violation on Set

The YouTube testimonial, which was filmed and uploaded by Raven’s wife Nikki Hearts, begins with nearly 40 minutes of Raven’s detailed and graphic description of the shoot. Wearing a hoodie and facing the camera head-on, she says that Strong, whom she considered a friend, called her on Tuesday to ask if she could replace a no-show performer in a shoot that day. Raven, who is white, says that Strong, who is black, told her that it was a “kinda rough” scene with “light racial play,” and that he would be referring to her as “‘my little saltine’ or ‘my little cracker.’” She agreed and showed up on the set that afternoon, where Raven says a production assistant similarly told her that the scene would be “a little rough.”

tl;dw lesbo porn whore fucks a nigger who nearly kills her, then cries about it for an hour

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toll paid

Would have been funny if the nigger killed the coalburning whore.

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>She agreed and showed up on the set
Case closed.


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> literal whore shows up to work and gets used
> regrets it after but fails to realize that her life has literally no value to anyone because she is a walking used condom.

I can't wait for the black guy to release the video to the public like he said he would. surely op will deliver

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Pornstars should be raped and beheaded

check out some of her scenes. she has so many photo tattoos of people on her arms and back. like a prisoner or degenerate would get of their dead daughter

>porn actors

Top kek

why cant i comment on the video *?

>take a kike's money to get pounded by a nigger
toll paid

because this was posted yesterday on Sup Forums

>male talent, actors

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Where's said porno

>comments disabled
Didn't watch

so where is the porn video ?, whats the scene called and has it been released yet ?

I do not care.

>“‘my little saltine’ or ‘my little cracker.’”
She agreed to racial abuse and being raped! I'm supposed to care how exactly?

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But then the coalburner wouldn't have released her story.

The table is turned on fucking niggers now, when before they would scream that the #MeToo movement just means that we have a problem with "wh*te men."

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In the comments section of this article, they're mostly blaming men. As if they didn't turn their backs on decent men along with decency a long time ago.

Attached: Porn Actors Leigh Raven and Riley Nixon Allege Abuse, Violence, and Boundary Violations - https_jeze (1045x10000, 2.88M)

if you read the jewzebel article, the nigger in question is already framing this as racism. nigger twitter is also going on about this being racist, because it's to distract from the kike James Deen when that happened three or so years ago kek

Totally not racist.


> ‘this white bitch needs to be doing the work because after all these years black men have been doing the work.’”

> Afterward, she had the standard on-camera exit interview, where performers vouch for how consensual everything that happened on-set was. She was asked, “Were you raped?” and answered, No.”

> According to the video, the day after the shoot, she decided to contact police and received a medical evaluation, during which she says she was told she had a vaginal tear and a bruised cervix.

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So the whore is a lesbian that takes black dick in the ass on the side? What does that make the other girl? Is one of them jewish?

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> Nixon says she was asked a series of questions, including something along the lines of, “What has feminism ever done for black people?” In response to her answers, she was slapped, Nixon says.

Dumb cunt

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1. Is she Jewish?
2. Is she being racist?

Link to the vid?

Who cares? These women are whores.

She should file a sexual assault charge and get the footage confiscated.

she did, and the full unedited footage has been given to the police. an user said the other day if she said on camera she has a shallow cervix and they said they'd keep her "signal" or whatever in mind but then ignored it, there could be jail time since she supposedly has medical records of a torn cervix now.

enjoy the shitshow.

That's fucked up, even for a coal burning whore.
Maybe support her to attack the porn industry, demonize the nigger porn jews push, use her to turn feminists and the left towards themselves.

>raping a hooker
I don't know who is worse

>would refuse to do any material racist towards blacks
>happy to do material racist to her own kind
Goddamn how do people get this conditioned?

Stupid, ugly, homosexual degenerate cunt agrees to let nigger rape her on film. Fuck her.

>>happy to do material racist to her own kind
Verdict is still out on if she is a jew or not. Rember jews are not white.

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does anyone actually give a shit

Agree to do a rough porn shot (slaps,rough deep throat)
Say you arent comfortable with racist shit, but fine if it's directed at you a white person.
Director wants you puke while getting deepthroated, so are made to eat 3 apples
Get deepthroated by BBC, feel like you are about to choke on those apples.
Get slapped for realz. See stars.
Get called derogatory names, but it's cool since it's against whitness
Mention you have a shallow cervix and now to go deep
Nigger pounds you deep to the point you cry and have a vagina tear (allegedly)
Cry to your wife about what happened
Go to a womens victim clinic
Make a youtube video about what happened
Get mixed reactions on Twitter

Damn, I have no sympathy for her.

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pretty sure i saw a video somewhere of this chick getting her asshole fisted.....

Why do dykes always look and dress like assholes?

I thought the pic was of the Parkland creatura

This case will make a Marxist’s head explode. Who scores higher on the victim value index? A literal Marxist paradox.

Who would watch these two ugly freaks?

You have no idea what Marxism is Mutt

Good. I see the process of bringing La Creatura to life is ongoing. It sure must have been worth it to let all the Jews into your country.

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This. If she were raped it would be provable by the footage. But she wasn't so why the fuck should anyone feel sympathy for her?

Ever notice that when women go through a trauma they cut thier hair short?

anti-rape defense mechanism. Nuns used to do it when the illiterate, bisexual Norse men would roll into town.

Seeking sympathy for the consequences of your degeneracy. Nope.

>gay-married, bisexual woman, sex worker = social proletariat
>black man = social proletariat

Who deserves more social justice? Who has greater socially judicial value?

They think men won't rape bald women. Because muslims has to hide hair or attract men. What they fail to realise is that muslims and blacks would fuck a pig if horny so it doesn't help at all.

B-but I thought white women craved the nigger? Then why do porn actresses not show up for nigger shots? If they are so sought after as Hollywood portray them I mean.

They are perfecting their hierarchy.
They have the main tree and the complementary tree. The main tree supercedes the complementary as the later is just to boost intersectional points or to break possible draws.
In the main tree you have (from higher tier to lower)
>Gay people
>Cis Men

In the complementary you have (from more extra points to lower)
>Black or brown
>Jewish (you can pull the holocaust survivor card to double the points once a year)

That's not exact value sheet but it's close. In this case we have a woman and a cis man. The woman is clearly above men on the main tree so there's no need to check the complementary. If there was a conflict between women in the porn industry then you'd have to check the complementary tree to break the tie. In this case we'd have a jewish woman vs a black woman, therefore unless the jewish woman would pull her holocaust card the black woman would win.

Dirty scum shouldn't have done it.
Fuck them. But not literally.

Umm no sorry sweetie, black people cannot rape because they have no social power.

Thanks for the breakdown user.

>white woman accuses white or (((white))) men of sexual assault or rape
>white woman accuses black man of sexual assault or rape

Filth endure filth
Well? Surprised?

The Facial Abuse cunts who produce this degeneracy must be jewish (by the way that product is aimed at YOU Sup Forums, the idea of their new facial abuse spin off is to hire "lefty/feminist" looking girls (dikes) and have them abused physically and racially by a nigger, some sort of "redpilling" porn).

When I hear about tricks like having the girl state on camera that she wasn't abused although she clearly was at the risk of walking out unpaid and getting beaten up by an angry nigger; I am immediately think of the big nosed guys. Textbook kike.

The fact that these girls are dumb feminist whores doesn't make it acceptable.

Plus the Facial Abuse cunts now have to hide who they are to get talents because otherwise except crack whores nobody wants to work with them, they are clearly tricking them. They make sure that the girls don't know what they are actually agreeing to.

Why don't you make porn of Aryans gangbanging Jewish chicks?

A very well thought out post. Makes perfect sense.

Because I don't support degeneracy.

Must be why the Jews are beating us. They got the guts to do the things we won't

These dried up hags really getmy dick hard.

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>They got the guts

No, they are the biggest cowards in the world, they just have no morals.

volunteers to shoot a violent porn scene
cries that she had violent sex, trying to equate it to rape
what the fuck
stupid cunts

Why don't you just welcome aids into your but those?

I would watch and pay for that but (((they))) will probably bring out their anti semite cards.

Nazi's were willing to wage the biggest war ever fought but you're not willing to make some porn to defeat the Jews. Excuses. Have fun losing

So? Nobody knows the names of porn producers. Nobody would care about you

Seems to be a lot of fracturing points stemming from the kike porn industry. In just this year, first we had the schism between sodomites and "my body my choice" feminists over that one whore an heroing, and now we have a divide between feminists and niggers. Should be good. Hope this sort of thing keeps happening.

All parties involved deserve death to be honest family

>Sign-up for abusive racial porn
>Feel raped when some abusive and racial shit happens

> I was told it's a rough scene

lol it's those crazy facialabuse videos that get often posted on Sup Forums

If the nigger was a unprofessional in his conduct as kike puppet, he probably would have been kicked out of porn industry ages ago.

Also. That dyke was damaged beyond recognition a long time ago.

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yesterday, the jury finally decided that Sup Forums
1 by expressing disgust and lack of support to a white woman during a difficult time
2 by using the woman's degeneracy as the point of escape of the situation
3 by ignoring the elephant in the room: a nog, raping a white woman
it is pretty clear that, this board has finally accepted that degeneracy is well over racism, so that in the presence of a lesbian porn star, Sup Forums becomes a nog-lover board

I am as equally surprised as you

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i'm not sure how Jewish FA is actually. it's based out of NJ which is Jewy, but i think the dude is an old school mick. he basically just hates whores and liberals with a passion. that's why he does it. to degrade women who wanted muh freedom and remind them they're shit