What does Sup Forums think about tony abott

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I don't like his ears.

He stopped the boats.

If you read the transcripts beteen Malcolm and Trump in the early days about the boats, it's pretty funny. I don't know why the Washington Slime doesn't repoast it more often.

Good man. has been volunteering even before he got into politics. Doesn't go against his principals to appear pc, wants to slash immigration.

Venturing out of /sg/, I see.

Based but doesn't speak well.

I don't trust a man who eats onions whole. Fucking /fit/ memes going out of control.

Based tony

Classic Australian with classic ideals. I would vote for him simply because he reminds me of me step dads boyfriend.

It was a pretty small onion anyway. Try it some time. Tones had bigger issues on his mind.

Based tony red pilled /fit/zens on onions.

They're connected. therefore jewish

I think he is a fucking moron. But honestly the entire goverment of Australia is a piece of shit at the moment. Day after day I become more disappointed in the in my goverment. Selling off and privatizing as many assets they can for a quick buck to look good for the term they ran for. Every time there is a pay cut to a public section made to serve the public, you can bet you bullocks to a barn dance that the currect party just gave themselves a pay rise. The only way I can see it getting worse is if they made Julia Bishop PM. At that point I dont believe the goverment of Australia would be representing Australian citizens in anyway and a revolution must start. But instead I'm forced to talk to people of my generation who either "don't really know about politics" or know everything there is to know about it and are telling you about how bad stopping the flood of "refugees" from entering our country is a bad thing.

I...I dont know how to keep going, I cant even watch news anymore without cringing. A revolution is needed.

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Only wanted to limit immigration after he was kicked as pm, never tried to do anything while he was the leader

hang in there sport.

at least we have space, clean air, good food and they aren't locking us up for posting on facebook and youtube yet.

He tried. Like anybody entering office at the behest of a party which can fire them at any time, they tone down their views and become entirely bland.

following in the Fraser tradition.

so easy to have the right policies once you aren't in a position to actually do anything.

Based onion muncher

Traitor, leftist appeaser!
Once in power delivered on little that he promised then cuddled up to the leftist commies. Never again!

My issue with the current government is the slow nationalisation of things.
Greenies and labor wanna push for an increase in welfare payments (particularly to minorities) as well as high income taxes and taxation for business.

Greenies need to gtfo. And if Labor support these faggots they also need to gtfo.

>hanging in there untill China buys up last of agricultural industry and any available housing
>pollution get worse due to backward thinking goverment and their goy loving energy partners
>they strip away the last of our rights of free speech on any format

The future doesnt look bright user, I'm just glad I own 140acres of land before everything goes to shit.

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Wasn't in power long enough to have any real legacy. I think he'll be seen as a pretty forgettable PM as time goes on.

cut corporate welfare, military budgets and politician's pensions, kick out the immigrants.

plenty of money for increased education health and welfare.

what do we pay taxes for if not for these things?

house and provide for all our own

hey normie, climate change is bullshit, CO2 is plant food not pollution.

Supreme gentlemen fit to run this country

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You are the type of people who bring my country down. Not because of you opinion on climate change (which I didnt mention at all) but for the reason you are ignorant and look for any opportunity to jump on a band waggon for a (you). Its no secret that our goverment is picking an outdated system of energy on purposes when there are many other options that have been created IN AUSTRALIA that dont put out a large amount of pollution that burning coal does. It also cost less and produces higher amounts of energy. It just goes to show that once again the Australian people are not being represented by the elected officials that are meant to have the country and its people in the front of their mind for all choices.

well firstly, you know absolutely nothing of my opinions.

That climate change is bullshit is clearly demonstrable scientific fact.

No government allows mass access to any technology that would make people independent of their system of control.

I'm not your enemy kid, government is, it matters not what party you vote for, they are all part of the same club.

Well obviously I do know some of your opinions when you post them publicly on the Internet. I'm not arguing with you about climate change because I myself dont believe fully in the idea of man made climate change.

But my point seems to be going over your head if you reply only to one side note of my post. I agree that it doesn't matter who you vote for in the end because it all comes down to our country being run more like a business and making deals about the countrys future based on cooperations rather than the publics out call. We are more likely to jump on an funny tweet made by some black celebrity and donate 100million dollars to the middle of whoop whoop because one of there water wells collapsed than we are to donate 10 dollars of our tax money to farmers in drought being forced to close up because the banks cant turn a profit till they sell of the land.

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Idk who that guy is, but he looks like a nigger lover

you have a point?

i thought you just had a massive case of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

you know, taking your very limited view for a truly deep understanding.


>says the guy who thinks that "climate change is bullshit"
the fucking irony

no worries buddy, you just keep trusting what the media tell you, don't ever actually look at the source science.

I used to believe it BTW, then I looked at the science objectively and found lies and fraud and a small group of corrupt, mostly Jewish, con artists colluding to fake it.

I strongly suggest you go and take a somewhat objective look at the facts of the subject.

are you aware of Micheal Mann's court cases?

bet you don't even know who he is.

and I bet that you have never studied science at a tertiary level

Would've sold most of the country to China. Fuck him.

I was was calling for his head and when it was axed I missed him. Malcom prepbull is almost up to loosing 30 polls in a row. Which was the metric which he justified the leadership change.

Lol at the guy who doesn't think climate change is real. Did your dad also tell you that all parents fondle their children like he did you.

Not saying that polls mean shit. I don't mind Bill Shorten but he is legally to short to lead Australia.

and you'd be wrong.

answer the question please.

Read: Because kangaroo politics need a bump too.

Why didn't he fucking do it while he was in office then.