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Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=tv licence inspector

>They are always very persistent making me feel guilty saying that this is 2018 and that everyone watches bbc and that I need to pay for it.
Imagine having some dickwad come to your house every week to say this

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what does BBC stand for?

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Look, is it worth getting murdered over a TV license? Just pay so they go away.

Beautifully Baked Cookies


Buy a gun faggot. Next time he steps foot in your house blow his head straight off. Oh, wait, you live in Bongistan. Throw some acid on his face I guess.

how do TV license inspectors not get traumatic brain injuries on a daily basis?

u probably watched a bbc show on netflix at some point

And this, children, is your brain on kebab.

Binistry Bf Cruth

>Next time
>Open the door and be incredibly respectful
>Dude asks to see your TV
>You let him in
>He walks into your living room
>There’s literally thousands of pictures of TV inspection men with their eyes cut out
>He looks at you
>Shrug and say it’s just a hobby
>Pull out your phone and take a picture of him
>Smile gleefully
>Ohhhh yessss this will do nicely
>Insist that he stay and let you give him a haircut
>Grab your legal safety-scissors and start screaming that you MUST cut his hair
>Start actively trying to cut his hair
>Pull down your pants and poop in the middle of the room
>Don’t wipe
>Try to cut his hair

Keep that up with every inspector that comes and they’ll stop bothering you

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Wouldn't Netflix have payed for the license to stream it, then? In which case, why would OP pay twice?

It's the reason 4channers always say "burn the coal, pay the toll"

Epic. Simply...epic.

lol give this man a REDIIIIT GOLD

Explain to me how TV license work?

You buy a TV, you pay for the networks...
Where does the license come in play?

if that story is true and as common as Sup Forums would have me believe, they're wasting more money employing these stupid inspectors than they would recover from intimidating people into paying licences.

bongs, is this about enforcing a culture of submission or is it just low social capital people going on power trips? we have fat baboon negress city workers here who will go out of their way to ruin people's days over parking tickets, probably a similar phenomenon.

Burmese baskedweaving community

>Wasting money

Unheard of!

Reddit fag too stupid to record or film the encounters.

Bolshevik Broadcasting Collective.

Or just show him your dragon dildo collection.

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they binned their testes awhile ago

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It's both of these things. It's the government forcing submission from you, and at the same time it's a job scheme for the perpetually unemployed.

watch it now

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>have fat baboon negress city workers here
oh god, the ones at the DMV are the worst i think

I'll take stuff that didn't happen for $500, Alex.

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would give me something fun to do desu
i'd livestream it for Sup Forums

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is it worth murdering someone to make money? No.
is it worth murdering someone to keep your money? Yes.

If the cunt moved into my flat I'd smash his face so hard on the hallway cabinet the blood would be proof he came inside and was beat up there, in self-defense.

>some random DUDE
seems legit

It does happen, apparently
youtube.com/results?search_query=tv licence inspector

I assume it's probably some private company contracted to collect fines.

Tie a tea towel round your head. Tell him TV is haram and if he comes again you'll report him for a racial hate crime. Problem solved.

> if your spewing
God damn it, I hate Britons. Why do their trash have to ruin the beautiful American language?

I wonder if they do this to muslim ghettos in london

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best 1

>everyone watches bbc


British Broadcasting Corporation

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Says the fat cunts who eat burgers all day. Can't even get your own language you have to steal from the best like you always do. Fat cunt

You're basically right, but I don't know how "common" it is. Most people in the UK are entirely cucked and defeated do just give in and pay. Obviously Sup Forums regulars are more likely to refuse to watch Fake News BBC and autisticly give licence inspectors shit.

The UK is a bigger joke than Canada, christ almighty

Oi mate put down that frown or yer under arrest

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British Brainwashing Channel.

Break the Big Cruz
>4 u, Danhald

Brits are so cucked even their fictional heroes need to have licenses

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>implying the person who tweeted that wasn't some Paki

We're not really that far behind tho.
Both of our countries are still in free fall.

at least if we get arrested we don't get shipped to Australia anymore, cunt.


private company handles the visits,they get paid bonuses for anyone dumb enough to grass on themselves,they have no power tell them to fuck off,sometimes they may try to instigate a fight so the police gets called so they can inspect your house when they come in to question you etc

im in the same boat as this guy,i aint dumb enough to fall for it,i just tell them to fuck off or ill stab them

>its 2018 and everyone watches BBC
Why would anyone watch the BBC in the current year?

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Normally if you tell them to wait while you get a knife, they fuck right off.


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British Born Christians.....duh

I doubt this really happened, and if it did, the guy sounds like a cuck for even answering the door.
You don't have to let these goons in, under any circumstances, unless they bring the police and have a warrant which happens literally never.
I don't require a TV license, so I don't pay, and I've never had a visit from anyone.
Morons on this thread always shit on the UK for 'muh TV license' but forget that many other western countries just have it as a compulsory tax.
That being said, the tactics used by the TV Licensing Agency are utterly disgusting.

Basically, the BBC is state propaganda posing as a private institution. And the state "attempts" to force you into paying for it by having police + the courts support TV licensing. I'm pretty sure even TV licensing is a private organisation but it works closely with law enforcement to appear as though it's legit.

It's basically just a moneygrubbing scheme. There's no legitimitacy to it.

And they literally can't do a thing if you refuse to deal with them.

I've been getting letters + visits for roughly ten years now because I've never had a TV license.

It's always the same pattern. Firstly for a few months I get letters addressed to the legal occupier which I just toss in the bin because there's nobody here by that name. Then after a few months I'll start getting letters addressed to me by name. And they'll inform me that I'm under investigation and should expect a visit from a investigator at some point. They come, they buzz my flat, I ignore them, don't answer. They go away, and the cycle continues indefinitely.

They literally can't do a damn thing if you don't acknowledge them whatsoever. Legally speaking if you acknowledge them, that means you're somewhat consenting to dealing with them. They work under the assumption that if you acknowledge their organisation's attempts to contact you, that's "joinder", an unspoken beginning of a contract in which they have self-proclaimed authority to make demands of you. So you should never EVER speak to anyone from TV licensing, because if you do they'll just be a pain in your ass and it'll stress you out trying to inform them that you're not obligated to deal with them.

You know how PBS (along with other channels) comes in for free over the sir via antenna? Their gov officials want you to pay for access.


Pedo enabling, fake news propaganda sold through high pressure sales techniques
"buy our shit or you're nicked sonny"

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We should spam pewdiepie to ask all his brittish followers to stop paying the license.

Half of supposed warrants aren't legit anyway. They use liability orders which have like no legal standing, claiming they're warrants when they're not. Police literally try to defraud people into letting them in. They often do this with both TV licensing and bailiffs if your debts are related to council tax.

Maybe the guys in the sharia no go zones have the right idea all along

you've had letters by name?
i've been getting letters for 6+ years, always addressed to 'the Occupier'.
they just go in the bin.
but the tone of some of them is absolute 1984-tier, in an attempt to scare timid people into paying. fuck them.

>I get letters addressed to the legal occupier which I just toss in the bin because there's nobody here by that name.

kek same here, been 18 years now. they still havent got my name yet though. letters go in the bin and the dopey cunts only ever call in the day while im at work. I cant wait to actually talk to one.

yeah i forgot to pay my council tax one month and literally got a court summons.

This is correct, we are being targeted by criminals who are being enabled by criminal public servants

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I challenge anybody to find a better encounter with a TV License goon than this clip.

Eventually they will refer to the electoral role and address letters to anyone on the role at that address
I have a pile of about 50 unsolicited and illegal demands for money
If they ever do actually come round I'm going to hand them back their hate mail
The presumption of guilt is what gets me

That guy is amazing.

what the other user said. they get your information from the electoral roll or other local council services. it's dodgy as fuck considering they're a private company / organisation.

but yeah, I agree, I think it's funny desu, so much red in the letter proclaiming urgency like tv licenses have some kind of actual bearing on reality. they're a joke.

I don't even bother checking who's buzzing my flat. I don't do uninvited guests. I think it's cheeky as fuck for someone to randomly come to your home and expect an audiance with you with absolutely no prior warning or no valid reason.

I'm actually gonna put a notice on my letterbox downstairs saying "no invite? no answer."


yeah I stopped paying council tax after my first year of living where I am now currently. same principle. fuck all happens if you just ignore everything.

I remember tellin my mate about bein summoned to court and I was like who the fuck is the council, it's just a bunch of random nobheads who I've never met in my entire life and have absolutely no dealings with so why should I give them the time of day? that's pretty much the principle I use with everything now.

agreed. the government is criminal today. no respect for it at all.

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The sad part is, Brasil is as cucked as the UK

Now if only we applied this same sentiment to government in order to collectively hold it accountable.

>I'm actually gonna put a notice on my letterbox downstairs saying "no invite? no answer."
do something like pic related
i know it's blurry, but do a search on the title and you'll find templates.
i believe they are legit too, in a legal sense.

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Jesus fucking Christ, UK...

Already have one mate hahaha, but it's right outside my front door. I live in a block of flats so I can't really put one on the outside where my buzzer is as that door technically isn't mine.

actually i went down and paid it and i'm not suggesting you shouldn't pay your council tax.

This guy is going about it wrong. The cunt has a job to do, the best thing to do is not to own a TV set and simply own a non aerial capable PC monitor the same size as a Tv and hook it up to a rasperry Pi board, in total its a little more work but very cheap and modular. If you keep the receits, you can let them in, copy the documents and legally they have absolutely fuck all on you.

Big black cuckold

Be subjugated Britbong
Can't tell them to fuck off with a firearm

>This guy is going about it wrong. The cunt has a job to do
i disagree, and i am inclined to call you a bootlicker

It's probably not true, and even if it is it's an outlier. I've never even seen a TV inspector (although they do exist), let alone had one harassing me like that. When I bought my current house I got sent a letter reminding me I needed to pay my licence fee if I had a TV. Went online, checked the box marked 'don't need one', never heard from them again.

you can tell them to fuck off without one though.

KEK user!

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You misunderstand man, i dont agree with council worker cunts but the fact its their job brings more problems for this guy, its easier to let them in, show them theyve got fuck all on you and let them report that back to their asscociates rather than reporting back a non entry, yazimme?

what are you even paying for? police who're used against you more than for you? who cover up muslim rape gangs and let our young girls be used as sex slaves / prostitutes while hooked on heroin provided by those same muslims? police that are more than willing to kick your door down if you don't pay a TV license and deal with TVL goons incorrectly? the fire service is legit, I don't mind that. but most of us will never ever have to use it, ever. local services like rubbish collection? they've reduced that to once a fortnight where I live now. in some areas it's so bad that local communities have to pay even more out to employ private rubbish collectors because the council just isn't doing it's job. lighting? half the time, most lamp posts are out of order. gritting? what gritting? they barely touch icy paths in winter at all.

you're literally paying for fuck all.

and it's not even a tax, it's a utility bill.

so you're essentially paying for utilities that are either being used against you rather than for you, or that you'll never use, or that aren't be provided to you despite being part of the contract that you never signed.

don't let them in you ponce. just ignore them. don't even answer the door, unless it's to give them a good verbal buggering.

And to completely ignore the other advice in my initial post and skip straight to the moist instult inclines me to call you a nigger faggot. But do get a pi board tho m8

Jesus fucking christ just end the whole UK already

There are stories of old people who live too far from civilisation to even receive terrestrial TV being victimised into paying for a licence

My position is that as I'm dealing with a private company I am under absolutely no obligation to provide them with any information at all, including telling them I don't have a TV, once they have you entered into communication they will target you and try to fool you

You pay for state TV programme. Think country owned media outlet on TV. We also have it here and I’m fairly sure most European countries have it. Usually, the ISP provides you with internet and TV programmes. When you sign up with one, they will automatically report you to said government owned TV channel and they will send you bills you have to pay.

And yes, this does in fact mean you MUST, enforced by law, pay for government propaganda.

m8 i agree with you in principle, and i would extend that to income tax as well.
i just don't want to go to jail.

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They'll leave you alone untill you reply to a letter to the "occupier"

m8 i already own a big monitor and beast PC, i'm not here to give you head pats for doing something similar.