With all these companies pushing their lefty agendas how the fuck can I watch any movies or tv shows anymore?
Companies getting political
Been this way for a long time bro, you just started noticing it finally
You don't.
I cancelled netflix. Sick of their faggot pushing agenda
have some balls and get a new hobby. are you that addicted to television?
t. snowflake
It has been getting noticeably worse over the past 20 years and you know it.
Might I suggest long range precision target shooting?
>how the fuck can I watch any movies or tv shows anymore?
You don't. Read and find different hobbies.
There's the gym, reading a book, spending time with family if they're close by, or socializing in the real world. Or volunteer work. A lot of options OP. Your choice.
I'm just talking about who I give my money to. Its not that I get triggered by the damn show/movie. I don't want to fund it.
Watch straight animes (that dont promote yuri)
>Obama does non political show
>OMG Lefty agenda, why is Netflix so cucked. I can only watch Fox News now.
To individual media producers whom you support. Patreon is less of a meme than you likely think it is.
>how the fuck can I watch any movies or tv shows anymore?
Is youtube considered the electric jew?
Just don't. I don't.
Poor baby! You may have to start doing things outdoors for a change. Like learning how to shoot a rifle. That could come in handy.
NRA Long Range Hi Power. 600 and 1,000 yards. God Tier. Literally.
>You don't
Go outside
>He still watches shit
Either watch based older movies (no - 1980s is not old) or read a fucking book
I quit TV in 2010. Never signed up to Netflix. Haven't gone to the movies in over a decade. I usually don't watch any documentaries made by large news network (CNN, BBC, ZDF, ARD, etc). Before I did any of that I often found myself looking up to celebrities to know how I should act and think. I was at a contant state of cognitive dissonance. TV/radio/literature (even alternative, since it's been mostly hijecked by leftists), is higly conditioning. I mean, don't completely disconnect yourself from those media because after all you need to know what (((they))), but think critically about everything you watch & read.
>what (((they))) are up to
If you have to ask you really need to be reading books and not watching ANY sort of media with pictures until you can discern Jew propaganda. Bare minimum read the Protocols.
I was a literal rifleman in the Army. I don't ONLY watch tv. The point was that I have to maintain a subscription to use the shit.
>watching Talmudvision
>in this current year
Just walk away from it, bro.
Why do they hate anime? Why is anime popular? It's because it's an entertainment created by men for men in a Conservative society not controlled by the Jews. It's one of the last entertainment left without Jewish influences
>how the fuck can I watch any movies or tv shows anymore?
You Don't.
You come to the realization that your entire race is counting on you to succeed.
You Learn Chemistry.
You pound iron like it's some 10/10 qt begging you.
You spend time at the range.
You read and understand the depths of the MurderCube.
You bide your time in positive ways to meet your destiny.
movies and tv are extremely boring and meant for low iq normies
If you're still using Netflix, Facebook or twitter, you're part of the problem.
is the last place in media where you don't see niggers acting like non niggers
If that is your girl you need to marry her. Make babies. TV should be the last thing on your mind.
U obviusly cant faggot!
This is a blessing in disguise.
As entertainment become more and more shit, it will ease ur struggle to stop seeking to be entertained and start seking to be informed.
All who are part of the problem will in the end also be part of the (final) solution :)
Divest and Boycott. With the internet, we don't need TV anymore. The over the top agenda is the dying screech of the legacy media control.