How Do We Solve the Obesity Problem?

Obesity continues to rise, yet food continues to be so plentiful that these people can afford their lifestyles. Health problems related to obesity are the top causes of death.

I was thinking we should put a calorie tax on all items, make it like a cent or two for every 10 calories. This would make filling foods like vegetables far cheaper in comparison and economically incentivize healthier diets or at least eating smaller portions.

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it's a self-solving problem. fat people are less fertile

that does not solve anything, it's not a genetic disease in VAST majority of cases, almost all of them.

Medical treatment costs are high for these people and are growing, same for many kinds of welfare for various disabilities and ofc mainly unemplyment checks.

This is a huge problem and does not shrink because they have less or none children.

I say shoot these fat fucks.

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>addiction is not a genetic disease

>we need to tax x to get people to stop consuming x

Can fucking OP show me any examples of this actually working because at the moment any previous attempt at this scheme has failed its purpose of stopping x and only give the government more money

Any oz cunt remember the alcho-pop tax and how it was meant to discourage underage drinking, what about ciggiesand the constant rise on taxation on them

it's inconvenient to carry and use.

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noone is not born addicted to food.
People are genetically prone to hoard food and eat as much as possible because of reality of living in hunting&garthering socvieties, and are prone to eat a lot of sweetr things (quick calories, easy to digest, fast burst of energy to hunt or run away) but that's not the same as having zero control over your eating habits.
You have to work on that.

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We let them die. We stop pitying them and meet them with disgust. The free access to food has revealed who in society lacks discipline and self-respect; lacking either of these makes for a detestable person but lacking both is a truly abhorrent creature.

They have no value.

The sugar tax in Chicago worked (well not for the politicians looking to make a buck off of it). Turns out sugar isn't as addictive as we thought and a simple tax returned magnitudes less than they predicted. Which ultimately lead to it getting repealed. I'd need to look into it more to see how often people just drove out of the county to buy sugar, but cigarettes are taxed to hell in Chicago and there's no problem getting revenue from that.

>How Do We Solve the Obesity Problem
By killing fat people.

On a genetic level, everyone is prone to addiction. It can be argued that specific individuals are more or less prove to specific addictions, but that doesn't change the solution. Garner some willpower and control your impulses. That's literally the foundation of being civilized. Fat people are uncivilized garbage.

Feed them more

Literally just feed them until they are helpless and die.

The world is already diverging into two groups. Extremely healthy, and extremely fat. There is no more middle groups of what was considered a “normal” physique as was known up through the end of the 1990’s.

At my workplace we have about 1000 employees. About 20% are motivated and athletic people who regularly eat well and take part in physical activity. About 20% are scrawny soy boys just a few years out of college (programmers). About 5% are the older soy boy programmers who are getting fat and doughy. The rest are all fat fuck disgusting butterball women and men in CS and back office operations. Less than 10% of the facility would match what would conform to a normal physique and lifestyle in 1998. The real interesting thing is how fast the skinnypants wearing soygoys blimp-out when they hit 27. It’s like they hit a wall of hormones and start to fall apart.

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Don't that people understand their health and life are fucked? Why they continue to eat. It has to be a mental illness or addiction

Slaughter obese people

Stop the lies OP you know want to smash this

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remember that food stamps/EBT (GIBS) are pretty much all junk food purchases.
soda, candy, cereal, frozen pizza, frozen ready meals, canned soup full of salt, everything is made with genetically altered ingredients. thats not even to mention whats in the water, supposedly. the garbage they give to us even as a newborn, all the baby foods and factory made babies milk.
its an entire lifetime of pure garbage, and no self control or anything, if it gets to a point where they're bedridden. most of these people are either so narcissistic they'll never see why, or whats wrong (see all this anti fat shaming) or just can't/don't want to fix the weight problem.
plus, getting $1500 or whatever their given a month is GUARANTEED, until they die, because if they lost the weight, and were capable of obtaining a career, or even a job, they'll barely make anything compared to what they would by being a lazy shit just eating frozen pizzas or buy a shit ton of sugar (which makes you not produce sugar, therefor requiring you to either make sure(diabetes injections) or buy more sugar.

all of these people are just blobs of living tax dollars.

true user, I'd smash with a hydraulic press.

it's impressive how she still can stand on legs.

Imagine her quads.

>crack babies should just get over it
Most people are raised from infancy with nothing but sugary crap and get addicted. We need to change parenting culture to stop have them poisoning their kids; then we can see who the actual degenerates are.

Simple, you treat obesity as an addiction and not a disease. Make treatment payable by the obese person and make it a premium price to make up for the resources they take up in the healthcare.

Fatties either diet or die, there is no other way to make them responsible for their own lives, because like hell I will give them my taxes to do that.

>because like hell I will give them my taxes to do that.
Sure thing Brit.

Not forvery long. They can barely walk 10 meters without needing a chair

stop funding it
stop healthcare and stop giving them state paid people to help them put their clothes on
they'll die out
stop funding sugar
stop kikes like obama obfuscating their moves they did with sugar labeling
stop the kikes' food war

From what i've heard was people were going out of the town to buy their soda bypassing the surgartax

Well yes, there was obviously that. But how does that compare to people going out of town to stock up on cigarettes? It shows a lower time preference for sugary drinks if they're willing to actually travel for it.

It also doesn't explain how it made magnitudes less than predicted. That would mean >90% of typical buyers went out of the city to buy elsewhere. Sure there'd be a lot, but a big portion had to come from people switching to something that wasn't covered under the tax, or just buying less of the taxed items overall.

If you already have it in US than increase it.

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Stop subsidizing corn. Tax hydrogenated corn syrup.

shame, she would be really cute if she wasn't fat

>people can afford their lifestyles
bullshit. a large pizza is $15, and these fatties eat 3 a day. i'm very fit and spend close to a $100 a week on food. i see fat bodies with carts filled to capacity and grocery bills of $300+ at checkout. there's no way they are working so it must be gibs money. the best way is to tax junk food and sugar at 1000% and make foodstamps conditional to annual exams by physicians for obesity. i see these disgusting fucks with trays of ribs and steaks that i can't even afford.

Accelerationism, It will sort itself out. This is only a problem if you are fat, and the only person that can fix that is you

we've talked about this before. Dont do a calories tax. Do a restriction on healthcare for overweight people.

A restriction on overweight people would be outright discriminatory. A calories tax will impact fatties more while not looking discriminatory at first glance.

The problem here is that it'll just starve out poor people. Too many innocent targets while fat people with enablers get to stay fat and unhealthy. We could stop this directly by treating food like we do prescription drugs and have a doctor prescribe you your diet.

Rule 1, stop using your car to go to the corner store.

Education needs to be key, because people are too stupid to understand on their own. burn more calories than you eat and you lose weight. Do it for a year or two and you will feel better.