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yeah I think the sellner/pettybone/southern coincidence with the UK Orwellian Policestate redpilled many people, actually it was a good action, like somebody in the goverment wanted to redpill people or they are just fucking dumb
Brayden Cox
>actually it was a good action in a reverse twisted and perverted kind of way but yeah youre right! i am still baffled that not even the msm is reporting on this (altough i didnt expect anything else of course)
>Doch warum gab es 2016 einen derart drastischen Anstieg der Abwanderungen auf 281.000? Das hat wohl vor allem mit der Umstellung der Erhebungsmethode zu tun, wie das Statistische Bundesamt erklärt. Nothing to see here, goy, just keep wörking and paying taxes.
checked dont get me wrong i was merely referring to the accusations in the first sentences
Adrian Rivera
>Let's purify the gene pool >By killing people who don't reproduce anyway It was a cost saving measure. Though, considering the very sorry value that even a healthy person had in the war, almost understandable.
The fuck is this? No matter what race they are you fucking fire someone for threatening your other employees. Aside from actually causing harm, that is the second best reason I've ever heard to fire someone.
Mason Perry
>Das hat wohl vor allem mit der Umstellung der Erhebungsmethode zu tun lmao
Nathaniel Ramirez
>Germany protecting the next generation of Nazis wew
Serious question. Why do you not use the red background with the white rider/knight as a your flag?
Michael Myers
let's be honest though, is there really anyone buying and falling for that? because I only know one mixed couple, and it's a bw/wm - bad enough but still...
it is the attempt to normalize this, but you are right germany is not the epicenter of racemixing couples, that would be uk or murrica, anglo women are far more receptive come to that.
In diesem Faden gibt es zu viel Antisemitismus (schon am Rande der Strafbarkeit) und zu wenig Unterstuetzung fuer die beste Bundeskanzlerin aller Zeiten - Frau Dr. Angela Merkel. Dieser Verbrecher Hitler hat euch nur Zestoerung und Elend gebracht, weil Frau Merkel hat uns alle sicher durch die schwerste Wirtschaftkrise seit die Grosse Depression gefuehrt. Sie hat die deutsche Witschaft wieder auf die Beine gestellt. Man sollte doch froh sein, dass es wieder eine stabile und demokratische Regierung gibt und damit auch eine sichere Zukunft, nicht nur fuer Deutschland sondern fuer die ganze Europaeische Gemeinschaft. Es lebe die Bundeskanzlerin und die Neue Grosse Koalition! CDU+SPD =
Dominic Hughes
Ja Heil
Christian Nelson
>UN flag nice try with the German, leaf. Google translate or your own skill?
Jose Taylor
Naja, Ulf. Diese Seite ist für jene die das Klima aushalten. Komm nicht in meine Küche wenn dir die Herdplatte zu warm ist.
as someone who is part of the generation/people when it was invented the way it is used today... yes. in frankfurt we still call ppl that >go to HL Markt >put something on scale >Lauch x10 >place them at other pupils bags
>Kandel >Dortmund >Berlin >Lünen >Rosenheim >Köln >Flensburg >(2 in vienna)
just the stabbings they declared war on us now guys i have the feeling that it might turn even worse very soon behave and prepare yourselves accordingly now more than ever!