ITT: Wife material only

ITT: Wife material only

shit thread die teen


I will not tolerate any man marrying Mako

Because she belongs to Ryuko?




Yunyun deserves love!

The MC is a fucking faggot who doesn't deserve her.




yeah, that's a no

Never saw this anime, shamefully

Rate me



Wanted to call your's shoit because you called mine shit but your choice is pretty good.
No wait, fuck off with your garbage, faggot.



Then don't download my waifu pictures my dude, I don't decide where I download parts of my Shampoo hoard from

beautiful , great personality , pure

Kill yourself cuck

so who's gonna start?



Worst waifu in the thread thus far

Care to explain why ?

Pic unrelated.

>77KB, 686x576
>No image

>le akari is invisible meme
You think you are funny? That meme is insanely forced and old. It never actually made sense, since she's one of the characters with the most screentime. I actually rewatched the series and took the same. She's the number one character, far ahead of anyone else. So think again if you want to call her "invisible". I know that success breeds jealousy, so that's probably why you want to make the most popular character in the series not exist anymore, because your shitty favorite "waifu" lost against her, but she won't go away. She will be forever the best character in the series, and your shitty character will live in the shadows, like you like in the shadow of your basement. There's nothing more idiotic than some fucking retard trying to pretend that who's clearly the most likable character in the entire series suddenly has no relevance and can be ignored or ommited or force an epic "she has no presence" meme. The only thing invisible are your girlfriend and your job, you utter failure at life. If you ever saw a girl like her, you would build her a shrine and worship her like the goddess she is. Not only you are disrespectful towards all the legit fans of the series, you are also disrespectful towards the creators and animators when you pretend that she's invisible. You can pretend all you want, but she's basically the main character whether you like it or not. She has the most air time when you take into account the quality put into it. There's just no argument to sustain the invisible meme and you are a fucking retard shit tier opinion for forcing it. It's been fucking years already, let it die you pathetic moron.

fucking . . . . . EPIC!

I think I get it now
By posting an empty image, this user is telling us that there is no perfect wife; that all humans are imperfect creatures.
The perfect wife is one that does not exist for there is no perfect human suitable to be the perfect wife

That's what I thought.


Go to bed Gamagori-kun.
If you're a good boy and go to bed quickly you'll have dreams of Mankanshoku-chan spanking you



We found them, Op. We've found not only the best waifus, but also the best anons for their waifus.


Shampoo is a doting (and scary) mother

Are you implying that the waifus that are characterized as idiots are only liked by anons that are also idiots?

Their waifus are charming, and the user I linked in the middle had a pretty profound thought. You're the only one calling anyone an idiot here

a best

Pretty good tastes so far. Good thread.

Still waiting for an answer

Oh, then I guess I was being presumptuous. Sorry, user.

mai niBBa

Thank you



Fuck you I raise you this







You're too kind

>Using "wife" instead of "waifu"
Get out, normalfag.

You got it backwards

Welcome to anime

The connotation is different.



How durr you


Lurk moar, retard.




You're an angel, user!
Is Sasuke the Naruto world's equivilent of a nigger? He grew up after his family and friends got gunned down, acted unfriendly all his life after that, got in with a bad crowd (gang), and left his baby momma to raise his child.

>Is Sasuke the Naruto world's equivilent of a nigger?
He's an Uchiha, the niggers of Naruto world.

>Is Sasuke the Naruto world's equivalent of a nigger?
Considering he reminds me of a not funny Black Manta, yes

Elf is for marriage and child making.

are you even trying user?


literally wife material

>in b4 used goods


This is the perfect wife and mother to future children.


>Hu hu hu

I-I wanna make b-babies with her




looks like a guy

Sound choice.

Absolutelly Shit Taste as Fuck



Mamimi is hot but she's a bag of anxiety and problems, not wife material.



>Is Sasuke the Naruto world's equivilent of a nigger?
Genetically predisposed to violence, segregated by the second, fuck it makes too much sense.

but what if I'm black?


A wife isn't "used goods". She belongs to her husband.

Ryuuko is so lucky!
