ITT: moments where a manga jumped the shark

ITT: moments where a manga jumped the shark

I'll start.

When Takizawa killed Tatara like he was fodder.



Tokyo Ghoul jumped the shark way before that when Kaneki defeated Eto.


I mean, the manga wasn't good in the first place but it did a good job setting up UD as the final boss unless to suddenly reveal a villain that had 0 foreshadowing and rushing the ending to hell.

rubber nen

*only to suddenly

I thought My Hero Academia was supposed to be ''different'' from other shonen, why did the MC literally go Super Saiyan?

Fire Punch jumps the shark about once a chapter lately.



Why the hell won't Bakugou's explosions actually hurt anybody? He should leave fist size craters in people's bodies.

That's just people who honestly believe in the "deconstruction of tropes" meme. It doesn't deconstruct shit. It just does the same the trope, but a little differently. I don't know where people got this idea from, but I still enjoy it for what it is.

Pocket Healer

Nah, it has always followed all the tropes, but it does them right. Most shows fail when they try to be too original.

I really hope she doesn't become a recurring character just so he can go full power.

>Nah, it has always followed all the tropes, but it does them right

Why are trolls trying so hard to rubber nen BnHA?

This power up specifically requires him to strap a small child to his back who at any time could accidentally erase him from existence if he is not at every given moment basically shattering his bones.

this powerup is fine

Her power worked on touch, so unless he plans to at every given moment have a loli ready and willing to be tied to his body to fight monsters and bad guys, i doubt its going to be a recurring thing. Hell this is a world that has laws, im pretty sure hes breaking quite a few of them right now.

>"I've never read Shonen manga."

>I still want to see Izuku deck him in the face for being a shithead

I'd certainly like to always have a loli on standby.

I thought it jumped the shark week ago. Or week before that. Or week before that. Or week before that. Because every week you guys scream shark jumping or asspulling about mha.

It's from a general misunderstanding on what deconstruction means. The people who get it wrong tend to use it to use it as a way to say that the series in question is not complete derivative garbage with no new ideas, subsequently leading them to describe anything that gets remotely creative a deconstruction.

Super manga jumped the shark when it turned Hit into a jobber

Do you even know what "jumping the shark" mean?

Imagine being this obsessed to make something seem like an asspull.

explosive powers usually do cause injuries in shounen.
It's beam spam that's always shrugged off so someone like naval laser kid would be screwed by shounen laws.


For me they anounced that soon the stakes will start to escalate on that All for One Fight. But it was worth.

You dont even know wtf jumping the shark means

You truly are pathetic.

there it is, another moment MHAfags praise as amazing while its worse shounen-troupes fused in one -_-

Hey, is that Kuzumi Taiga?

Boku no hero academia?


>Deaths = Quality
No wonder why SnK became a hit.


whats wrong with it user?

please write me a 300 page sumary explaining why a character we knew was going to someday reach 100%, reaching 100% is a bad thing?

Don’t you know? MHA jumps the shark every other week.

>I thought My Hero Academia was supposed to be ''different'' from other shonen, why did the MC literally go Super Saiyan?
well, in a certain way, it's different. deku is only able to use ofa 100% because he has created a plan in which the loli acts as a shock absorber. in other words, unlike ssj, is more a logical power up than an emotional one.

Fucking this. Considering the amount of complete derivative garbage in the anime industry, this thought process doesn't seem that crazy.

This fucking moment.

Anyone who grew up with Naruto claiming this part didn't make them cry is lying.

No because Pain was right


You got it wrong. Naruto VS Pain was Naruto's last great fight and the epic moment. Naruto become a true hero. Still, bringing the whole village back to life with a nice "nothing happen" was really a bad fart.