On the 9th September, Sweden is going to have a general election. This may be the last chance Sweden has to stop itself from falling over the edge before it’s too late.
After years of the establishment turning their country from a paradise on earth into the rape capital of Europe, the immigration issue is at the forefront of every Sven’s mind. We need to keep it there. We need to show the Swedish people what their government has been hiding from them, what their media has been downplaying & how the rest of the world is beginning to see them.
With less then 6 months to go before the election, we are already beginning to break through. We need to organise, build our support, and spread our message, our campaigns and our memes throughout the rest of the internet.
The silent majority are with us. If we can show them that they are not alone, we can break the stigma.
/SWEG/- Swedish Election General
Other urls found in this thread:
Meet Skurt.
We started making Skurt memes around the end of January, and they are beginning to break through. Much like Pepe, this little frog is the public-friednly face of hatefacts. And he needs to be EVERYWHERE.
We need Skurt OC. And we need Skurt OC that’s directly tied to the current situation in Sweden.
See this poster?
You take the blue pill, you see a story or an article about the Mainstream parties. Their policies, their failings. The melting down of priceless artifacts, the Decemberoverenskommelsen, the anti-rape bracelets…
You take the redpill, you see the damage they’ve done. The murder victims, the rape victims, and the migrants who got away with it.
These posters won’t be torn down so quickly. They won’t be so easy to ignore; in fact, people will be intrigued. They’ll want to know what’s on the other side of the rabbit hole.
All we’re offering Sweden Is the truth.
We need QR codes of any related articles & sources, and we need people willing to go out and put these up.
Who gives a shit?
Hi Veeh.
Read: Because normies deserve to know what Sweden as turned into.
You probably will when all the gypsies get deported, then maybe they can steal from you instead of us.
I don't even know how to decipher these threads, who are you intending to vote for anyway, and please, no nmr, it's never gonna happen
>when all the gypsies get deported
So, when hell freezes over?
Pepe is a stale meme by the way.
You see any Pepes here?
Swedes need to rape n fighr back.
Subjugate jo women.
Kill the invaters.
Kill the leftist.
Way to go.
Make sweden great again.
SÄPO, when are you going to lean that no-one falls for this?
How can you be bothered to deport gypsies when you are busy focusing on the real immigrant problem, Finns?
Sweden yes.
I for one am sorry for my brethren for interfering with your grand plan to "blanda upp" with somalis.
Now that M ended up supporting the new rules that restricts free speech and freedom of press, while SD tried to stop it, what kind of gains will SD see from this?
I am talking about this:
I assume SD will gain a lot of votes from the liberal and libertarian crowd now? Will SD becomes the biggest party in the election?
If we can get it more well-known, it certainly increases the likelihood. And it's already pretty likely.
Sweden is hell and we got snow in fucking mars dude
väktare bara går förbi
The feminist whores of Babylon must be stopped at any cost.
Do most Swedies understand English?
That nightmare turd of red herring papers that Macrons team dropped on us was my last foray into foreign languages and it nearly killed me with exhaustion slaving on it all night for zero returns.
Will the Swedeys m understand if I instruct them on how to vote properly, in English?
I could really piss them off and ORDER them to vote sadsack just so they don't.
It's what we should have done with the Anglophobic frogs.
I don't know about the swedes, but as a native English speaker, i have no fucking clue what you just said.
So the Swedish effort to get SD elected is a bunch of lame knock off memes of Pepe the frog?
No wonder this country is going to hell
Yes, most of the Scandinavians understand English very well, especially the younger generations with all of the social medias and TV, Internet, etc.
Do you remember 2016?
We put up a bunch of posters too and are currently working on new content. The Skurt memes are just a lil' something to do between the actions.
Sweden is not America
Are memes not as popular in Sweden as elsewhere? You guys should utilize all fronts, including memes of a green a children's character.
We are
uh oooh kevin is back
Skurt är långt äldre än Pepe dock
Bump for viking user
Hope it helps user will post as i find more
heres for your trouble user
keep the change
Good shit man.
What's that the artifact your ministry tryd to scrap?
it will be an artifact when we ban circumcision
Thanks for your help, mate. We'll add them to the resources for the next thread.
reupload, fixed a small detail
The Swedish will vote for the far left lol.
>lols at Sweden
>far left
Nah, I very much doubt that the NMR will even make it into parliament. And you can't get more far left than than being an unironic nazi.
couldnt agree more desu
Then you will vote for the same people who want to destroy the country.
BTW, How is your re-occuring banning of the entering of people who just want to talk and the non-banning of actual raging terrorists going?
Pettybone wanted to interview someone: DETAIN! BAN!
Sellner wanted to hold a speech in the defense of the freedom of speech: DETAIN! BAN!
Southern just wanted to say hello: TERRORIST! DETAIN! BAN!
IngSoc is real. And you don't even have institutions to challenge it. The UK used to be the empire that literary abolished slavery in the world. Look at you now. Using the word 'cucked' would be an understatement.
My eldest son was born in Stockholm (Karolinska). According to the doctor, we would have had to have found either a Rabbi or Imam or some such shit to perform the operation. Gladly we chose not to do it at all. He’s 14 now. Things have probably changed during that time.
The anti immigration party, the sweden democrats are proposing that we should put an end to the barbaric tradition of circumcision
FrP tried that in Norway, didn't work out so well :^)
Yea but they dont really want a full ban. They want to ban it on children until they are like 15 or something i dont know the details
I'd say it already is banned in the constitution. RF 2 kap §6. Just after the sections banning death penalty and flogging. It just need to be complimented with a specified penalty for violating the ban. Like, say, castration, death or flogging. ;)
>6 § Regeringen styr riket. Den är ansvarig inför riksdagen. Lag (1976:871).
Setting an age limit on it at 15 years old would have practically the same effect as banning it outright. No one in their right mind would willingly hav their dick mutilated at 15 years old.
Exactly and it will ruin the tradition for the jews and mudslims so they will move to denmark or something so win win senario
Fel kapitel dumfan:
Var och en är gentemot det allmänna skyddad mot påtvingat kroppsligt
ingrepp även i andra fall än som avses i 4 och 5 §§.
After all the talk about them being Zionist supporters, that's great to hear.
Best of luck this year, söta bror -- we are all watching and hoping for the best.
De kommer ju ändå antagligen ses som rasistiskt så inget kommer väl ändras om vi inte har en SD regering
Should be 18 years of age to begin with, then 80.
I would be surprised if SD gets more than 20%. People are still too brainwashed. They should get at least 30% btw. And SD is way too soft on immigration. Sure they adjust for the median voter but still. AfS is much better but they won't get in this election.
Det är helt okej att vara rasist. Det är inne nu.
De är fortfarande tabu hos de flesta normies och alltså väljare
Can someone inform me about exactly what is going to happen with the grundlags ändringen (constituton update? not sure how to say that in english). How hard will it fuck us over?
Yea but AfS wont really make a difference cuz they wont be able to make a regering with anyone because of their anti everything
The only real difference they would be able to make is if they would make a regering with SD which is kinda likely desu
The west died when they left jesus. This all is going to happend as its planned. Call me crazy but after multiple years of thinking i have come to this conclution: Democracy is a lie. You cannot affect a election it is planned years before. And the only way to stay protected in these last years is jesus. Just look into the bible and than look at history. You can see how its all meant to happend. Wake up you are wasting your time. And im not a good goy becuase the bible does not speak of jews as chosen or special. That is simply a catholic lie. We are all one in christ.