New CIA Director #MAGA
Gina Haspel
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She has a warrant out for her arrest if she ever steps foot in the EU . That’s my kinda girl.
Is Jew.
For what?
You guys are getting really desperate
Covert ops deep state (((spook))) elevated to CIA director to placate feminists? Very similar to what happened with DHS secretary. What is Trump thinking??
any spooks here care to comment on her qualifications for the position?
>Haspel ran a "black site" CIA prison located in Thailand in 2002.[5][6] The site was codenamed "Cat’s Eye" and held suspected al Qaeda members Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri and Abu Zubaydah for a time. The Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA torture specifies that during their detention at the site they were waterboarded and interrogated using no longer authorized methods.[7][8] Declassified CIA cables specify that Zubaydah was waterboarded 83 times in a month, was sleep deprived, kept in a "large box", had his head slammed against a wall and he lost his left eye. Zubaydah was deemed, by the CIA interrogators, to not be in possession of any useful intelligence (Interrogation of Abu Zubaydah).[9]
>On June 7, 2017, the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights called on the Public Prosecutor General of Germany to issue an arrest warrant against Haspel over claims she oversaw the torture of terrorism suspects. The complaint against her is centered on the case of Saudi national Abu Zubaydah.[16][17][18]
How many times do you have to slam a sand nigger's head against the wall before his eye pops out?
Also, how many times do you have to waterboard a human being before he goes insane?
Finally, were the 83 waterboardings before or after the CIA decided that he was of no use to them?
She's into torture? I love her
>Here we see the representative from the European Union getting ready to greet the new CIA Director
If you get tortured by the cia realize it's for your own good and they don't enjoy it.
god bless america amen
Making America Great Again
>by putting our Jew feminazi torturers in charge of the CIA
Holy shit. The heebs have their person in place. We are so fucking going to get a war against Iran andHezbollah.
I can't think of a better organization for a woman to run than the CIA. They're not going to be able to do shit!
Fake news
>Tortures shitskins
>Is Jewish
I have so many conflicting emotions right now
Read about her time operating a CIA black-site in Thailand
She's something else.
How effective do you think an organization like the (((cia))) is going to be with a new woman director? Sidelined for at least 3 months.
Bad move. Say what you want about political optics, but this just looks bad. Bending over backwards to meet Leftist demands is bad all the way around. Especially when the Republican base is one expanding right now, not contracting. Even have people mentioning Obama wouldn't touch this.
Does it look like she will put up with any BS what so ever? Does it look like she has even an ounce of mercy?
Deep state is doomed.
The ONLY video I found of her talking.
She can waterboard me with her pussy
yes, put a woman in charge of something if you want it to fail.
Bad move. Women are the most corrupt, egotistical and moronic / myopic shit you could possibly fill that position with.
also: Noone respects women no more in the age of total femifascism. ( Which is a GOOD thing!, but..).
Also : Wasnt Pompeo the one that aaid :
“There is no such thing as a Deep State!“ !??
THIS x 1000
nu/pol/ is fine with the CIA being run by a Jewess, wtf lads
>meme flag
Opinion discarded.
>jewish female torturer
>We're going to make you a new building
>with no columns
Thailand? thats underage ladyboy central, pedo haven, not a good sign
>They're not going to be able to do shit!
have you seen their history? looks like they were run by women already with all the extravagant and expensive failures
I don't really think it matters much, most of the CIA operate independently
I'm wondering if this is Trump setting the CIA up to crash and burn, so he can "officially" get rid of it, of course it's not going anywhere, but everyone will say it's gone and they'll move everything underground
This was a good powerplay by Trump to btfo the deepstate dems. Shill tears are spicy af
Bitch looks like Liam Neeson in drag
But a good one like Stephen Miller.
says the meme flag..