Literally who benefits from diversity?

The people don't want it. Even corporations have to realize that white people work better than some West African nog. Who's pushing the great blackening?

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The Jews

Diversity = conflict between races

conflict = easier to divide people

makes it easier for them to control people when they are divided.

What do you guys think about immigrants who are willing to integrate completely?

They're the minority. Legal immigrants tend to loathe illegals. Hence Italy right now. They elected a respectable black man who hates all the trash washing into Europe.

Why would you want to control people?

>t immigrants who are willing to integrate completely?
I assume you are talking about niggers and spics etc. They should have stayed in their own countries and made them better



Fuck off.

t. filthy britkike


reptoids, obviously

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It's all about staying in power.

The establishment lost that with Trump and they are flipping the fuck out.

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t. jew

If you were to ask this question in a public forum with identity attached to each response, what would be the answer?

But he's a jew

>Create absolute chaos
>People demand action
>Bring in heavily oppressive 'solution'
Job done.
You need to ask who?

The Jews!

multinational corporations which business everywhere , don't pay tax anywhere

bourgeoisie who want to kill and destroy their tribe for orgasm

big banks need more people so they can keep the fiat money scam rolling.

Some people just crave power.

Short term - Businesses. Fill positions, low wages
Long term - no one.

>The people don't want it
The internet is literally the poster child of diversity. Sup Forums is literally the poster child of diversity. Sup Forums is literally the poster child of diversity. You, an italian, on Sup Forums, on Sup Forums, on the internet is literally the poster child of diversity.

You're just irked over mudslimes not really quite having learned to behave in your country yet. You will get over it, they will get over it.

Fuck you dude at least I got ramen noodles and cheap Chinese hookers. Why do you hate America?

pajeet detected. nobody wants you here. also fuck India

It will be great when we all have the same genes and some simple disease comes along and wipes everyone out.
That's the jew end game. Cap this.

I'm happy to accomodate two of them, a third only if he's some kind of savant.

As long as they're at a .01% level immigrants aren't inherently bad, or if they're from civilized western nations (incl. Japan/Korea) you can allow a couple more.

There's a whole new industry that sprang up that only exists to try to integrate sandniggers (unsuccessfully) and rent them homes, take care of their needs. You get the idea.
It's in the interest of the people owning and working for these businesses to bring as many new rapefugees as possible into the country so the taxpayer money that puts food on their tables keeps flowing.

Oh, and the jews of cource.


They want to create a mongrel race to control. By weakening other cultures they get stronger



>Literally who benefits from diversity?
The human race.

No one likes migrants.
Perhaps the mutts or leafs I dunno

>Even corporations have to realize that white people work better than some West African nog.
Oh gosh if the corporations don't want it then who can argue? Not like people's personal interrelations should get in the way of what the corporations want. Pat on the head from the 100 for you.

Politicians do. Diversity leads to social distrust, making it easier to rule if they fight among themselves. It leads to poverty, and without poverty politicians wouldn't have a job. It leads to crime and terror, making it easier to install a police state. Ultimately it lowers the average IQ by mixing with lower races, and low IQ retards are easier to rule. The huge intelligence gap and the resulting income gap allows them to justify increased social welfare further increasing the power of the state. Of course, just having more people to rule over means you are more powerful.

Integration is non existant. In order to fully integrate into a society, you must somehow swap all your genetics to fit within that group. Biology has proven integration and assimilation to be mere myths.


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Apply yourself next time.

Ask the Israeli Jews why they kicked out their African migrants.

"Israel Offers African Migrants a Choice: Ticket Out or Jail"

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t. Howard Horowitz Greenstien

Maybe one of the things voters actually don’t like is the attitude of wanting a more multicultural society.
Maybe people want to grow up in Britain in a British culture and not in a multicultural society.

Why did slavery exist
Why did feudalism exist

People make things- control people and you control everything.

Read: Because diversity is just cultural marxist bullshit the deep state globalist cabal want to push on people so they get weaker.

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People evolved differently for a reason. To think that you can just dump people with drastically different genetics into one place and "teach" them to get along is absolutely insane.

It doesn't happen in nature and humans are no exception.

White women's pussies


Take all their stuff and force them to do whatever you want whenever you want and just the way you like it

The only people who benefit from diversity are the below average races within the population and the opponents of the nation.

Since the Cold War, Russian psi ops and psychological warfare experts have been slowly destroying America using nigger culture as a weapon.
Compare the 80’s when we were winning, to America now full of nigger culture African tier degenerated society.
The Russians are winning now.

It's about diluting populations to prevent an uprising against the (((rulers)))

Just look who these immigrants vote for