Why is mutt "Justice system" so fucked? Explain this to me
>Be american and a client
>Get pushed around and harassed by the clerk
>Get shot
And shooter walks free
Why is mutt "Justice system" so fucked? Explain this to me
>Be american and a client
>Get pushed around and harassed by the clerk
>Get shot
And shooter walks free
The average mutt has 80 IQ what would you expect?!
Mutt is indeed a weird specie.
Thank God we are not living in that shithole
Americans are brainlets, when that was played in court everyone probably clapped at the end or something lmao.
>Islamic grooming intensifies
>women or niggers with guns
There was a reason the founders didn’t let them vote
even if these threads often derail into europoors hating muttland have a propper response.
America has a broken culture, the guns amplify said culture. The us has way more fatal shotings by police because people attack police more often, but thats because they are mentally fucked, if you grow up in a fucked country with voilence surrounding you you turn into a fucked up person, some of them become criminals, and some become law enforcement officers or something of the kind.
Said culture poises your perception, so people might see people reaching for guns etc. when they are accually not. If all you hear about on the news is "someone attacked" you get paranoid
Nice subject change mutt.
We all have to remember that the so called mutts are our once european brothers that arrived to brave new lands and built a civilization from scratch.
Then they wanted to show to the world what they did and a horde of pedophilic vampires snuck in and opened the flood gates from the inside to infest this new paradise with the wickest vermin on this world.
My condolences and best wishes to the americans on this board.
I'm at work and watched the video with no sound
Somebody could explain what happened ?
Women are stupid
Sounds to me like they overcharged her. They charged her with first degree murder and the jury acquitted her. Manslaughter would probably have gotten a conviction.
You realizing you're looking into your own future right? The collapse of civil society is one of the endless joys of living in a diverse society.
>Clerk tries to handcuff a on bail client because its america
>Clint walks to the window
>Woman gets a gun from his desk
>Shoots him in the back
nah, you are the spanish guy constantly sucking USA cock, i think the US derserves to be critized without swithing the subject to nigs and spics ruining a so perfect country.
>The spanish guy
You don't seem like a very smart person but you yourself admit we're doomed to follow their steps and yet you want to criticize normal people that have no say in politics. Bogus the mind.
I fully support the shooting death of people who pick their feet like that in public.
no, im saying the US, and whites in the US are not only deserving but worthy of critisism, you can complain about nigs all day long, but a failing culture is not determined by 13%, it would just be good if americans could admit their problems instead of larping about how its all great and they never see a nigger in real life and all whites are nobel high Iq people
Read: Because without censorship, the deep state and shitlibs have nothing.
Fake and gay scripted shit. Seriously fake as fuck.
This is correct - the issue is not just about guns, it's about the sick society we have that is constantly violent.
For those of you outside the US, imagine having a drive where everyone you encounter on the road wants to potentially kill you for holding them up. It's not a surprise when someone gets a gun and shoots a place up.
And you hit the point that there is a general paranoia. But that paranoia also feeds into a power fantasy of having an equalizer, a gun. "Can't hurt me now" says the old fat man with an AR15. He'll never be in a position to use that to protect himself, but he can post endlessly on Facebook about "come and take it".
>fucked up person, some of them become criminals, and some become law enforcement officers or something of the kind.
This is literally the only correct thing in your post, standalone, by itself, seperate from the rest of sentence and the rest of the post.
you're fucking delusional.
Just wait until the new generation of immigrants risen up. Just wait until CIA starts arming them. How the fuck are native population going to defend themselves ? Call the police ? You'll get officer ahmed and mamadou answering
This is how Western Europe is fucked, especially UK
>cop shoots nigger who is charging at him in fully ape rage
>random roastie attempting to take a white guy into custody (I don't understand this cause I thought that was a real cop's job) shoots him in the back while he is running away
and I had never even heard of this story, not a single peep
really makes ya think
You really don't understand US culture. All of the problems, including violence, can be traced to nigs and the millions of illegal immigrants. Take away the minorities and the statistics for white Americans are comparable to white Europeans.
what is wrong with the rest? are you saying america doesnt have a toxic clture perpetuated by cunsumerism and degenerate entertainment.
europes issue is a demographic one, ofc people are retarded to let this happen in the first place, but our culture is not fucked in the same way. people are just dumb liberals not murderers.
i think drug overdose rates and people attacking police are still very high for white people.
Go back to r/politics you cock worshipping faggot
Another crypto mutt thread. Sage and report for being off topic
Sort your country out, user. It's fucking shameful.
This is awful, I really feel for the kid.
Having said which, I'm not even American and I know that if a US police officer tells me to do something, I obey without hesitation. That guy absolutely didn't deserve to die, but his reaction to receiving a clear order from a cop makes no sense at all.
Come and take it
>all of these mad and irrelevant countries ITT
You dummy, we have so much crime because we are 40% non-White. If you filter out the browns/black the USA has Denmark tier crime levels.
>people are just dumb liberals not murderers
I'm not sure you completely understood what I said.
I said imagine CIA funding a bunch of radicals in germany/uk/france the same way they funded a bunch of radicals in Syria
She isn't a cop, she's a bail bondsman
She never says what she's arresting for
Drug use is high because America has a huge border with shithole South America where the drugs are imported from, something which Europe doesn't have to deal with. White America is a great place to live. There are more Americans living in lovely, safe, 80-95% white midwest communities than there are Germans.
>implying I care about hillbillies/southerners shooting each other
The jews killed our volk and the only safe place to live is the suburbs where all you do is drive and watch shitty fucking television
What the fuck would you expect in a place that hasn't had a volk in 60 years
> musclebro tries to jump the counter
> gets ventilated by clerk
The accomplice trying to destroy the camera at the end was a nice touch.
That's what he gets for picking his feet in her office.
What's he wanted on and what are his priors? If he was wanted on a felony in some states lethal force can be used to stop a felony in progress.
>Spain is white
It was clear-cut self defense. Musclebro went behind her desk to steal money when she denied bail, ignored demands to leave, dared her to make him leave, she showed him all his muscles don't make him bulletproof.
>be a felon
>do stupid stuff
>get shot
What's the problem here?
>Having said which, I'm not even American and I know that if a US police officer tells me to do something, I obey without hesitation.
Hello shill faggot
Shill faggots galore, as usual. Cops are not victims. They don't go around "getting attacked." Cops are mostly niggers that are either the attackers or just handle any conflict or problem like the niggers they are.
I still don't understand why she shot him
Because you touch yourself at night.
Maybe, but at least it wasn't a Sharia court, you fucking Islamocuck.
He wouldn't quit ransacking the place when ordered to stop.
What do you think a girl's going to do against a roid raging body builder, wrestle him into submission? Hell, one punch from him would have killed her. In civilized society, might doesn't make right, and she was 100% correct to go straight for her equalizer and put the dumbass down.
her name—Chasity Carey
found not guilty
You aren't completely wrong but I'd rather live here than in your future muslim country. Police do shoot a lot of people but the vast majority who get it deserve it.
And the courts electrocute you for being innocent.
>she lied to the police about what happened
A dumb and violent cunt who should have received some kind of punishment.
agree 100%
her son knew it was wrong
The all criminals are innocent meme?
Oh cool, didn't know there was audio.
Still calling it self defense, though. Dude was resisting and trying to escape.
Too bad I literally don't give a single shit what your cuckold ass thinks about our culture or our guns kraut, go fuck yourself and worry about your own country.
That whole situation was fucked.
He's a big guy too big for her and her son