Why are these words offensive to some people?
Why are these words offensive to some people?
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I forgot BLM existed until I saw this thread.
Because they're blatant propaganda, racist and divisive.
Black lives are not special.
Because it should be "all lives matter"
because black lives don't matter
But that’s not true. Because black lives don’t matter.
If you have to tell someone you’re cool, you’re not.
If you have to tell someone your life matters... it doesn’t.
Black Lives Matter (or Twitter-favicon.png #BlackLivesMatter, aka "The Klan with a Tan," formerly known as Fuck The Police) is a racist anti-police, anti-white terrorist SJW movement/Twitter hashtag created by three black chicks and is the new face of Black Power. The kike nigger puppeteer and funder of this movement is a senile old Communist kike, George Soros, dreaming he can use blacks to create a new Soviet Union.
Black Lives Matter was created in response to the worst Ebola epidemic in history, killing over 11,000 black people in Africa. Just kidding. It was created in Amerilard after nigger criminals kept running away from The Man because they got high and getting shot. Reefer Madness tried to warn everyone that niggers and weed don't mix, but we didn't listen. The group has always been hateful against the White Devils, and thinks all cops are White Devils regardless of skin color. Some argue the movement could be called The Evidence Doesn't Matter.
The group is outraged at non-blacks acting like Judge Dredd when threatened by blacks, and wants set phasers to stun (although nigger gang members will still get to use bullets and fire them during fireworks to mask murders). The group strongly believes that black lives matter, which is why they volunteer to be aid workers and travel to Africa to deal with the Ebola epidemic. They also work to help African-American refugees of police brutality migrate to Africa where life is so much better. Actually, they tell people to "burn everything down", which niggers in Baltimore gladly did, after CVS stopped selling menthol cigarettes. CVS stores may have banned tobacco, but they still smoke in Baltimore.
What are socio-economical factors and why did I just heard of them recently?!
Black Lives Matter believes the main threat facing blacks are attempts to enforce the law in black communities. Hmm, maybe more blacks should aspire to be cops instead of gangbangers. BLM thinks cops are the problem, not juries who acquit people. BLM has been called a terrorist group by cops, but BLM has said that they are the victims of terrorism. Black Lives Matter is a particularly nasty strain of crybully, as part of the racial grievance industry. Some argue the group should be called Black Lies Matter.
Protip: If you see graffiti that says Black Lives Matter, simply spraypaint a question mark at the end.
The words "Black Lives Matter" aren't offensive to me. They aren't true in any kind of real sense as far as within America is concerned (and elsewhere for the most part) but they don't offend me. Blacks within the United States are a fundamentally purposeless people, and this (along with other things) has caused some issues within the black community including insane amounts of violence and crime.
Rich blacks steal more than poor whites and if I throw the studies at you you'll pussyfoot around the facts. You're dead inside hardened and crystallised in your wrongthink.
becasue nigger lives DONT matter
There is nothing offensive about those words. It is however, a stupid slogan.
The fact that people have to say this, yeah, it is stupid
Baldwin Hills, the black Beverly Hills, with an average annual income of $157,000, has 6 times the murder rate of the Appalachian Hills, where white children lose teeth due to lack of milk and their fathers die of black lung in the coal mines.
Racism exists across every ethnicity group around the world. It is a defense conditioning hardwired into our minds from our days living as tribes and emerging nations.
Systemic racism is a confirmation bias. It is designed to fit any negative experience negroes have under it's umbrella term Got low score on your test? it must be the white man keeping you down. Didn't get the loan at the bank? It must be the white man keeping you down.
Police enforce laws. The fact that negroes commit a large amount of lawbreaking compels police to arrest blacks.The fact that blacks do not know how to comply with police officers results in their misfortunes.
It's OK to be White
Why are statistics and facts offensive to some people?
Because they're always followed by violence and aggression.
because if someone had originally said "white lives matter" you'd never hear the end about how "all lives matter" instead.
but when you say "all lives matter" you're racist because you don't think one race of people matter more than any other.
Because nigger lives don't matter.
The implication is that police are randomly murdering black people in unprovoked racial attacks, rather than acting in self defence when Tyrone pulls a gun on them.
It's an obvious truth