Cringe. You have absolutely nothing in common with these guys.
This is what happens when Sup Forums actually meets blue collar workers
Other urls found in this thread:
>saying memes IRL
What is that stupid symbol on the flag
This is really very nice trolling. 10/10 leftbro
I don't know whats more pathetic, the retard in the video or the retards defending him in the comments
That guy who choked him turned out to be an illegal immigrant that was also an oathcuck.
who would want to, tho?
I'm blue collar, right now on my way to pipefitting job, Sup Forums is a sewer of right-wing fascism and a Pentagon LARP project.
I check in along my regular Internet rounds to see what monsters are active, and what the False Narrative of the Day is.
Why doesn't "Q" give a fuck about 9/11? Because Q is Cheney.
>but dude what about the memes!
Oathkeepers and Nazi larpers have opposing worldviews. The nazi larpers are controlled oppo.
Everyone looks silly here.
Spouting internet memes in public like that is pretty bad, but shilling for Israel is even worse.
That ain't even a nazi larper, he's just a meme loving fuck, why would you put a pepe or wojaks in a protest sign in the first place aside for the ebin (You)s and upboats from reddit. If this is the kind of people who opposes to communism in your country and israel puppet wars then you are beyond fucked.
The oathkeepers are absolute cucks. Many are even Obama supporters.
Sonnen grad
this is the average poster on /ptg/. Minus the beard probably and 5 years younger.
They attacked him because he was holding anti-commie signs?
And he's the one in the wrong?
those are othqueekers. Theyre blue collar but mainly just fags
His fascist flag was going to hurt their P.R.
what about the memes?
>but what about the memes
>these are good memes
is this guy serious?
The spic that grabbed him would later go on a mini rant about how we're "all going to mix" and eluding that anyone against that idea is a Nazi.
Mustache Matt did avideo on the whole thing. I'd link it but his channel got shoah'd.
since when are oathkeeper faggots working class people you prol...
>This ain't comic con!
Sez guy in a kilt
Guy was acting like a bit of a tool
The choke was cowardly
The fact it was an illegal spic makes it even worse
Weak Sup Forums soyboys BTFO.
God damn, Sup Forumsacks are the losers that ruin every good movement. Keep your garbage to yourselves!
source on that?
LOL. The only thing worse than the Oath Keepers is the Proud Boys. They run around picking fights with Antifa and call them faggots, then run away when they're outnumbered. Of course they're going to sneak behind this troll and put him in a headlock.
Why haven't you called ICE on the illegal spic?
I'm a lineman.
This is my place.
Like everywhere else in life, most of the people present are mouth breathing retards that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.
I've worked a lot of jobs.
>lawn care
>fryer cook
>clerk (pharmacy)
>gas station attendant
>usmc (only thing I've ever done where I wasn't the absolute hardest working, best employee by a mile)
>cable installer
I've never been anywhere without a fair share of idiots present.
The best thing about unmoderated forums is also the worst.
No one to cull the fools.
But it's worth wading through a few hours a week for the gems of truth, insight and fresh perspective.
Like everthing in life, theres a learning curve, and it's work to get anything of worth out of it.
Don't take the humble water filter salesman too seriously.
Why don't you give a fuck about 911?
Because you are the sheep the jews have trained you to be.
this is what happens when you cant differentiate the internet from real life
lol, keep fighting (((them))) and redpilling people
Marry meeeeee
Damn, A lot of wasted time meme drawing went lost. I bet he was a false flag
who is Sup Forums?
Stars and stripes.
Wouldn't you like to know.
Na, he's probably one of our retards. HWNDU memed memes into reality and glorified making an ass out of yourself on the Internet.
>mfw I realize Shia Labong was a 5D chess genius
I guess they just didnt wanted to have that wojak poster holding shitlord around when some tv crew would want to film them
That's honestly pretty inspiring. Decent Americans know not to associate with this trash.
>Oath Keepers