Sup Forums humor thread

post 'em

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why didnt the poos like his dance? i thought it looked alright .. looks like he practiced

Attached: NSA Surveillance.png (842x358, 141K)

>shitposting irl
You just mad.

Burgers hate superior shit posters.
>everyone is born a scientest

Guess what country this is

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Maybe because he invited a Khalistani terrorist to dinner?


>Maybe because he invited a Khalistani terrorist to dinner?
You just mad that we have a G.

Attached: trudeauSwaglord.jpg (189x266, 9K)

You can tell that some kind of Rick and Morty style genius made this machine. A true pillar of society.


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pls tell me that old hag is jewish

tie the noose yourself.

Bretty good this one is

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Tfw still would


All i know is it happened in Vancouver, a city which has been thoroughly CHINKED