How can you detest human cannibalism and eat meat at the same time?
How can you detest human cannibalism and eat meat at the same time?
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Animals don't have feelings, otherwise they would try harder to please us.
this, thats why dog fights or eating dogs is a totally fine thing, all you oussies need to realise animals are plants that can move
>implying I'm against cannibalism
Are you retarded?
The weak should fear the strong.
The price of eating animals is heavy. It affects our Karma. Just as we eat them, the worms will one day feast on our flesh. Where do you go then? On to the next life, depending on the actions of your first. Every cause has a reaction. Be wary of the cost. Consuming flesh is ritual blood sacrifice. The oldest religions try their best to control their gluttony. Even Jesus said to only have 1 fish a day.
We used to honor the kill. Don't overindulge without honor. There are hidden prices to pay.
>Russian V*getarian
the cycle of life and the alimentary chain goes on, although we've left the natural aspects of ourselves well hidden in favour of some womanish moral and ethics.
how can tigers detest tiger cannibalism and eat human/boar meat at the same time?
Very simple --- If you can fuck it then you cant eat it. (Certain exceptions apply to the Middle East).
>Become vegetarian
>predators leave you alone
>mosquitoes don't bite
>worms ignore your decomposing flesh
Of course!
>Every cause has a reaction.
Cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, deer, ducks, etc. Aren't human.
Cow meat isn't human meat. Also human cuts don't have marbling and are very lean because of how our fat is placed. Also cows were bred to be a food source for humans. Humans eating humans was usually seen as fucked up in civilised groups.
Humans have hopes and dreams, animals don't.
Thanks, Sam
I'm vegan but have nothing against cannibalism.
Literally the only rational position.
I identify as a nigger so it's okay for me to eat human flesh
I don't see the problem.
you have no idea how much a baby cow could please me
Because people don’t taste good
I can’t eat anything that has a mother
I just can’t
Just eat Batman kek
Veganism goes against nature.
Every single living form on earth eats other living forms.
To say humans shouldn't be doing it is fucking retarded.
>b-but my dog logic
In most parts of the world dogs worked with humans, cats also, as pest exterminators.
>b-but factory farming is cruel
Yeah, nobody is saying its not, but thats what we've come up with right now for mass production of meat. In the future there will be far better, far less cruel ways of doing it.
>b-but you wouldnt hunt and kill an animal yourself!
Yes I would, if I had to, only reason I dont do it now because farms and shops provide convenience. If you had to hunt for your meat, I would start hunting, because I love meat that much.
Because cannibalism is illegal.
That's why Allah made strict guidlines on what kind of meats you can eat my dear malchik
Until you remember it takes maybe 16 to 18 years for someone to grow to have the most meat yield. That eating certain body parts will fuck you up bad. Murders would increase. All around not a good thing to do. As a last resort thing like that guy in the mountains, sure, if you have the balls too do that to a dead person to survive. Murdering someone and eating them in your home when food is abundant doesn't seem all that rational.
>The price of eating animals is heavy. It affects our Karma. Just as we eat them, the worms will one day feast on our flesh.
Huh, almost like life feeds on life.
I mean, she’s a nork. Probably would be malnutritioned without dogs.
>Eating other humans of the same species as you equals eating different animals from different species
Wew lad
All creatures have souls
If we were stranded on the same island starving I would eat you. Morals on food are retarded. Laws protecting civilisation are not
appeal to nature huh?
why draw a distinction? you did not understand the question
is that a compliment?
>how can wolves justify eating other animals but not their own pack
Fucking retard
what if you eat the mother first?
What is a soul? Where is it located? Where does it go when the body dies?
Depends if you’re tasty
If you never eat an animal in your life the worms will still eat you.
Nice cow pic. I like it.
Eating animals is cruel, but it's something humans adapted to do. We think we need it for our diets and daily functioning.
I eat a variety of foods, sometimes meat too, but if I want my protein and to feel good I usually go other routes these days since my fridge is utter shit and meat goes bad there quickly.
So people basically think we need meat, but we don't totally need it and other sources are fine.
Seafood is a good alternative for me, same with beans full of protein and protein drinks.
>why draw a distinction?
Why do you draw a distinction between animals and vegetables, then? Starve to death, faggot.
Appeal to nature? How about Veganism is appeal to morality?
Morality doesn't magically make us biologically no longer need to consume living beings as all other living beings on the planet do.
Because cannibalism has actual health consequences, you stupid snow nigger. Also, meat is delicious.
Cannibalism is dangerous do to the protein fragments called prions that cause neurological disorders like mad cow, mad cow disease was caused by feeding cows to cows
So ? a lot of those hope & dreams are to be the biggest cunt they can be, an innocent animal is far superior to an evil apeman..
I would gladly eat a person if it were legal, we're the only species who nutures and spends so much time keeping our sick, dumb, and weak alive to breed and leech off society
When really we should be eating them
Holy Ding-Dong Diddly Cringeola
you can choose to not to eat meat. that's it
that's because all meat is bad
I don't think you're being sincere here. But I can't be sure because Poe's law and whatnot
What the fuck are you doing in Germany Michael Vick?
>Just as we eat them, the worms will one day feast on our flesh.
Yeah, and you're a gigantic faggot if that makes you feel bad. Worms will eat you regardless, as well. Faggot.
I will not choose to go against biology just because our brains advanced to the point where we can understand that the creature is experiencing pain to be killed and eaten.
It's all about your own comfort level, even for you as a vegan. If you were told that 1 trillion animals had to be slaughtered to find a cure for all cancers then you would be for it. If you were told that 1 trillion animals had to be slaughtered for humans to develop technology to travel to other places in the universe, you would be for it.
>How can you detest human cannibalism and eat meat at the same time?
Whenever a PETA vegan, high on soy, makes this argument, I get deeply concerned.
It suggest that a human life is wort exactly that of a human (or maybe even more).
>vegan sees a hundred migrating lemmings on the road in front of xer car.
>vegan turn car off the road, into a kindergarten, killing several children, all to save sacred lemmings
>vegan feels good about xerself
shouldn't the hypothetical be grounded in our reality?
moral relativism
>that's because all meat is bad
I was specifically referring to TSE diseases, which are specifically caused by cannibalism. Futhermore, human brains only developed to their current sizes and levels of intelligence AFTER humans started eating meat. If our ancestors hadn't made this change in our diet, we'd still be retarded apes.
It's pretty obvious that you're not meant to eat one of your own kind. What other mammals do that? Not to mention it causes social problems. Who are you allowed to eat?
>eat only plants so farmers need to grow massive areas of land and take more land away from wildlife
>eats kale and other highly nutritious foods that used to be rarely know about
>as a result, drives up the demand for them so poor nations that don't have access to multivitamin pills that used to eat those for dirt poor are now even more deprived of nutrition
>Wants to set free domesticated animals
>sees nothing wrong with sentencing billions of domesticated animals to mass starvation or slow painful death by wild predators because they have zero survival skills after thousands of years of evolution
moral meat eating
>only eats animals that were proven to be treated humanely by verifiable agencies for animal wellfare
>eats grass fed cows only
>grass fed actually help balance the surrounding ecosystem and help the local water ecosystem with their poop.
>more heathly because grass fed cows are extremely low in fat, lower inflammation, and contain more nutrients and high omega 3 fatty acids which are close to non existent in grain fed
Thinking through your morals and supporting specific moral companies has a greater effect on the welfare of animals than taking yourself out of the system as a consumer. You will never have a effect of change on anything. People will never change to be vegetarians on a mass scale.
But, companies are greedy bastards who do not like being deprived of their money. More and more companies are jumping on organic because more people are eating moral and healthier foods.
I admit, you do have to research companies to make sure they aren't using Jew tricks to get a sale.
80% of Americans now try to buy organic vegetables and fruit. With just a little nudge, people will be buying more from moral meat farms than factory farms.
The organic movement is doing more for animals in the last ten years, than faggot vegetarian hippies have done for them in a decade.
If you don't already know the answer to that, then you should probably kill yourself.
>implying long pig isn't my celebratory protein of choice for the greatest of occasions
I've long held suspicion that vegetarianism/veganism is a thinly-veiled form of misanthropy.