Why is this board so infatuated with Russia? You literally see more 15 year old reddit kids fawning over Russia and Putin and hating on the West than Russians themselves.
Or is this some really good astroturfing?
Why is this board so infatuated with Russia? You literally see more 15 year old reddit kids fawning over Russia and Putin and hating on the West than Russians themselves.
Or is this some really good astroturfing?
We want some happenings and Russia has a lot of potential for happenings
60% here is Russian and Russian funded neo fags cucks and nazi shill posts. Another 30% is internet jihadis. Welcome to the shittiest board on the internet after pedochan, have a laugh at the retards while you can before this place finally gets shut down and sent to hell AKA dark web where it belongs.
I like Putin
All those Russian Hackers
Russian shills and disinfo. And lots of edgy teens will cling to anything contrarian.
Go suck Trudeau's dick. I know you wish he had a Black Dick
Ideological subversion!
To influence the amount teenage retards on this board, who haven't been on this website long enough to remember old /news/ the proto-pol.
Your country is under attack!
and on other side, it goes MUH SLAVS SUBHUMAN
These virgins cuckboys don't realise that slavs are the only ones in western countries to stand up to muslimes
I'm living in suburbs of Paris and I show my wearing cross when I go out. You know how many dirty looks I have when I take the metro ? It's funny when they all look down when I start eyeballing them
Niggers/muslims are pussies. They won't say a word/ won't start shit unless they're at least 3
because of the rothschilds, sage memefaggit.
Because Western politics has been so fucked for the last 10-20 years and the Russian and Chinese politics is extremely level headed by comparison.
I'm pretty sure it's 50/50, you can see a lot of hatred for Russia as well as praising Putin
This is a literal paid RIDF Russian bot.
>hatred for Russia
>praising Putin
Notice this orwellian language difference. This is a real slave. Real good slave for a dictator.
In which category do you fit?
The jihadis?
Because the goddamn MSM has been talking about Russia as the scapegoat for the lasy 2 years.
All they did was make more people have a positive opinion of Russia, once their collusion nonsense fell apart.
we are payed man.. you post for free? whats wrong with you LMAO
Notice that most posters with a positive image of Russia support Putin, Mr. Puigdemont
FYI There's a lot of Anti-British threads popping up today.
Unless you're too retarded to notice, and get pulled in by the propaganda.
that russia bots. I teach you how to deal with them. When you see thread or post fawning over russia you sage reply "+15 rubles"
Because Hillary lost and the plans ruined. Next best option is to get the two biggest white Christian nations to nuke each other. Trump won't do it but maybe the uk can get the ball rolling
Start throwing anti Chinese and see what happens. I wonder how much Chinese money is flowing into the dnc/progressives
Lmaoing at your life , not getting paid by based putin to shitpost
This is Demonrat tinfoil theory
+15 rubles
Putin banned Holocaust Denial or even questioning.
Why do you think so many (((posters))) support him?
Hello Navalny Bot 20!8
Mind to explain how does this video have 300k+ in less than 24H views and tons of underage kids and bots calling everyone who disagrees a kremlin bot in advance?
This man is calling for a boycott of a democratic election to play the victim card again as if he was a honorary jew.
My favorite comment is from the "literal 12yo telling about how his granma will vote for putin and so will the whole family and how granpa will take her to turkey for a vacation during the elections", but he isn't the only one, there are tons of 14yo and 16yo that didn't even know they couldn't vote yet.
This is Hillary and Bernie tier support, every protest is filled with degenderates and soyboys or students of the first year classes of high school, shit is ridiculous how they are somewhat pulling another "occupy/boycott" meme. Not only selfish and whimsical but also retarded.
Update* after 5 minutes it has 450+ views.
So much crying for the evil kremlinbot when in the end the only bots and retards come from his supporters.
But hey, you russian millenials sure will be get 10% one day, maybe if you keep liking and commenting videos with randoms and whining cucks and offending old people and how they should not be able to vote and at the same time wanting to extend the vote to all te teenagers.
I see Navalny is getting desperate and now is even blaming those who actively vote, for some reason he happens to be a worse Hillary of the situation, except he cries already before the vote.
Seriously you must be 18 to post on a red board or vote.
1 internetz for you.
Ctrl+v this tomorrow when he posts same shit again.
>meme flag
subhuman tatar scum
>democratic election
benis :DDDDD
Navalny is doing god work. The coming up elections are a fraud.
Putin is the manlet Hillary, he doesn't even bother campaining because it's in the bag. All they care about is attendance so the numbers can be cooked. You can see real people volunteering for Navalny, and putin shills don't even know who and where the campaign organizers are.
"You must go vote, you don't want any trouble at work/uni do you?" So much for a saviour of white race.
I see no explanation still, even Bieber and other cancer get less views in a hours unlike a literal who with an organized channel raid.
Since you care so much about transparency, explain.
Because you suck you little faggot shill.
I am not going to explain shit to shitposting proxyhohol doing low quality trolling.
>You literally see more 15 year old reddit kids fawning over Russia and Putin and hating on the West than Russians themselves.
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that this is the English-speaking board>
If it makes you feel better, Russian Sup Forums is 99% pro-American cucks.
Infatuated? Russia makes headlines everyday. You want this board to ignore such an active country? Personally I don't suck Putin's dick so I don't support his retarded constant cyber warfare and proxy wars, but I also loath the never ending western saber rattling, east expansion and sanctioning of Russia. This course of action has proven completely fucking useless over the last decade. It would've been better for world peace and prosperity to deepen the economic integration of Russia into the west instead of arms racing them and encouraging Russia to go for autonomy.
Imagine moi shock! People closely follow a candidate they support, his channel gets from Russians all over world not just mordo..i mean Russia.
Enjoy the 90s again shill.
All sane Russians should just gtfo. I'd rather fight leftists here than live in corrupt mordor.
>real people
>can't even vote
Those are the same lunatic liberals Sup Forums has memed on the whole 2016.
Note how the protestors group leaders are all in their 30s while literal everyone following them is max 18yo. In fact there were several arrests of underages before, they aren't even hiding it if you look up their own Navalny support headquarters in various cities.
All mobilephone and blog slaves that might not read news or watch tv despite hundreds of media sources there, yet they willingly believe random bloggers on word, like for everything without asking for links or sources and proofs.
>Why is this board so infatuated with Russia?
It's not. These Russian threads are Kremlin disinformation products of the Internet Agency shilling machine. These paid Putinbot shills spew propaganda to demoralize and destabilize the West, just like Yuri said they do.
Despite their relentless, slav-tier efforts to constantly control the narrative with bait and slide threads, the truth is nobody on Sup Forums gives a fuck about the piddly-shit Russia obsesses over 24/7.
Sup Forums composition:
30% of acne-ridden trolls that are always against, just cause they want to see how the world is burning (thinking that they are *safe* in their basements lol)
30% of MAGAmerimutts
30% of russian shills (on average, depending on a day and what is happening)
10% CIA agents and people that browse Sup Forums for porn
and (You)
Too much NATO propaganda on TV
>calling me ukrainian when half of navalny posters are from ukraine themselves just to cry about putin bullying
top kek
you deserve even more putin for this denial alone
Doubt you were even born in the 90s, but hey some of those Navalny has released a video with a guy from Washington explaining how to get a political asylum in the US. Just move there already with the rest of the kikes.
>Implying half of Sup Forums doesn't think Slavs are subhuman
I don't see that many Putin shilling to be honest, just a lot of trolls accusing people of it.
Yea no shit his supporters are yonge, you know, people who actually use the internet and who know what life is like outside of Russia. Unlike the fucking gra dmas who watch zombie box and praise putin. Keep shilling cuck.
It's just human nature. People are attracted to strong and charismatic chad Trump from a rich country. Liking America doesn't equal being a cuck. It's just rational logic. Why would you want to live in a kleptocracy led by a corrupted KGB Muslim cock sucking Jewish manlet with a botched face if there is the world of high fashion, technologies, free speech, mountains in Utah and palms in Miami led by the Donald?
Didn't you know that every opinion that differs from the centrist consensus is Putin shilling by definition now? Putin is the real world Emmanuel Goldstein.
Give me a more efficient leader today. One at least 10% as efficient. One that can gain territories. In our current. One. One that took a country in ruins (thx (((chicago school))) and eltsin) and made it stronger, despite neverending sabotage by the west. One.
Protip: you cant.
Wether you agree of not on his policies (and if you are not a complete retard, usually, you may agree on some and not other.), these are facts. He got results.
Also, he shut down the fags. Just for this, he is better than any western leader. Than all together.
Now kys.
Kek Pretty much an accurate assessment.
Are you talking about kamikadze video? I'm already out so no worries. Make those 180 posts goy.
That's because self-critique is an inherent aspect of the West. No other culture has it. We're the only ones capable of destroying ourselves.
Putin is based
Satans government. I do not really like russia one way or another. I think Putun is a great leader to HIS country. I think we should be allies not enemies. Some things Russia does better than us, but very few. Now fuck off international citizen.
This seems to answer OP's question, I suppose.
Try reading revelations, asshole.
>but muh tigers
>m-muh cuck
>i will cry for muh corruption but shill for a literally who president that blames on others yet doesn't have a solution on hiss own or doesn't even bother to name a few names of how his staff would look like
really makes me think
not how his and sobchak supporters take the fact how they deserve to run for the presidentials just because they speak english
you can't make this shit up, it's like those germans and burgers that acclaim merkel because she has a doctorate in chemistry so she's a good politician
but apparently this is supposed to somewhat be a positive point for navalny supporters, because the tv makes you a zombie but a blog and youtube ecelebs smartphones make you a high ranked intellectual
>all these meme flags
hmmm maybe Navalny and russian liberal cucks cant do shit anymore?
Based Putin on genital mutilation:
i fit into 3 of those categories
All Russians outside of Moscow are braindead. They are literally starving, but at the same time overwhelmingly vote for the manlet. Moscow, while having pretty high standards of living, is the only city where Putin doesn't get 50% of the vote. The number would be even lower if Putin actually made an effort to stop uncontrolled immigration from Asia. Moscow is full of gooks now and in ten years it's projected to be Jew Yorked since white people become a minority.
He pays tribute to Kavkaz muslims so they don't bomb us.
yes kamikadze is pure cringe, he uses his influence to manipulate hordes of literal kids through a mere opinion, basically antagonizes anything that is pro-putin or any putin's decision by default, freedom radio and echo tier, well perhaps less aggressive and zionist than echo still
>They are literally starving
we're getting fatter thanks obama.
>this fake quote
It's hilarious how many Republicans repost it on normie book without double check.
You forgot the anti-Trump shills, those guys are always here making some bucks
ты хyeвo бoтa нacтpoил, пoлyдypoк
He literally razed chechenya with howitzer shells, then put a local compliant collaborator in command.
So i fail to see your point. Oh, you got a little pic. Well, i am convinced now.
You just consume cheap junk food that makes you fat.
Пpoдoлжaй щитпocтить, чмo yбoгoe. Cдoхнeшь в нищeтe, нaхyяpишьcя дeшёвым пoйлoм c димeдpoлoм, кpинeшь "ЗAЩO" и выбpocишьcя из oкнa. Mнe тeбя дaжe нe жaль.
"If you're ready to be circuncised, come to Moscow"
le based Putin
Don't hide behind the meme flag you British faggot.
>all those russians outside moscow are braindead
>goes to moscow election poll reports from navalny supporting channels such radio freedom and echo moscow asking moscovites about the voting intentions
>every comment is filled with autistic screeching about how moscovites are braindead and shit for not voting navalny either
this is exactly the reason why hillary has lost
you are divisive and have a preset mentality
Oligarchic Fascism is better than democracy.
Sobchak is putin's bitch lol.
Why is tv afraid to even mention Navalny, unless it's "literaly hitler" bs?
Sure I would agree that he doesn't have a solid plan, and he cucked out on immigration as far as I know, but still says more truth than tv and is not afraid to show where his money comes from.
>This man is calling for a boycott of a democratic election
Before calling you a shill or bot or whatnot, can you tell me if you know anything about virtually unlimited Putin's presence on TV and other media while other candidates are limited by one hour time and are forced to participate in debates which have criminal format and aren't attended by Putin?
You just know that putin bots love this place
thats called western values.
Eмy нopм, бoяpкoй зaплaтят и зaeбцoм.
So how's the Ukrainian job hunting in Russia?
Since you're in Russia you might as well go to Crimea to feel a little closer to home while still being salty about your own country failure.
It's shills mate.
There really is a brigade of people that sit in the office and shitpost in comments to most news articles. They get paid ~$11k a year to do this, but i think those who speak english get paid more than average russian only users.
Hillary lost because she didn't come up with a message for white middle class.
There is no middle class in Russia.
дык ты жe живeшь в Poиccии a oн в eвpoпe. пo мoeмy eмy нopм a мы дoхнeм.
Russia is friend, jew is not friend.
What other options do they have? Russian pro-Western liberals have always been a minority. If we follow basic logic of democracy, this means they do not have legitimacy to rule Russia and determine its future course. The only way they can deal with this is by declaring the rest of the country literally subhuman. Which, naturally, makes them even less popular.
It's afraid.
Kamikadze is doing good shit, shows the corruption and raketeering, good man.
Liberals are fascinated with Russia, here.
I honesty don’t care what Russia does as long as it doesn’t interfere with our day to day lives.
>muh Russian collusion
>muh Russian twitter bots
>muh Russian plot
This isn’t the Cold War and the Russians probably have their own shit to deal with. Even if these propaganda formats existed they can only reach people who use that format. So all you have to do is be a competent adult and stop using junk websites like twitter (or become more attentive and observant).
Lots of pro-Russian shilling with little opposition due to the language barrier is a major factor in this. Most here cant read Russian sources themselves so they take the usual "Putin = saviour of the white race, Russia = utopia" bullshit for fact. Same for RT - they support nationalist parties only because they weaken the current hedgemony of the west. The moment right wingers would take power Russia would throw themselves behind the leftists, guaranteed. An example: youtube.com