What the fuck happened?
What the fuck happened?
You tell me
All their good men founded this country
Read: Because cultural marxism is what happened and normies deserve to know.
We gave women rights.
Why is the board being flooded with concern troll threads about Britain right now?
sadly thats true
Remember back in the day you CCTV'd the whole thing and Americans warned you of government overreach?
we fought the Germans in WW2
I think there is bubbling something under the surface in britain.
May be the dawn of civil war
Seriously tho, I have been contemplating this question for the last year or so, OP- WTAFF did you and your countrymen allow to happen?
I don’t know what the answer is exactly, but I’m telling you, if you don’t do something soon, you’ll be completely destroyed inside of five years.
You’ve got to figure out ways of ferreting out those who are like minded and then carefully start red pilling others.
I mean, you pulled off the Brexit vote, much to the chagrin of those in charge, and then let it all fall apart in a few short months. You’ve obviously got decent numbers of people who feel the same as you do, the problem is, you gave them unabated control of pretty much every fucking thing in your life.
If you’re not a pussy, fall on your sword and be vocal; you need to start being loud and obnoxious to motivate your compatriots into action. Make yourself into a martyr and go down swinging, if you have to but I’d wager that with one prominent takedown of a forceful and righteous person, the rest will rise up and support you.
You can’t actually be serious with this shit, can you? JFC just gas yourself if you are incapable of seeing the correlations.
>All their good men founded this country
No, those were serfs kicked out for being filthy useless peasants, along with crazy religious zealots that wanted some place where they could be more puritanical.
What are they going to do? Go to a park and hit each other with sausages?
It's simple - the UK is and always has been a strongly class-based society. What this means is that, compared to the US, the UK elites have a disproportionate influence on the agenda of their media, police, local politics, etc. Since the values of the UK elites are universally "progressive", that's what we see. The same would be true in the US except for the fact that the country is big enough that huge swathes of it manage to go about their lives happily ignorant of whatever the coastal elites are pushing.
>implying the police & military haven't been massively alienated and wont join the right-wing instantly once the fighting starts
that's true but the same is also beginning to occur within the US; e.g. presidents that happen to sons of former presidents etc. jews have developed an absolutely immense grip on the US media; you basically now need to appease the media (jews / banks) on your way to the white house to have any chance of getting close. indifference is not enough. e.g. if you look at trump, he barely mentioned jews during the campaign, got absolutely destroyed by the media on a regular basis, even over here. almost as soon as he's gotten in he's begun mentioning the hardship of israel / jews over and over. it's probably because the cia etc 'inform' the new president that they're in a tricky spot regarding jews calling in all the loans (the ones they charge interest on to everyone who isn't a jew). the latter part is interesting regarding the constant positive inflation applied by the federal reserve and bank of england; despite the birth rate going down consistently.
They are a shit country and we are luck to be free of them. Kick the UK out of the Anglosphere.
Nah. Trust me, there isn't. The average Brit is woefully unaware of absolutely all the things we've been talking about in the last few days here and if they're not they're in denial. Nothing will happen and all our right wing groups (Britain First, EDL) are the most obvious controlled op false flags I've ever seen in my life. We have no political presentation and not even a brewing sub/counter-culture of motivated dissenting activists.
I find this really hard to believe. The same bobbies that come along with those commissioned TV Licence bullies to "keep the peace?" The ones that won't investigate Paki child rape gangs? Wishful thinking.
the mistake was people allowing blacks into places like Westminster thinking it was progressive or if they were given the opportunity maybe it'd improve things. but everyone has been too polite since to mention the possibility that it may have been a mistake / not be working so well. for example, now, anyone around london who wants to get votes basically only needs to say 'more migrants / more support for black and minority ethnics' (to some effect) to immediately scoop up millions of votes from, guess who, first / second / third generation migrants. which they will do just purely to go along with the political correctness / get ahead with their career in politics.
pic related: diane abbot, a long time persistent member of parliament serving in london. basically the token 80's black still there, still pushing for mah equals.
its worth remembering that one of the few really strict requirements of joining the police is that you can't have been a member of political parties like the BNP previously; despite it being a legitimate political party. interestingly, they don't also state 'no highly conservative islamic applicants or people that have associated with such groups pls'. it's specifically English nationalism
Except that if everyone but coastal elites were ignorant of what coastal elites were up to, Hillary would be POTUS right now.
So might want to rethink that one, Pierre.
The UK has had for centuries one of the most incompetent political classes going, the success of that plucky little island comes almost entirely from the quality and drive of it's average citizens. As the years have passed this incompetent class of generational politicians found ever newer and more innovative ways to meddle in the lives of those they administer. Personally I believe they do this because they know they are dreadfully useless and have benefited by luck from an obsolete system of governance. The current dilution of the United Kingdom through forced high volume importation of culturally incompatible peoples is the Hail Mary play by the political elites there. If they succeed as they currently are they believe that you will be unable to remove them from governance and there by detach themselves from the consequences of their own incompetence. Your nation and it's peoples yet again are being used as fodder for the most useless types of individuals, there's nothing you will say or do since the average population is all they need to influence. Britannia has fallen, its people are now slaves, never never never again will she rule the waves...
thats actually an extremely on point observation. watching things like parliamentary sessions is actually kind of embarrassing. people in the US complain about the political campaigns and that as soon as one ends the next one starts, but it's a far better approach to finding people that are actually with the people as opposed to happening to born in a particular area with a particular accent who know enough people with connections etc; "played polo with the chap at eton"
That's really only the Tories. Labour, Plaid, SNP, etc are much less classist.
What happened is that Soros decided to pay shills to rile up anti-Britain hatred on Sup Forums in order to divide and conquer, and demoralise British people.
Thousands of newfags are falling from it and replying to shill threads shitting on Britain. Ignore them.
assault eggs
We're gonna kill some slavs, you're welcome back if you wanna join
Decided to serve the jews.
Imagine being a minimum wage cashier in the UK. What hell.
>E-excuse me, you aren't allowed to buy those eggs.
>Why the fuck not?
>I don't even know mate..
>can't buy pisswater until aged 21
This. Even though I don't have anything against britbongs, it will be poetic when you'll be the first to fall. If only Churchill knew, I don't blame him either.
Not like my country helped the cause with its incompetence.
>not just asking a paki to buy it for you
Hell, that's a good fucking idea. Back when I was at school, the number of kids I saw getting egged and flowered at the school gates at the end of the day was insane.
Of course in America, the equivalent antisocial school antics is getting gunned down.
>have to keep eggs in the fridge
You'll believe any old shit won't you?
This poster is totally real.
And cafinated pop is banned by law.
Honest. Ask my mum.
>eating nothing but toast for breakfast
>eggs, flour, butter knifes, free speech...
>"buh, your alcohol laws!"
Kek. The state if English logic.
>eggs and flour are illegal
>I've seen it in a picture in a shop window so I know
No crape...
The education system from very early on is almost like propaganda. You mix with immigrants and are told accepting refugees is a good thing, moreover, big government is programmed down your throat as if it's a good thing but not directly rather subtly for example supporting the nanny state - again it's subtle but still there. All of this with a combination of the government gaining more power and making it seem racist to speak out your mind on immigration - this is why were so cucked, normies are brainwashed and would rather trade freedom for more security and big government.
Simon Says let your pants fall down.
>English food period.
Garbage in, garbage out.
Strange, I've never seen shit leaking out of people's arseholes in Tesco, but it happens all the time in Amerishartistan. Almost as if the American diet is inferior to glorious British cuisine.
More law was made in Blairs first year than in the 900 years preceding it ALL PUT TOGETHER.
It's continued like that but ACCELERATED every year since.
Look up what it is. 90% is to bring us in line with Europe.
The little rats are sniping at us but omitting that these laws either were already in place in their own countries or have been brought in in just the same way to be in the EU. The Weasels.
We just aren't used to the continental way of doing things. But thank fuck we don't have to get used to it.
11 months to go... tic tock globalists/Muslims/weasels
That's another lie foreigners tell. We've never had shortages of food so have never had to spice up dog turds and frogs legs and snot so British cuisine is all roast beef, pork, roasted potatoes. If you think that's gross you're probably half Mexican or whatever. You have to look at weird regional dishes to be put off, but I swear Americoons think we eat jellied eels and haggis - but when you're educated by Seth McFarlan it's not so surprising. The state of them.
englands establishment full of freemasonic zionists globalist pedophiles
royal family arent worth shit
fancy holiday to saudi
hiding behind big walls
but normal brits are homeless
have to deal with muslims multiculturalism degeneracy
have a anglican church thats fully cucked
wanker banks
tv propaganda
Eggs, flour, caffiene drinks are shops choosing not to sell shit, it's not enshrined in law.
I don't see why children should need to be able to buy bladed articles. Inb4 but butter knives aren't sharp like kitchen knives, fuck off why should the law have to distinguish between different types of knives, kids do not need fucking blades.
It's happening!
The people who insult British food are essentially 56% faces who shit on "wypipo food" for being "bland". At the same time America's richest chef is a Brit called Gordon Ramsay.
>If only Churchill knew
He knew he was a bought and paid for good goy. He knew the non-white immigration started as soon as he "won" the war.
Good. I hope he tells them to fuck off a lot.
>m-m-m-muh my soros
you're playing an easy game, creatura
look we're all fucked okay
Wow...so vibrant and diverse
speak for urself cuck and stop sending youtube vids i'm not gona watch, "look we're all fucked okay," try tell that to your fellow men in the trenches and try not get a bullet in the head.
Your a worthless, spineless cuck.
You were literally kings n sheit.
we are flavour of the month that's all and probably some russian or soros shills trying to divide us, it be sweeden or germany next week.
if you can't speak for yourself you're not worth speaking to i'm not watching your stupid youtube videos neet
Read: Because once we redpill the normies they'll too understand cultural marxism is what happened.
US has more inequality and less social mobility in this day and age. You'd be right 40-50 years ago though.
I am starting to think this country has no hope of recovery. People are so institutionally indoctrinated that everyone just sits on their arse doing nothing. This Sunday with Tommy doing the free speech at 3pm on speakers corner I think is the start of something. If it turns out to be nothing then I think that's it, going full Peter Hitchens.
For other countries, heed our lesson, never back down on any free speech 'laws' or removal of freedoms. Even if its whether you can eat with your mouth open or not. You look them in the eyes and you eat like a fucking sloth! Give an inch and they will put 9 inches in your anus.
Jesus that looks good
Uhhhhhh the people of the UK make Canadians looked based
>What the fuck happened?
The inevitable.
Remember who owns you now.
>If they succeed as they currently are they believe that you will be unable to remove them from governance and there by detach themselves from the consequences of their own incompetence.
This is the end game of every politician that supports immigration to any Western country, don't be fooled.
The voters used to get rid of the politician.
Now the politician gets rid of the voter.
I mean maybe, but you do realise this applies to plastic cutlery now too right? The kind you'd give out on a childs birthday party. Call me crazy if you like, but that seems a bit far.
Agreed. Our homegrown problem is so large now and would be so hard to remove I think we might be utterly fucked. At least Germany can just Reich out and deport their 1 million or so at gunpoint. Lots of ours have been living here for so long they're not citizens of anywhere else, which would probably make things tricky even if you did ignore various sections of international law.
Honestly our only hope is some kind of pre2020 race war now situation. Anything past that and I think we'll be too far gone. But if it's started by our side, they cucked public will turn on us. It's just a fucking mess.
I genuinely feel bad for all these years of making fun of Sweden when the UK is unequivocally the most cucked European country. Sure Americans suck too but Britain is like someone made a country with all the American liberals and their LGBT and multicultural ideas without any of the good conservative, religious and traditional Americans. Zero nationalism, zero respect for religion or tradition. The British youth are most left leaning than any other European country. I mean we in the states are screwed too cause our youth are retarded leftists too but the rest of Europe at least has some hope.
Rampant Socialism