India is not bas....
Sauce -youtu.be/Rbp3yne4h_4

Attached: Screenshot_20180313-195502.jpg (1080x1920, 584K)

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We never said it wasn’t.

That woman is fucked so glad she showed her weakness during the election.

Hey you sexist street shitter. Hillary is clearly helping those weak men up the stairs. Girl power!

what is it with american politicians and steps?

Attached: 3C92ECEE00000578-0-image-m-17_1485736731933.jpg (634x613, 97K)

It's like a remake of Weekend at Bernie's.

Clones dont have good balance

Modi should cut her head and offer to Trump as a present XD

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b-but what about drumpf?!!



This is what happens when you try to take poo to the loo in India.

sometimes i wonder if she just pretends to be weak and frail, to throw people off the truth.
The truth being that she's actually incredibly strong and powerful from eating so many babies.

this could have been a president

Doesn't she suffer from some Papuan cannibal disease?

you must mean kuru

Yeah that

Deep vein thrombosis

Its not Kuru, she isnt seizing and twerking like a shenigger

That's why we would still do better if Trump sat in his office all day playing solitaire, than if Clinton had won.

This almost supports her ankle brace claim but her walking aid was fucking up by taking a new stair each step where she was tryng to one step and get planted like a toddler.

Because Sacchs kikes and gun control, war against the Lion, are superior?
Crashing the economy to the point were now a debeloping nation?

Benny Hill dub...


Bullshit, some based user please post the election gifs of her twitching and twerking like a shenigger, I don't have them

She does get alot of seizures

Read: Because once normies get redpilled, they'll beg for DJT to rope the cunt.

She slipped on a freshly laid turd. Sad.

Attached: 1489152183909.webm (640x352, 690K)

They're all old and suffering from brain tumors and Alzheimer's.

At least I'm not ashamed every time I see my president. I'm proud!
>war against the Lion
Trump actually took pressure off Assad by bombing his airbase, and within 24 hours, missions were flying out of this airbase again.

He didn't poo in loo, deserved to die, should have crushed his whole body

She aint on the floor doing the dinosaur.
Then locking tight as a Kikes grip on a shekel.

>took pressure off

"Waagh daddy, dead babies, kill my hubbies eternal enemy of the moment."
The only pressure is from the US.

Who gives a shit. The old witch is 70 years old and India is covered in slippery poop. This is just slander and mocking at this point. You Trump retards are reaching with this one.

Attached: Meanwhile, in another thread....png (720x706, 202K)

If he had wanted to hurt him, he would have. The pressure might have been coming from the US, but it was Trump's enemies in the MSM, the same people who ultimately gave us ISIS.

naw well not here anyway. kek

So Trump is a pathetic weakling bowing to the MSM and their pawn?

Saying you should ignore the nigger stealing from you because he could shoot you, makes no difference that only one party wrongs you.

Too much to cover in a post here, but check out this article by Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert: blog.dilbert.com/2017/04/06/the-syrian-gas-attack-persuasion/

I don't really like looking at stuff like this, but I just have to watch this one every time because of how unlucky this guy is and how unlikely it is for something like this to happen. The truck had to come at the perfect time, the dude had to have a bowel movement and decide to take a shit at this moment and this spot, then he had to stand up just right so the truck wouldn't see him and slip and fall the right way at the exact moment, it all had to happen in front of a video camera and the recording had to reach the internet and ultimately us so we could really appreaciate the additional meme-value of it all. Call it what you want, but I am convinced that there is a meme-entity blessing with incredible stuff like this.

This instagrm


>The old witch is 70 years old and India is covered in slippery poop. This is just slander and mocking at this point.

Could be sandals. Could be underlying issue. Remember that she, according to the official story, had a blood clot in her brain. They just said it was all okay.

Given that effects are hard to detect at the best of times it's really not far fetched to suggest she had lingering issues from it. Like you said, she's 70 years old.

It's been a bit too many slips and staggers to dismiss it.