Can we all just agree that Hispanics are probably going to integrate just fine into the United States eventually?

Can we all just agree that Hispanics are probably going to integrate just fine into the United States eventually?

We've done this before with the irish, the italians, the polish...

Yes I know they have lower iqs on average. Yes I know they speak a different language.

But look at why they come here. They come to work, to pick fruit and do unskilled labor. Now compare to Europe's economic migrants, they just want bennies.

I think we'll be alright. 30% of them voted for Trump despite him being Hitler for mexicans. That's promising.

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I know many people who went there, and all of them are working and they are doing just fine. Their lives improved significally.

hispanics are not a monolith. the whiter third of them vote republican and the low iq indio basura will always vote socialist

do you mean the rape babies or the spanish speakers?

Well, the good thing is that even Latin American countries have plummeting fertility rates, so it's not just whites having less kids

western, catholic, traditional families, hard workers (obviously not all of them but mostly)

No, they vote Democrat on average

>latin american
i didn't know italy had colonies

Argentina is a de facto Italian colony

>Can we all just agree that Hispanics are probably going to integrate just fine into the United States eventually?
If things continue like this it's YOU who will have to integrate into Hispanics

Also don’t forget about the latinas asses hungry for white cocks
Best women on earth

America is really diverse. Kansas is no where near the same as New York city or Los Angeles for example. Mexicans are already the majority in parts of America.

that explains why hitler went there. they have real civilization.
you mean those fat negroid clovis mutts?

no you spic.

spics are worse than niggers, they multiple by the thousands take over entire towns and turn them into trash.80% of them take in gibs which is way more than niggers and whites. At least niggers can be dealt easily but spics are too uppity and need to eradicated. I don't want to fucking have to have signs in spanish and hear mexican music in stores anymore this is AMERICA and it's for people of who are of European descent not some rat who is a mix of niggers, native americans and Spaniards.

>pic related pisses me because we all know that's not what an """american""" looks like

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t. live in AZ btw so I've dealt with these subhumans all my life they also all vote blue so they can increase their gibs

>Can we all just agree that Hispanics are probably going to integrate just fine into the United States eventually?

Just surrender to the speghetti monster. It won't hurt you...

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Spics are none of those things.


Hello Pablo

that's right, the spic is the amerimutt pretending it's a real race. worse even than the negro.


Depends a lot. The ones with more native blood will never integrate, the ones that will do it will still be much different from your average american. I wouldn't take risks.

there's no reason to hand the americas over to the clovis invaders a second time.

>Liking ass
Stop behaving like a nigger

Couldn't you be just... Americans?
You'll probably have to go through several steps.
A) Recognise it was a bad idea to follow free masons in the first place.
B) Stop supporting the untitled aristocracy that are entirely ignoble and have no responsibilities to their people (because they have no people) and who only obey the power of greed.
C) Divide up the states, but with an eye to strategy because of step D & E
D) Become strong. Declare yourselves as a race.
E) Invade and liberate the other states and give the foreigners the wild Indian treatment.
Done. America is saved. Long live the queen. Now let's never let that happen again.

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Ignore shill threads

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I'm so sick of seeing their ugly faces and having entire stores close because of their "holidays" like """cino de may""" and such. They will never integrate and will keep pushing their culture on us.

Jared Taylor described it in the best way when he said "how would they feel if we move into mexico, took minimal jobs like picking fruit or opening up a taco shop, forced their government give us additional gibs and free college. (Let's not stop lets spend back the money we make to people in America!) Then on top of that made everyone learn english and celebrate the 4th of july"?

These fucking animals have to be the FIRST to go if we're going to fix America.

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Sup Forums snälla, bilden är skitrolig och mina sidor är borta

>I think we'll be alright. 30% of them voted for Trump despite him being Hitler for mexicans. That's promising.
This gives me hope for my "people"

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Hisapanics that comes from Communist shitholes, >Cuba and Venezuela, usually vote Trump, all the Mexicans and Centro Americans are Democrats

Fact is, mexicans/south americans hate criminals and gansters themselves, and don't want them in their neighbourhoods or in US
t. swe/chile mutt

To be fair, mexican resturants is the bomb in the US, the things they do with cheese man.

I've come to believe posts such as these are (((shills))). You have nothing of value to say. Just retarded anger.
Truth is OP is correct. Acknowledge and strengthen our similarities. The Reformation is over.

Do you really want them to integrate though? Acording to wikipedia, the average WHITE hispanic is 73% european. By contrast actual white americans are basically 100%
Not to mention what you said, the low IQs

At some point the standard for America will be the same as Brazil

thats the equivalent of saying muslims migrants can stay in Sweden because kebab is the "bomb"


why didn't you reply to my 2 posts you fucking spic? What i said had substance but you choose to reply you the people who said the absolute minimal. No spic is an American and will never be an American, you guys have mexico go back

They are too close to their country of source. Largest latino etnicity in the US is Mexicans, whose country lies right down the border to Murica.The largest amount of Mexicans live in US states that have their border with Mexico.
It's not the same as with the irish and italians. Imagine Italy being a peninsula right off Long Island with Ireland as a island off the coast of Boston, they'd have integrated in a much longer time.

Most of the people serving kebab is serbs though, at least where I live

>mexican resturants is the bomb in the US
>'muh diversity food'
Any white person could reproduce the recipes, the dirty illegal beaner doesn't need to be there to make a fucking taco. Kill yourself

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spotted the beaner

You can't reproduce a good pizza, not even the Italians in US can. Can't say for Canada thought but I never heard of something like Canadian cuisine or what the fuck it might be other than roadkill

Hispanics integrate if there are few enough of them. The problem is that there are too fucking many and more are pouring in all the time.

We have to deport every fucking one we can get our hands on.


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if we're going to mix with asiatics, I'd rather go right to the source.

These people are legal immigrants. Trump love these people i do too ;D. #MAGA

He's not kidding argentinians speak Spanish with an Italian accent, it's weird

I see very little wrong with immigrants who come in legally and are law abiding citizens who contribute positively to the economy, not sure why I bother replying to a memeflagging falseflagger, but there you go.
Deport every single lawbreaker though

Meanwhile beaners rape and murder just as much as muzzies, and bring in trillions in drugs every years.

Come on perubro, let’s be honest we all here have some degree of nigger blood in us

The patricians taste is navels anyway

Did they died

Dont you worry, the supply of black bulls will never fall short in Sweden

Its exactly this. YOU will be the one adjusting. YOU will be the one trying to find a good school.

t. live in 50% hispanic area where avg home price is 750k but no whites want to send their kids to the public schools for some weird reason,

Read: Because once we redpill the normies they'll know that demographics are destiny and that we need to talk about those issues.

>Implying I'm not socially retarded enough to go out and talk to people, let alone get a gf and find a bull for her
Who is the dummy now

Mexican restaurants are garbage. Low tier meat cooked in rancid grease, and most dishes don't even use cheese. I quit Mexican food altogether and will only go to Chipotle now
t. california

There was a super nice one I went to with my host family when I did a exchange student program, I can't remember the name of it though sadly.

My favorite cheat meals were Buffalo Wild Wings doe

American cities are already brazil. The end of colonialism was the end of white people and the anglos are the one the brought that. So fuck them

The nice ones are rare and only in white areas. Last time I went I spent $14.50 on a burrito only, no drink or side. Although that probably sounds normal to scandis.

Based Cubabro. Fuck the Indians send them all back

I was there like 10-11 years ago, can't remember the pricing on the top of my head though, but it was some area northeast of Birmingham Alabama though where I stayed, but this Mexican restaurant was like a 20-30 minutes drive or something

Hispanic is not even a race.

This. Got friends of the family who are Peruvian that came over back in the early 1900s. Their family today serves in the military, goes to church, votes Republican, and watches more Fox news than I ever will.