Why are black female / white male marriages 64% more successful than ANY other racial marriage union of any kind...

Why are black female / white male marriages 64% more successful than ANY other racial marriage union of any kind, in the United States?
Even white people marrying each other, even Asian people marrying each other, is not nearly as successful. Black male / white female is quite unsuccessful.
But a white male / black female marriage is by FAR the most successful union there is in the US. It's bizarre. Outright

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The men don't want to be called racist for divorcing them, since they were virtue signalling by marrying them to begin with, and they don't want to give them half the their shit, which is why the hookers married the men to begin with.

Go to reddit to find your white boy.

Hypergamy. Black women are least desirable, so when they do land a white man there's fewer chances to trade up.

I was about to say this but you phrased it better

Such a small group it's hard to get a true reading on it. I would love to see an IQ test on a sample of these couples.

White male + Black Female - The man makes the decisions
Black male + White Female - The man makes the decisions

Any other questions?

The absolute, superlative, and patrician choice. Also, the final redpill. Wh*te women cannot even compete, to be honest anons.

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Because for a white man to marry a sheboon, he must really, REALLY love her. So he's not leaving, and there's no way a sheboon would leave after getting the catch of a lifetime.

girl in pic is cute as fuck.

As already said, no way a boon is departing after catching an Aryan man somehow, not even sure how this is possible.

Because Brown Qewts desire White dick. It is known. You should have seen me in high school. I drowned in brown poon.

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This statement behind a Confederate Flag, what a disgrace.

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Your children will be niggers and they will fucking hate you.


the result is the same.
possibly retarded offspring without cultural heritage and without race affiliation, literally a slave for the divide et impera agenda of elites.
Not too stupid for working but too stupid to be dangerous for them.
Enjoy your shot inside of black pussy, but think world's reality is more than that. A nigger will be always one.

because nogs women are the absolute lowest tier and white men are the top tier, and women usually initiate divorce

nog women know they cant get any better so they are subservient. Same reason why soyboys settle for chinks, theyre just easier because they know theyre a tier below you .

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White men are statistically the most desirable kind of men, and black women are statistically the least desired women, and women initiate the vast majority of divorces. She can't really trade up except with an even better white man, and that's a big risk to take when you're selling generally unwanted goods.


Maybe they're more aware of how good their white husband is compared to the niggers their friends are marrying. Also I assume white men and the worst sheboons simplky never marry, white men tend to marry the ones that look good and are not chimping out too much (ergo the ones that have high white admixture).

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>scientific racism

Really begs my questions


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>Why are black female / white male marriages 64% more successful than ANY other racial marriage union of any kind, in the United States?
>Even white people marrying each other, even Asian people marrying each other, is not nearly as successful. Black male / white female is quite unsuccessful.
>But a white male / black female marriage is by FAR the most successful union there is in the US. It's bizarre. Outright

Source? Protip: the other image of similar format to mine had a much smaller cohort. Stop regurgitating this lie.

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Selection bias. For a white man to get married to a black woman the woman has to be on the better, sensible end of black women, an average sheboon either would not get married to whitey or would not be good enough to attract a white man. Basically because there are so many hurdles in the way for such a marriage to happen, the ones that do happen are between people who are more sensible and dedicated than normal.

Black women are very loyal to their man. White men dont beat their women. It just works.

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Kek, what is this primitive meme even trying to convey at this point???

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Actually it's because no one wants black women. Black men don't even want black women. I mean the only people you see are either hillbillies with black women or black women movie stars with normie white men.

Nigresses are losers, even the top-tier ones, and like all minority women their utmost dream in life is to get a white boy.
Once they get one they try their hardest not to fuck it up, they dedicate their whole lives to it.
A large part of why nigresses are so insufferable, psychotic and angsty is because they are upset white guys don't want them. At least other minority women can accept it in grace, but nigresses cannot.

Am hillbilly can confirm a powerful hunger for dark meat.

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>black women are ugl-

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That image makes me rage because who ever created it does not understand genetics. No human on earth has a 3% more 'simian DNA.'

>all these mental gymnastics to try to explain why negresses make such good wives...
Oh wait, they don't. and just as you would expect of these subhumans they make garbage spouses

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They are NOT. That data is outdated shill

You have the gay

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There is nothing gay about wanting black dick instead of pussy.

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I dated white and Asian woman only for most of my late teens and early-to-mid twenties. I then switched it up and only dated black girls since. Unquestionably the best decision I ever made, I've had nothing but joy in all of my encounters and I've now settled down with my current girlfriend, we're probably going to get married and have babies. Oh and when you get a beautiful black girl with an amazing ass on her, nothing in the world can beat that. Black girls are too a tee the sweetest women I've had the pleasure of sharing intimate moments with.

>both racemixers

GOOD user ,enjoy the rest life with muttalto babies

>black women

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Black women know how bad black men are first hand, they will do fucking anything to keep a relationship with a good white guy.

This one had a few generations of bleaching before her. You can tell because she has tan lines.

I feel sorry for the white men here, distorted by their wicked racist ways, who will never know the enlightened ecstasy of sex with a beautiful black woman. Oh well, it's not my loss.

i once fell for yellowfever meme, never again

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>tfw white nationalist
>tfw want this though

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It's very simple...let me explain.

White women are infuriatingly passive agressive asshats.
Black women are just plain agressive.
After an argument both side know exactly where they stand and the situation gets resolved.

A black guy is far more likely to be physically violent in an escalating situation than a white guy.

Unlike any other racial combination, arguments get resolved and no one gets their ass beat up when a white guy and black woman form a relationship.

I'd actually like to see statistics on WMBF couples and domestic violence, it is pretty rare from what I can tell.

Your children will not look like you. They will have deep seated racial confusion and be prone to mental illness. You will never truly connect with your nigger kid.

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A white man marrying a negress is a man who had no other options at his disposal. A negress the catches a white man has reached the Pinnacle of what she is able to obtain. They stay together since the alternative for the man is nothing and for the negress is some street thing in and out of prison.

Wow, all of this coming from an anarchist. Touché.

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Say it with me


We should start a movement.

Reverse cuckolding with be the next fetish.

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A white man marrying an asian is a man who had no other options


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YOu dont mean CIA Street niggers?

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It's because black women are so horribly disgusting that you have to, you know, "love" her to even consider it in the first place.

stop shilling faggot
it's all bullshit


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So basically:
>How successful all marriages would be if people they were grateful just to be loved.
We are such fucking degenerates. What happened to western romance?!

Simple answer, black women despise black men. Not many are privy to this information, but there's this really weird turf war between them in the household. To put it simply, a white man offers everything a black man cannot.

Still guys, stay in your lane. The amount of people on this board who supposedly hate miscegenation yet shill WMBF and WMAF posts. Disgrace.

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Eternal virgin Faggot

bro that chart is bullshit

BW/WM marriages are at least 44% less likely to end in divorce than w/m/wf ones. Stop believing the shit you find on storm front

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because black women are either the most caring, selfless, supportive and loving women you can find or the most vindictive,judgemental and evil bitches on earth. no inbetween.

>meme flag
imagine my surprise. why aren't these threads pruned?

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I have a black girlfriend and she is not only a genius, but is an absolute sweetheart. So some of you hicks are hilarious as hell with your broad brushes.

Because when a white girl bones black dudes, white dudes always look at her at a nigger fucker.

because men hold all the power in such relationships (black women know how hard it is to bag a white man, also the black women who are interested in white men are ones who don't want to shit test and get murdered, hence why they avoid black men). If you give men power in a relationship you get a happy, healthy, stable relationship. If you give women the power you get the modern family dynamic. It's that simple.

>All these zoophiles here
You are disgusting.

All of these "black" women marrying white dudes are actually mutts with fuckloads of European DNA

Black qts deserve white husbands.

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you ever hear bill burr talk about his relationship? he fucking hates his marriage. my guess is white guys married to black chicks are too proud to admit they fucked up, and also suffer extreme white guilt -- ALSO they don't wanna pay alimony to some sheboon whore that's gonna sensationalize her marriage in a divorce court and get the maximum payout.

>he fucking hates his marriage
He seems to get along with his wife pretty well, and they're both in their 40 or something around that, which is the fucked up age for relationships.


This is white mans destiny manifested

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Is Harley Dean even black? Her bio doesn't mention any African ancestry.

>fucking retarded

The same fucking thread every fucking day.

leave it to the least white part of the country to (((redpill))) everyone on mating within your race

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really activates my walnuts

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Her bio says she is Filipino, Hawaiian, and Native American. She might not even be black, might just be a mix of a bunch of dark skinned folks.

This, but also from the opposite side, a white man can easily do better, meaning the only reason he would be with a black female is if he was really into her.

Verwoerd died in the 60s and that top picture isn't South Africa. There's literally thousands of images you could of used to prove this point, are you retarded?

Depends on the study. In different one I've seen 20% less. Which still is good, but not as impressive.

Anyway, I think wm/bf both know what they want, that's why it lasts. bm/wf both don't what they're getting into, that's why it doesn't.

Bull shit

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aka american