Uses his dead "friends" to get famous

>uses his dead "friends" to get famous
>scolds people and demands that they give up their rights
>gets called a crisis actor and flips the fuck out
>challenges Alex Jones to a debate, then bitches out once Jones accepts, then tries to deplatform Infowars
>bills attempting to ban guns in Florida fails and a bill that wants to arm teachers passes
>fame starts fading fast
>him and sister wear Nazi armbands and then try to delete the evidence
>is currently trying to call for unity on Twitter after being divisive for a month

Can't _____ the Hogg?

Attached: hogg-armband.jpg (618x860, 76K)

Other urls found in this thread:

can't bogg the hogg

>calls trump out for dodging the draft
>refuses to go back to school until 2A reforms

What a fucking school dodger.

We should call that kike sheriff and tell him to arrest the little truant

You forgot:
>forming coherent thoughts is like fucking brain surgery for this kid.
>types/talks like an absolute retard
>has absolutely zero understanding of civics in this country

This kid is the perfect example of why our schools are failing miserably. WTAFF are (((they))) teaching these kids in high school? There used to be mandatory civics/government courses required for graduation, but so they not anymore? JFC this absolute mongoloid is an embarrassment and CNN gladly trots him out like he’s helping their cause.

Is that the same Alex Jones that said his persona was an act?

Read: Because once normies get redpilled they'll beg us to rope glow in the dark niggers like Hogg.

Can't go to military without GED or high-school degree, so this kid is a military dodger too.

Mk ultra mind control makes you dumb. Thats why bush Jr is so effing retarded.

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Wtf are they trying to be like nazis?? How toxic

The one and only. Porn is legal because they're just actors having sex. Memeing is legal when you're an actor, even if you get sued biweekly

You just know this little faggot bullied that Cruz kid and he’s doing all this to cover it up

Holy shit, armbands are back!? I love it!

Media Nazis now... well, well, well. I've always said it.

I'd give up my guns if I could buttfuck his sister

Can't Zog the Hogg

He said that because otherwise he was a danger to his kids and couldn't get custody lol

Curb your Hoggism


It's weird knowing that the peace flag is essentially the broken cross.

can't unfuck the hogg

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Zionist occupation government, Zionist occupational government, or Zionist-occupied government (abbreviated as ZOG) is an antisemitic conspiracy theory that claims "Jewish agents" secretly control the governments of Western states.

>conspiracy theory LOL

even weirder is he is the primary suspect.

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He also refused to meet with Trump when he had that listening session. He's nothing more than an agitator, and now he wants to act like he's for unity after being so thoroughly BTFO.

Is David Hogg a young initiate witch?

I can think of better arm bands, much better ones.

These kids aren't actors
They ain't being coached or special interests are involved
This isn't a push for repeal 2A
Stop being conspiratards goyim

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what a skinny fucking retard, you could snap him like a twig

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His jawline is the most concerning physical feature. It's like he's an anime girl or a grey alien.


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I'd like the say he won't graduate but they'll probably make an exception for him


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Man Im just a fucking random dude and Id blow his ass the fuck out in a debate on anything. The dumbass has the mentality that what he says carries weight because he's a kid, because he's used to rolling his parents to get his way but that shit dont work in the real world. One debate and that fucking idiot would be rekt so hard you'd never see him again.


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Does your mainstream media even note those kids anymore? Their worldwide media attention sure sunk in matter of days.


This. The kids are just fucking retarded.

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Theyre fading fast. Their crusade to ban guns for extra credit failed and people are quickly forgetting about them.

>avoiding a duty to your nation is similar to choosing to postpone your education

Wow great analogy man. I really liked the part where it completely falls apart because the two items are categorically different. With the ability to make such shitty analogies I can only assume you are a school dodger as well.

But hey what the fuck do i know, vote Hillary 2020. The NRA is run by Israel and sponsored this post.

Wait, the bill to arm teachers actually has momentum? Thats fucking retarded.
I get that no matter how many school shootings happen no one will ever touch guns, but increasing the number of guns in a school due to too many shooting incidents is a comically bad idea. I even expected Trump to write it off as an off-the-cuff idea.

It's like an Onion article coming true.


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>dying in an illegal war started on a fraudulent basis is "doing a duty to your nation"

Wear those arm bands Jude

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thats a very accurate representation of how he looks

you're retarded if you think interest groups aren't paying for these fags to go speak

Does anyone actually think she came up with that idea on her own?

>more like ZOG amirite

How is it retarded? All these mass shootings happen where there are no guns. If a kid wants to become famous by shooting up a school, his dream fails when he is quickly taken out without getting a chance to do what he planned. Youve heard it countless times, "there has never been a mass shooting at a gun show", and why is that? Because a killer's dream of taking out a bunch of people will not work because he would be stopped from doing what he wants and will be just a dead shithead. School shooters cant be edgy when there are multiple people firing back.

No but Hitler did for his youth program.
Is the left dare I say it ..

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Can I get a quick Hogg down?

It's weirder once you know the peace flag is based on a depressed man.

-Rothschilds bow to Hogg
-In contact with aliens
-Possesses psychic-like abilities
-Controls CNN with an iron but fair fist
-Owns castles & banks globally
-Direct descendant of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Hoggdangrad will be be the first city)
-Owns 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Hogg babies
-David Hogg said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of a chinless angel who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with him
-He owns Nanobot R&D labs around the world
-You likely have Hoggbots inside you right now
-Hogg is are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Hogg bunker in Wilkes land?
-He learned fluent French in under a week
-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the Hoggs. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Hogg
-David Hogg is about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, he is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know his ultimate plans yet. We hope he's a benevolent being.

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We're talking about high school teachers, user. Police officers miss 80% of the shots they take because of nerves and fear, what the fuck do you think some high school teachers are going to do?

There has also never been a mass shooting at a dressage competition, but does that mean we should put all the teachers on groomed horses?

On his reddit he was nearly suicidal over not getting into his school of choice and being unable to find a gf. He's just gonna ride this wave as long as he can and then give up and kill himself

>"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." -David Hogg

After hearing this faggot, can you really blame Cruz? Just imagine having to deal with this faggot and his friends every day of school.

What an unoriginal idea.
How long until they have an official armband website that profits off of vacuous virtue signalling?
He already got high off his 15 minutes of fame and now he is left wanting more.
Can't de-synagogue the Hogg.

Don't need to go back to a school you just crisis acted for.

Not taking a shot is the most likely response a teacher will have in a mass shooting event. These guns will do nothing for these people.

I barely trust cops with guns, let alone high school teachers. Fucking retail workers have better job satisfaction than high school teachers.


You are aware that more often than not teacher die in these school shootings, right? Are you saying these teachers are so suicidal that they won't shoot at a kid with a rifle entering their classroom?

Got it!

I guess you don't know the difference between real life and action movies. That's fine you'll get there soon.

If anything arming teachers will just increase how many teachers die in these incidents (its generally relatively few) as it will make them the first targets. Also keep in mind the school shooter just wants to cause damage. They don't need to actually enter a classroom with an armed teacher, they can just blind fire into the room and then move on confident that at least a few people in there are dead/injured.

>protest gun violence
So will the Hogg call out African-American gang violence, the undoubted driver of gun violence in the United States? Nope. Only autistic white kids are the problem.

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as somone who never heard a word these people said or read anything about them and only know of them through seeing their pictures online

you just know they're getting addicted to fame and attention and it's about that, not 'helping people' that motivates them. and when that goes away they're going to have a void they'll spend the rest of their lives trying, and failing, to fill

if that pic is real I honestly hope the town that hosted that race gets shot up next

Explain to me what you meant you nigger!

He's being a retard. The peace symbol is rooted in the Nordic rune the symbolizes "Man."

I graduated in 2011 but it was required that we took a US Government class in 11th grade before we graduated. I lucked out and had a fairly conservative teacher though, who made it clear to teach us due process and that amendments are absolute.

That's gay as shit. I hate it when faggots go out and lie on the internet, wtf.

You cant Flog the Hogg

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also a euphemism for masturbation

There were so many good shoops in the thread and you took this?

He's a baby. The fuck you doin OP

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Fucking assholes.

I was punished by my public school for political speech I made on Facebook OFF CAMPUS. Tinker v. Des Moines only protects you if you're a leftist.

Remember this kid's dad worked for the "venerable" FBI, getting paid 6 figures to undermine our nation and the constitution. These are the literal cucks that get hired to "protect" our nation.

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Checked. She's a butter face for sure yet I would unironically fuck her up the ass.

Its almost like he's a stupid teenager who knows nothing about the world and was suddenly proppeled into the public eye. I wonder why he is not acting as professional as politicians or media experts with decade long experience and pr-teams.

Last time I wore and arm band to school I was called a nazi. Hypocrites

This ass wipe is starting to remind me of Hillary.
They will use him up like they did the old hag.

did it have a swastika on it?

Yeah, u jelly?

Pity his school friends couldn't dodge

>mfw it is all true

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Yeah, because no one has every defended themselves and other with a pistol before. Are all Canadians as retarded as you?

flog the hogg

The trouble is he's been zogged to fuck

>Uses literal death-rune as symbol of (((peace)))

God fucking damnit I hate hippies.

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Can't flog the Hogg.