"Women" are not hot

All of them, every single one, has zits, farts, belches, may get warts, boils, and is full of poo.

You can chase "women" if you want to, but it just makes you a silly weak faggot. Throughout nearly all of human history in every culture chasing women and being obsessed with women was a sign of weakness and was considered pathetic.

What is even worse is worshiping images of women you will never have.

They are full of poo just like the others.

Only one woman can be beautiful, and that is your wife. Find one woman and make her your world, the seed of your family.

Chasing women until you settle down with the last whore you banged is a recipe for disaster.

Choose one. And choose her based on her values as a mother and as a wife.

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Other urls found in this thread:


thats why you go 2d

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No, you fake country faggot. You're missing the point.

sauce pls

>All of them, every single one, has zits, farts, belches, may get warts, boils, and is full of poo.

Stop, I can only get so hard OP

king exit

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>women are humans
hold the fucking presses

>chasing women makes you a faggot

>women are full of poo
No way...

>women are not hot

found the faggot

Read: Because normies deserve to know the truth.

What good is a wife if she is full of poo?

The only thing I find really disgusting is armpit hair.

Came here to post this but then I read the OP and it’s actually a good message at the end

some girls are pretty

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Yes, men are the only aestethic gender

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She still gets Hershey squirts

>Choose one

They choose you silly and they all want BBC

What the fuck are you going on about, lad. Females are great, well a few of them are.

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girls with zits are fucking precious tho, especially when they're on their cheeks

Like this?

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m8 idk what you're on about but I don't even give women a look when I'm walking down the straight. I pretend they don't exist.

and If my balls need draining I have like 900 massage parlors in my neighborhood I can go to and get some CHINK CUNT to relieve me for 60 bucks.

They don't choose you if you have no value. Which you probably don't. They like predatory blacks because their instincts make them want men who are capable of violence.

where was this photo taken - looks comfy. Ignore the THOT.

Women's bodies are a thing of beauty... when I see a nice ass or big perky tits, I feel inspired and I get emotional...


Enjoy HIV

How are Women not hot. OP just admit it and just slowly step out of the closet.

We get it, you are gay.

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2d women, meanwhile, remain flawless.

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You have to accept one if you want the other, rarefag.

This is R9K pasta but replace wife with waifu pillow

I know, right? It's almost as if they are... *gasp* human!

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This is sorta why I prefer casual drunken sex. Don't have to deal with women as the gross humans they are full-time.

>champions 2D
>posts image of 2D converting to 3D

Op can't get any puss

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>This is sorta why I prefer casual drunken sex. Don't have to deal with women as the gross humans they are full-time.
did we not use enough napalm?

>diese untermenschen regen sich über frauen auf und haben dabei noch nie ihrer freundin einen pickel am rücken ausgedrückt

lauter schwächlinge

Absolutely. Worst mistake you can make is living with a woman. Let her be gross in her own place and let me see her only after she's cleaned herself up and prepared for our meeting.

its just lust.

then you are a weak faggot. Learn some virtue, choose a wife, and make a family.

The only thing waiting for you at the end of a pussy chase is a string of STDs.


yep, half hour massage cost 40 bucks and if you tip them in the massage room the lady knows to jerk you off, it's mandatory at that point

now if you are a regular, you can get away with some things like I sometimes slap the cunts ass and grab her neck, bring it closer to my cock and if she wants she can suck it a little to get the protein out

again, dating is obsolete in this decaying world the jews have left for us, you have to learn to adapt

enjoying getting fucked (figuratively of course lol)

>male "people"

Attached: Bloodsport how to deal with the patriarchy.webm (640x368, 2.74M)

OP got too much and is now imparting wisdom.

you're probably talking to an expat lad

>doesn't know that the picture is a metaphor

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>Imblyign I fuck with current year thots
>Not waiting for generation Zyklon to become legal
>Not smashing a virgin 19 year old after a traditional white wedding

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>he believes generation zyklon exists
>he thinks years of subversion hasn't already demoralized american youth beyond repair
>he still hasn't taken the black pill

why do you enjoy suffering lad? are you a masochist?

the only thing ugly about (most) women is their minds when it gets twisted by propaganda

>h-hey user you maybe want to read the bible together sometime?


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That's some blue-pilled thinking right now. The red pill is if you're attractive you get to pick whatever woman you want, including married ones.

If you can't get a woman I would suggest spending some time working on you.

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Nah, they all have wierd proportions that makes them walk like ducks. Except extremely tall women
Once you see it you can’t Unsee it.

women are beautiful despite this and if you dont get past it you will never get laid.

This. Sucking dick is the final redpilled.

I wanna cum in her asshole and watch her shit it out mmmmmmmmm

You're absolutely right. Most girls are pretty. But most women are disgusting whores plastered in make-up designed to make them look like girls.

reddit spacing and high levels of bullshit, check.
zyklon is real, but it's only half of the story; the other half is sjw retards with single mothers racking up STDs.

Talk about hitting the nail on the head.

I married a cute, conservative church girl when we were in our mid 20s.

>>No drama
>>No muh career
>>No I don’t want kids

So glad I didn’t spend my youth chasing (((modern womyn))). Looks aren’t everything. Starting a family, building wealth to pass on to your sons, etc. are more important than playing the field.

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the thing is to make them chase you my fat friend
i left this cesspit a year ago, why am i back...

This is the very reason I stopped talking to them. It feels dumb, but when you want so badly for girls to be pure it really ruins your perception
>see cute girl working at gamestop
>bring my Halo Reach Legendary edition up to the counter
>start nerding out about halo lore
>she is surprisingly into it, going back and forth with me for an hour about various aspects of the halo universe
>suddenly feel the need to use the restroom
>want to ask for her number before I leave, but she is blabbering on about the forerunners
>realize she probably has poo inside her as well
>suddenly feel disgusted
>say goodbye and start walking out the door
>she calls after me asking for my number
>don't respond, just walk faster
>didn't get my gamestop rewards points
That is the last time I talked to a woman.

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You chose wisely, my friend. Congratulations.

>dat delusion


look man, I have no malice towards you, I actually feel bad for you. Hope you find what you're looking for dude.

You have a classic case of Madonna-whore complex OP - go see a shrink:


Tips for finding your wife


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>basaaaah all woman are stinky and bad
>but ONE is not, one who will WANT you

op, no woman wants you. this personality of yours is sickening. cleanse yourself and/or don't procreate

Hi /fit/

>Work on you while she fucks around and maybe she will decide you're worthy enough to touch her

Read: Because once we redpill the normies they'll understand that the Patriarchy IS civilization as much as we do.

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Fertilize Indian crops? Where do you think curry comes from?

>They are full of poo
That just made me think that maybe serial killers like jack the ripper opened women up because they were overwhelmed by their outward beauty and wanted to destroy the power women had over them by seeing their imperfections - that " they are full of poo " .

Wow. Great fucking vid.


Washington state.


The only way I can deal with a 'girlfriend' is if it's a distance thing. We live apart (ideally not even in the same city, so meetings are "special").

Thinking you need to have sex every day/week/months is the fatal mistake most guys make. To do that you need to "buy the cow".

This video illustrates the death of our society. You must learn to adapt or you will inevitably fade. Why haven't you taken the black pill yet? I promise it will quell your suffering, you need to trust me on this one..


>"stop chasing women!!!"
>On Sup Forums of all the places

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>Don't marry a woman and start a family goy!

Just wait until Zyklon B 2: The Goy Strikes Back

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>women are human beings, and are thus imperfect
damn, what a startling revelation. I am shaken to my core

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Every time you drink enough you get drunk. Nearly every time you fuck a stranger it's pretty fun. Video games are mostly a guaranteed good time, etc.

Sure, you can invest more time, effort, and resources into more 'meaningful' forms of delayed gratification, but there's a good chance those will never pay off. How is that rational, unless you're EXTREMELY confident you're the guy who's going to cure cancer or carve David or whatever? Most people who invest themselves in difficult things end up failing anyway.

Why is this a black family?

>Find one woman and make her your world, the seed of your family.

That's beautiful in theory, but the truth is that in the current state of affairs, once the woman knows you're making her the center of your life she will start thinking she deserves better and get someone else. At least 99% of them.

The modern power balance between men and women is completely fucked by these notions of """equality""" that just hurts everyone in the end.

You are more than welcome to bemoan the fact that life isn't fair, but if you don't work with what you got then you will die bitter, old, and alone. The worst part is that the only person that will care is the poor schmuck tasked with cleaning up your remains.

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Yeah I think I am actually. That's besides the point, though.
I guess faith is what keeps me going. Faith that history can repeat just enough to revive a dying superpower and cleanse it of putrification, but also to differ in that we don't get zerg rushed by our cousins and brothers and die in the rubble of Berlin.
If the day comes that I lose all faith in the future and take the blackpill. I'll also be getting a tactical bowlcut.

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These guys get it

and they LIE